In the shaking like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, the nine peaks seemed to be trapped in quicksand and were sinking rapidly!

When he looked up, his eyelids jumped.

The originally blood-red sky seemed to be shattered by something, and countless dense cracks appeared.

Although he had a green gourd, even if he really encountered any danger, he could hide in it temporarily.

But if this place was like the Guixu in the past, trapping him for 20 or 30 years, it would be troublesome.

With this thought, he immediately turned into a rainbow light and went back the way he came.

In the air, huge pieces of red rubble began to fall from the sky.

But with his speed, it took only a few breaths to reach the previous mountain passage.

When he stepped into the pool near the outside world, there were just a few people who were about to jump in.

Mo Xun knew these people, they were the masters of the other two cities.

Even the Zhenwu City Lord Qiao Cang was among them.

Mo Xun's appearance naturally attracted the attention of others.

However, Qiao Cang just glanced at him coldly, and then disappeared with everyone.

Perhaps the other party also knew that if they didn't leave quickly before the collapse of this place, they might not be able to get out.

As for the grudges, they could be settled outside.

Mo Xun was calm in his heart. As long as these people didn't provoke him, he didn't have time to care about them.

As for the previous minor frictions, he didn't even take it to heart.

But Xia Huaiying was on his hunting list.

There was actually no serious conflict between him and Shangwu City. The City Lord's Mansion used him to compete with the other two cities for resources, and he also borrowed the other party to enter the blood pool.

It should have stopped here.

But those unsatisfied guys actually planned to plot against him.

If this matter was placed in the world of immortal cultivation, those ruthless high-level cultivators would even make a move to exterminate the clan.

As soon as he jumped into the vortex, he felt the feeling of being torn apart again.

But this time, perhaps because of his improved cultivation, he was not as uncontrollable as before.

He felt quite relieved when he returned to the bottom of the lake.

This trip was very fruitful. With the Sanqing Plate in hand, he would be able to leave this world in no time.

When he rushed out of the lake, a large group of people rushed up from all sides and surrounded him.

Everyone had a murderous look on their faces.

Mo Xun looked around and frowned.

These people were naturally the masters of the other two cities, led by Qiao Cang and Mo Lingyun, and each of them held a different weapon in his hand.

As for the people from Shangwu City, there was not a single one.

Because except Xia Huaiying and Huangfu Xin, they were all dead!

Qiao Cang and Mo Lingyun looked at each other first, and then the former said, "Why are you the only one out?"

Mo Xun smiled coldly and said jokingly, "What are you doing, welcoming me?"

Qiao Cang snorted coldly and suddenly took out a scissor-shaped weapon from his back.

"Why waste time arguing with this man, just take him down!"

As soon as these words came out, the people from Zhenwu City approached a few steps in unison, as if waiting for the city lord to give an order and attack in groups!

Mo Lingyun waved his hand.

"Brother Qiao, don't worry. Shangwu City took the lead in letting this person out, most likely there is some conspiracy. You might as well wait a little longer. Even if you want to kill him, it doesn't matter for a moment."

Qiao Cang stared at Mo Xun with resentment.

He hated Mo Xun because he was slapped in the face in public before, and because the two city masters got nothing in the blood pool this time.

According to their original plan, there were a few people who were likely to advance to the seventh realm.

But in the middle of the journey, he was unexpectedly drained of blood.

Although this kind of thing should be done by the people of Shangwu City, since Mo Xun belongs to Shangwu, he has to bear this price.

The combination of the two made him want to tear Mo Xun into pieces immediately.

If he knew that there was a torture called soul extraction and soul refining in the world of cultivation, he might use it on Mo Xun.

"Master Mo, I advise you to be more sensible. It is best to tell us everything about you in there, as well as the whereabouts of other people. Considering that you and I are from the same family, I may let you die more comfortably."

Mo Xun glanced at him and asked lightly: "What if I don't know what's good for me?"

Mo Lingyun slowly put away the smile on his mouth.

"It seems that you don't want to drink the wine!"

Although the two-city plan failed this time, no one can advance to the seventh level.

But their current lineup is not to be underestimated by anyone.

Including two seventh-level masters, there are a total of 24 masters.

If this group of people wanted to, they could probably massacre the original Shangwu City within half a day!

This is also the confidence that they dared to stay here and wait after they came out.

Before, because they took into account that everyone was a Tiankui body refiner, even if they wanted to annex Shangwu City, they were prepared to take a gentle approach.

But this time, the Nine Peaks Blood Pool incident was tantamount to completely tearing their faces apart.

In the eyes of the two city lords, Mo Xun might be very powerful.

So powerful that no matter who they are, it is difficult to match them alone.

But no matter how powerful he is, can he withstand more than 20 people attacking at the same time?

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly. To be honest, he didn't want to get involved in the disputes in this world anymore, and he didn't have the addiction to killing.

But others didn't seem to think so.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet for a while.

The murderous aura of dozens of people gathered together, as if even the air had become solidified.

"Master Mo, I will give you one last chance. Are you willing to watch those two beauties die with you?"

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly condensed, and the momentum on his body burst out in an instant.

"What do you mean?"

Qiao Cang tutted twice without knowing.

"Those two girls are really beautiful, but unfortunately... they will be Qiao's women in the future!"

After Mo Xun killed the two masters of his Zhenwu City, Qiao Cang began to use various means to investigate the other party's ins and outs clearly.

This feud was originally a situation of no end to life.

He did not think of any reconciliation.

In this case, killing the people around Mo Xun has also become a part of this plan.

The murderous intent in Mo Xun's eyes at this moment is no longer concealed.

"Okay, you are all good!"

As soon as the voice fell, he moved suddenly!

The first target was naturally Qiao Cang.

Everyone was shocked at the same time, especially Qiao Cang, who didn't expect that Mo Xun would take the initiative in this situation.

However, his reaction was not slow.

But just as he raised the long scissors in his hand, his pupils suddenly dilated.


In his opinion, it was indeed impossible, because he had just fought with Mo Xun not long ago.

He knew that the other party was very strong, but how could he be so strong?

Compared with more than a month ago, Mo Xun's strength and speed had not only increased several times?

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