Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 774 Six-foot Golden Body

Then, Mo Xun felt an unprecedented surge of blood and energy, like a flood that broke through the dam, constantly rushing into his body meridians.

In just a moment, he felt like he wanted to explode.

His bones seemed to be shattered inch by inch with a series of crackling sounds.

With a sizzling sound, his clothes were directly torn by his swollen flesh, and the exposed skin turned blood red.

The blood vessels that bulged like blue veins looked extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, this kind of emergency situation has not been encountered before.

He quickly mobilized the spiritual power around his body and took the lead in protecting his heart meridian and dantian.

At the same time, he was about to let go and throw away the blood bead.

But that thing disappeared!

It seemed to have turned into vast blood and energy, all of which seeped into his palm.

In an instant, he realized that what he had consumed before was mostly just a disguise on the outside of the original blood and energy.

The real essence of the original source is this thing!

Then his body refining cultivation skyrocketed at an incredible speed.

The middle stage of the fifth realm!

The late stage!

The peak!

There was a sudden bang in his body. He didn't need to use any skills at all. The violent blood broke through the barrier and took him directly to the sixth realm.

Although his cultivation was growing rapidly, his face was not relaxed at all.

In just a moment, blood oozed from his body.

If it weren't for his strong will, the pain of breaking bones and breaking flesh would make him faint.

After entering the sixth realm, the growth of his cultivation still did not slow down.

The early stage!

The middle stage!

The late stage, the peak!

In just a dozen breaths, he reached a height that ordinary people might not be able to reach in their lifetime.

And this growth is still continuing!

If it were in the past, he would definitely be excited about the improvement of his realm.

But at this moment, he was afraid!

He felt like there were countless steel needles piercing from the surface of his body to the depths of his meridians. There was no part of his body that was not experiencing the pain of slow slicing.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore and roared, which echoed in the cave for a long time.

At this moment, he almost became a blood man.

If it weren't for the spiritual power to protect him, when the first wave of blood rushed over, his dantian might have exploded.

How much terrifying energy was hidden in that small blood bead?

He poured the Hun Tian Shen Fluid into his stomach drop by drop as if it was free.

The skin and blood around his body were repeatedly stalemate in the tearing and recovery at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His cultivation was still growing wildly!

There was another burst of explosion in his body!

He broke through again and entered the seventh level of body refining!

This level, which is currently only possessed by three city lords, was actually reached by him within dozens of breaths.

Then it was the early stage, the middle stage...

Until the peak, when it seemed that he was only one step away from entering the eighth level, he finally exhausted the last bit of energy and slowly stopped.

It was unknown how long it took for his bloody skin to return to normal, but the bottom of his body had long been stained by mixed blood and sweat.

In his hand, he still tightly grasped the bottle of Huntian Divine Liquid.

But inside, it was empty!

Although the injuries on his flesh had recovered, his skin was still red as if it had been boiled in boiling water.

He was constantly panting, lying on the ground in such a mess.

Now he was in a state of unspeakable emotions.

He had the joy of advancing his cultivation, the relief of surviving a disaster, and the lingering fear of the pain the other party had just suffered!

Even he, who had experienced countless life and death, felt terrified by that feeling!

Fortunately, it was finally over.

If he had not been a cultivator and had spiritual power to protect his heart meridian, if it had been placed on an ordinary person, he would have died countless times.

There was also the healing holy medicine of Huntian Liquid.

Or, the chaotic turbid air in his body also helped to a certain extent.

Because every time he was about to lose consciousness, he could always feel a sense of coolness, instantly pulling him back to reality.

Obviously, no matter which one of them is missing, he can't hold on this time.

The only pity is that the magic medicine has been consumed.

But the harvest is beyond his imagination.

The peak of the seventh realm!

Without the help of magic power, he has almost stood at the top of this world.

He can sense that there seems to be an unprecedented vast power in his body.

With one punch, he can even collapse a mountain!

Is this the punch that can collapse mountains and force that can shake the earth in the Dharma Image Golden Body Sutra?

He seemed to have touched some kind of mystery in the flesh.

He sat up slowly, his fingers gently felt the difference in his skin, and then he clenched his hands hard, and a golden light faintly bloomed under the red skin.

Arhat magic!

I think the first chapter of skin refining should be almost complete.

He quickly recalled the second magic in the technique, the six-foot golden body!

He suddenly jumped up, and the golden body technique in his body was activated, and his body was shining with golden light, like a terrifying Arhat killing god.

The golden light spread out, as if it were real.

The stone under his feet was shattered by the golden light, and turned into powder in an instant!

The place where he stood was also directly sunken.

The range of the golden light, when it extended to about half a foot, could not go any further.

After a while, Mo Xunfang withdrew his magical power.

It turned out that this golden body was an extremely powerful defensive method.

It's just that his realm is too low now. He can only exert half of his six-foot golden body.

If he can master the three exercises one day, won't the six-foot range around him become like an iron barrel?

For the first time in his life, he felt that body refining seemed to be more powerful than cultivating immortals in some aspects.

He suddenly laughed without any warning, and the sound shook the four directions!

At this moment, it is indeed worth it!

At the peak of the seventh realm, as long as nothing unexpected happens, he can even break through to the eighth realm of body refining in a very short time!

What is this concept?

Once you enter this realm, you can match the strength of Yuanying cultivators.

Body refining is faster than cultivating immortals. I'm afraid that few people in this world have such an experience as him.

Then he sat down on the ground again. Although he had recovered from the rapid advancement before with the Hun Tian Divine Liquid, there were still many hidden diseases in his body.

As for his mana, he also needed to recover to his peak as soon as possible to deal with the complicated situation next.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a sudden rumble around.

The whole cave began to shake.

Mo Xun was startled. Could it be that this place was going to be closed?

That was not right. The eyeballs that controlled this place were trapped by Bai Ze. How could this happen?

As the shaking became more and more intense, he hurried back to the original path.

Fortunately, there was no fork in the road, and he soon flew out of a cave.

Looking back, he found that he was actually at the highest point on the main peak.


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