Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 773 Origin Blood Pearl

Then there was a bang and a muffled sound of collision.

The blue light seemed to hit a transparent wall and was directly bounced to the other side.


Bai Ze beside him reacted at the first time and moved almost at the same time as Mo Xun's reminder.

Amid the roar, the white figure jumped high, opened his mouth and sucked hard.

The blue light was still struggling to resist, but it was obviously in vain. It only supported for a moment before being swallowed by Bai Ze.

Mo Xun didn't know whether this eye and the previous eyeball were both restrained by Bai Ze, but as the saying goes, one thing doesn't take two masters, and both were handed over to the little guy to solve.

The last time he was attacked by this thing, it was mainly because he was not prepared.

Now, apart from the unexpectedness, this thing is not difficult to deal with.

After all, it's just an eye. Even if it is cultivated into a spirit, how much Taoism can it have?

Although he has not been affected by this eye over the years, it is still a heartache to be hidden in the body by such an unknown thing!

Maybe one day, at a critical moment, he will lose his life.

If this can go smoothly, he will have to study it carefully after he goes out.

Before he could relax for a moment, perhaps because of the noise just now, he finally alarmed the main target of this mobilization, the essence bead!

A blood mist suddenly emanated from the blood bead.

The entire cave was instantly filled with thick blood-colored mist, covering everything that could be seen.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and all the formation flags in his hand were thrown out.

The blood mist suddenly flashed with rosy clouds, forming a series of formation barriers, trapping him in it.

Fortunately, he is a cultivator, even if he can't see, he has a sense of consciousness to distinguish left and right.

If an ordinary body refining master is in this environment, he can probably only sense the surroundings through spatial fluctuations.

Mo Xun's preparations were not in vain.

At the moment the formation was activated, the blood bead seemed to come alive and rushed towards him like a gust of wind and lightning.

Despite the presence of several layers of barriers, Mo Xun did not dare to be careless.

And the current caution did help him escape.

The blood bead seemed to be launched from the spot, and the huge impact directly tore through several layers of formation barriers, and the speed did not decrease at all.

When his consciousness captured this scene, Mo Xun quickly flashed and left the spot.

At the same time, with a thought, the nebula disk turned into a shield and blocked the blood bead.

With a "boom" sound, the nebula disk was knocked away, but the blood bead turned a corner in the air and flew towards him again.

This thing is like a powerful magic weapon that can attack on its own!

Almost without thinking, he held the sword with both hands and slashed hard.

The vast mana condensed formed a sword light of several feet on the Jade Sky Sword.

The sword light touched the blood energy, blooming an extremely dazzling and brilliant glow, illuminating the surroundings.

The whole cave shook as if it was about to collapse.

Fortunately, this place was transformed from the flesh of the blood unicorn. In terms of its solidity, it could not be destroyed by ordinary treasures.

Even with the help of the weapon spirit, Mo Xun was also shaken away by this sword.

And the blood bead finally slowed down.

At the same time, Mo Hun, who had been waiting on the side, waved the blood knife and chopped it down.

It was just that the realm and magic weapon of the incarnation were obviously one level lower.

With all his strength, it only slightly changed the trajectory of the blood bead.

The powerful backlash of magic power caused Mo Xun and the incarnation to suffer minor injuries one after another.

But he never stopped at all. The nebula disk flew into the air again, and countless dense black and white chess pieces were shot out during the rotation.

These chess pieces soon showed a regular array layout, circling quickly in the air, trapping the blood bead in it.

This array was not specially created by him, but was improved from the ordinary strangulation array.

Simply put, it is nothing more than using chess pieces as mobile battle flags.

In fact, he had long realized that this method was somewhat unknown.

In this way, the true power of this thing was not brought into play.

He could not go down the path of chess, but it did not prevent him from creating a chess formation for this purpose. It was just that he had been running around all these years and had no time to do it.

The blood bead was surrounded by hundreds of chess pieces, and no matter which direction it broke through, it would be intercepted.

And Mo Xun's side was obviously not much better.

Controlling hundreds of chess pieces at the same time, the consumption of spiritual consciousness alone was an extremely heavy burden.

Fortunately, he had practiced Jingyuan Gong for many years, and his spiritual consciousness was already one level higher than that of the cultivators of the same level.

There was a constant intensive banging sound in his ears, which was the sound of the collision between the chess pieces and the blood bead.

With each collision, the blood bead would shrink a bit.

It was not until dozens of breaths later that the restless origin finally calmed down.

But it was only the size of a longan.

Mo Xun, on the other hand, covered his head in pain, staggered and almost fell.

It was not the consumption of his dharma power, but the overdrawn consciousness. It was as if there were countless sharp needles in his brain, constantly pricking his nerves.

He almost fainted.

The chess pieces not far away were still circling.

In the middle, a condensed essence bead that had shrunk by an unknown amount was quietly suspended.

The blood-colored brilliance on its surface had dimmed to the point of almost extinguishing.

Mo Xun couldn't help but reveal a bitterness at the corner of his mouth. He was afraid that his efforts for half a day were in vain.

What's the use of the essence bead without the essence of the origin?

But this result was within his expectations.

The eyeball had mocked him before. If the Qilin origin was so easy to collect, people would have used it for themselves long ago.

Now, it would not still be just an eye.

Mo Xun came here just to give it a try.

If it works, it's good. Even if it doesn't, it's fate!

Fortunately, there is still a little blood in this bead, and it hasn't dissipated completely.

After recovering for half an hour, Mo Xun stood up again.

He has nothing to lack now, but there is only one thing that is always hard to find.

That is the spiritual consciousness pill!

In the past, when fighting against the enemy, the spiritual consciousness consumption has never been as much as today, so the disadvantage is not obvious.

Or he has not used such a large number of complete sets of magic tools, and then has not experienced the feeling of spiritual consciousness exhaustion.

But spiritual consciousness medicine has always been hard to find, and he has no good way at the moment.

All he could do was wait for the opportunity!

As the blood array beast core was consumed, he had already collected all the things that needed spiritual power.

Now, in the cave, only he and the origin blood bead were left.

After a slight hesitation, he held the blood bead in his palm.

This thing was really mysterious. It was obviously condensed essence, but it was like a physical entity.

He then ran the Dharma Golden Body Technique in his body, trying to absorb the remaining origin energy.

But the next moment, his eyes widened, and his eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and his eyeballs almost bulged out of his eye sockets.

And the small blood bead in his hand also dimmed for a while and suddenly glowed red.

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