Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 772 My fate is determined by me, not by God

Mo Xun walked forward slowly under the firelight. On the left and right sides, there were some dry skeletons that had existed for who knows how many years.

According to Eyeball, these are intruders who have lost their way in the mysterious cave for tens of thousands of years.

It was the cave on the rock wall that Qin Bingkun had warned him not to enter.

Some of the skeletons have long since weathered into dust, and some have faintly discernible body shapes.

The entire Nine Peaks Blood Pool is transformed into the blood unicorn's true form.

The rock caves inside are the bone meridians of the body.

What this road leads to does indeed have a trace of the blood unicorn's original aura.

But the eyeball naturally did not kindly let him have any chance, but used this ray of origin to attract the other eye from his body.

As for the use of this eye, he didn't ask the result.

But it’s definitely not a good thing!

When it comes to the origin of Qilin, it is not like he has never been exposed to it.

When we were in the Moon and Star Palace, we even soaked in Qilin Liquid with Luo Xi!

However, I don't know if that thing is because it is old or because it has too little origin. Even if he has built a foundation, its effect is only to widen the meridians a little.

Thinking of this, he seemed to understand why that eye possessed him in the Five Elements Cave.

It seems that this object is not the Third Eye, but really the Kirin Eye.

Perhaps it was the weak original aura in his body that attracted him.

At this moment, Mo Xun once again realized some kind of destiny!

Everything he experienced seemed to have been planned a long time ago. Once the cause is established, it will inevitably lead to the final consequences.

So, is his fate heading towards a fixed ending?

If that's the case, what's the point of his current efforts?

No matter what you do, you will end up with the same outcome.

But soon, he dismissed this negative thought.

My destiny is up to me, even if someone has written a destiny for me, he will still take back the pen of destiny in the desperate situation.

He suddenly stopped and closed his eyes tightly. In just a short moment, his state of mind seemed to have improved to another level!

And the cultivation that had been stagnant for a long time seemed to suddenly become loose.

If the previous bottleneck was like a buoy in the vast ocean, he looked around but could not find any trace of it.

But now, it is like a lone lamp in the morning fog.

Although it is still hazy, there is a goal to move forward.

He even felt that with a little effort, he could jump over the lone lantern in one fell swoop and reach the peak of pill formation!

After standing there for a long time, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes.

The surroundings were still dim, but he felt a little more excited inside.

He wanted to enter the gourd cultivation immediately and try to break through the shackles again, but he held back.

Right now is obviously not the time!

Just as he was about to continue walking forward, he suddenly noticed a dry white skeleton next to him.

Judging from the size of the skeleton, it should be a man.

What attracted him was not the way this person died, nor what was on his body, but the other person's hand bones.

This man actually has six bone toes on his hand.

"Six-fingered Xiao!"

This was the first thought that came to his mind.

He raised his spear and pushed away the palm on the other side.

This hand is no different from ordinary people!

However, in his hand, he held a golden stick about four feet long.

The end of the stick was very sharp, and there were faint traces of a mechanism. It was probably a hidden weapon or something.

The six-fingered weapon, similar to Changxiao, has disappeared for hundreds of years!

Don't these correspond exactly to the "six-fingered long Xiao" discovered by Huangfu Xin?

He hurriedly bent down and searched among the man's weathered clothes.

Soon, he found a disk-shaped object slightly larger than the palm of his hand.

This thing was completely black, with many strange runes and azimuth scales carved on it. It was very similar to the original Sanqingpan drawings that Huangfu Xin showed him!

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly lit up!

As the saying goes, there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, but there is another village with hidden flowers and bright flowers!

It probably describes his mood at the moment.

He even sighed secretly that this trip was indeed the right one.

Not only had he harvested the blood arowana, his realm had become looser, but he also found a way to leave this realm.

He even wondered if all the good luck he had accumulated over the years suddenly exploded on this day.

After putting away the three clearings, he was even more looking forward to the next Qilin Origin.

When he stepped into a cave that was like an atrium, his heart skipped a beat again.

Because inside, there was a blood-colored bead floating quietly.

This bead is as big as a fist, and its surface emits a dark red light, like a dusty red luminous pearl!

But he knew that they were not beads, but a collection of extremely pure blood.

Also commonly known as the essence condensed pearl!

Even if you look at it from a distance, you can still feel the vastness and majesty of the original energy!

How much terrifying power of blood is contained in this?

He instinctively wanted to get closer and watch, but he reacted immediately.

This thing is by no means as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

I saw him slowly retreating from the cave. After thinking for a while, he took out a large amount of formation equipment.

First, a large blood array was arranged around it.

Take out all the remaining high-level beast cores.

Then he arranged several spiritual power formations in the blood formation, each one of which he was not as perfunctory as before.

These formations include siege, defense, and attack!

After doing this, he summoned Bai Ze and Mo Hun at the same time.

As for whether it is necessary to treat it so solemnly, we will know it later.

At present, his understanding of this thing is limited to the few words from the eyeball.

It took two incense sticks to complete these preparations.

After the spiritual power in the formation was almost restored, he suddenly put away the silver spear and replaced it with the Jade Sky Sword.

Although the Tongbao Spear is of a higher level, it is not as powerful as the Jade Sky Sword because it lacks the spirit of the weapon.

Above his head, the Black Heron Nebula Disk was covered!

At the same time, when his palm turned, the Xuantian True Fire also built a circle of protection on the periphery.

This kind of response, I am afraid that even if facing a Yuanying cultivator, it is no more than this!

If this thing is really as terrifying as the eyeball said, it would not be excessive to be more solemn.

He held a silver sword in his hand, and the nebula disk slowly rotated, creating a faint halo around him.

Such a scene made people feel quite strange.

It was obviously a dead object, but it looked as if it was facing a great enemy.

When it was less than ten feet away from the blood bead, the change finally happened.

First, a blue light suddenly flashed in his left eye.

Then a dark blue thing flew out of his eye and flew towards the blood bead like lightning.

Mo Xun was quick-witted and waved the flag in his hand, forming an invisible barrier in front of the blue light in an instant.

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