Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 779: Registered Disciple

Cheng Mu was no stranger to Bai Ze. You know, the last time he had shit and urine, it was all because of this seemingly harmless little girl.

With his eyesight, he could see a little bit of Bai Ze's transformed body.

He was also curious, where did Mo Xun come from, and how could he have a transformed monster?

And judging from the degree of this transformation, it was at least above level eight.

What a concept?

That was an existence that could rival a Yuanying cultivator.

But Mo Xun, on the other hand, was only at the Jindan stage!

Of course, he didn't ask about this, and didn't dare to ask!

As for the experience in the gourd before, Mo Xun explained that it was a special formation, but Cheng Mu felt that the other party might have some kind of Qiankun treasure in his hand, so that he could still have an independent spiritual power space in a place like Tiankui Realm where no one was shitting.

He would naturally not ask about this kind of thing.

Not to mention Mo Xun's help to him, he was not qualified to be curious about his cultivation level in the late Jindan stage.

Seeing that Bai Ze was looking at him first, Cheng Mu quickly bowed.

How could he afford to offend an eighth-level monster?

"Huh? Aren't you the guy who smells so bad?"

Cheng Mu's mouth twitched, but the smile on his face did not diminish.

"Hello, senior!"

Mo Xun patted the little girl's head from behind and threw her a jade map.

Bai Ze first glanced around in surprise, and asked in confusion: "Uncle, are we out now? Have you found Sister Yunniang?"

Speaking of Yunniang, Mo Xun's expression could not help but reveal a bit of complexity.

But soon, he regained his calm.

"You go to the front and drive the car first. I have something to say to these three Taoist friends."

The treasure car drew a long tail in the clouds and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

In the secret room of the carriage, Mo Xun invited the three people to sit down.

Since they have returned to the world of cultivation, some things must be explained to them.

He first briefly introduced the general situation of the entire Xihezhou to several people.

Including regional distribution, sect power, and the current war between humans and demons.

Seeing the three people fall into deep thought at the same time, Mo Xun did not urge them. After all, it takes a process of acceptance to hear these things for the first time.

After a long time, he asked, "What are your plans?"

Qi Ruyan reacted the fastest and quickly changed from sitting to kneeling.

"Wherever the master goes, Ruyan will follow."

If you want to say who is the most panicked among the three, it is her.

She does not know how to cultivate immortals, and she has not practiced body. In this unfamiliar environment, she can't think of a second way to survive except to follow Mo Xun.

Even if she wants to survive, she doesn't know where to start.

Huangfu Xin was a step slower, but he also knelt down on the ground.

"Now that I have become a disciple of the master, I am also willing to serve you."

Huangfu Xin is not stupid, even if the young man in front of him looks younger than him.

But who can blame him for his high cultivation?

What face and dignity are nothing in front of Changsheng.

If he were to explore the cultivation of immortality on his own, who knows how many detours he would have to take?

Mo Xun did not agree, but he did not question the loyalty of the two, but looked at Cheng Mu on the side.

Cheng Mu clasped his fists and smiled.

"Thank you, Brother Mo. I can't recover my cultivation for the time being, and I am unfamiliar with the place. I can only continue to trouble you. If Brother Mo has anything to do, I, Cheng, may be able to help a little."

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled bitterly. This is all dependent on him.

But it's good, he should now build his own power.

"To be honest with you, I am not actually from Xihezhou..."

Then, Mo Xun introduced his experience again.

The three people who listened were surprised!

Cheng Mu sighed in his heart. Compared with other people's lives, his incredible past did not seem so bizarre.

"So it won't be long before I have to find a way to return to my hometown. Are you willing to follow me?"

Qi Ruyan and Huangfu Xin looked at each other.

"My disciple is willing!"

Cheng Mu laughed again.

"Whether it is Xihezhou or Dongshengzhou, it is the same to me. As long as Brother Mo does not despise me, I am willing to follow."

In fact, this applies to all three people.

Qi Ruyan and Huangfu Xin have no worries, so it doesn't matter where they practice.

Cheng Mu wanted to see how Mo Xun crossed the big state to return, maybe he could learn a thing or two.

"In that case, I won't say much."

While speaking, Mo Xun threw a storage bag to Cheng Mu.

There were some elixirs and spirit stones in it, which was a gift for joining the gang.

"Brother Cheng might as well go to the secret room next to practice first. If you have anything, you can come to me at any time."

Looking at Cheng Mu's back as he left, Mo Xun then set his sights on the two people in front of him.

"You said before that you wanted to take me as your master, have you made up your mind?"

Before in Tiankui Realm, the two of them were more wishful thinking. Mo Xun did not promise, but he also did not refuse. He just said that he would talk about it in detail after he got out.

The two of them said "yes" at the same time, but Mo Xun still did not give in.

"Being a disciple is not a child's play. I have only accepted one disciple since my cultivation. Previously, it was because of my lack of cultivation that I did not dare to be implicated in too many karma. Now, I can only say that I have some confidence. I am There are many enemies in the outside world. Once you get involved with me, you must be mentally prepared. Do you understand what I mean? "

Mo Xun's words are true. He has always been cautious in recruiting disciples.

As for talking about the cause and effect of contamination, it is somewhat nonsense.

To put it simply, I am afraid of trouble!

As for the enemies, it is not without aim. Although some of them have already been dealt with by him, there may not be any that are easy to deal with.

"Although I, Huangfu Xin, have done a lot of evil things in the past, I still know how to respect my master. My master's enemies are also my enemies!"

Qi Ruyan said equally firmly: "Ruyan can afford such a price!"

Looking at the two people who prostrated themselves in front of him, Mo Xun was silent for a while before he said, "The most I can do now is accept you as registered disciples. As for the reason, I will talk to you in detail later. I wonder if you are willing?"

"Disciple is willing!" The two of them answered almost in unison.

"Huangfu, please wait outside. I'll call you after I finish talking to Ruyan!"

After Huangfuxin left, Mo Xun casually placed a layer of soundproofing around him, and then looked at Qi Ruyan.

"In any case, I am able to establish myself in the Tiankui world because of your contribution, so I don't object to accepting you as my disciple, but do you know what your problem is?"

Qi Ruyan shook his head blankly.

Mo Xun sighed softly.

"It's your age, which is why I can only accept you as a registered disciple for the time being."

Qi Ruyan couldn't help but blush. She didn't expect Mo Xun to be so direct, and to point it out so openly in front of a woman.

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