Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 780: Meeting an old friend again

This is simply saying to someone’s face that they are old!

The fact that Mo Xun was so outspoken proved that he did not regard her as an outsider.

Some words may sound nice, but they are useless!

But Qi Ruyan didn't know how to answer it.

She doesn't want to get older. Since she turned thirty, she has deliberately avoided birthdays every year.

But time makes people grow older. Who doesn’t want to stay at the age of seventeen or eighteen forever?

When Mo Xun turned his palm over, he saw an extra piece of red scale armor.

Miraculously, the scales suddenly turned into a red blood fish at the next moment, floating in his palm.

The blood fish seemed to have just been fished out of the water, and it was still shaking its tail fin, trying to break free from some kind of restraint.

"This thing is called the Blood Arowana. It is said that it can prolong life for fifty years. As for whether it is true or not, I have not personally verified it. You eat it now. The most I can help you is this. Also, please remember that, Don’t let any third person know about this except you and me, otherwise it will lead to death, don’t say I didn’t remind you!”

Qi Ruyan was stunned.

Extend your life by fifty years!

This is tantamount to giving her a second life!

It should be noted that she is only in her sixties so far. If she hadn't taken good care of herself over the years, she would have looked old.

Qi Ruyan looked at the strange bloody fish in front of him and didn't know how to react for a moment.

This kind of divine thing cannot be measured by money at all.

Even if it is priceless, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Mo Xun saw her thoughts and smiled slightly.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. Just practice with all your heart in the future. I rarely accept disciples in my life, but as long as I accept my status as master and disciple, I will do my best to teach you."

Qi Ruyan left with excitement and gratitude!

Anyone would be excited about this kind of thing.

As for gratitude, it comes completely from the heart!

She was also secretly glad for her original decision.

If it hadn't been for the good fortune in Tiankui Realm, she would probably be like those noble ladies, waiting for a few years to be laid to rest!

Opportunities in life are often so bizarre!

Regarding Huangfu Xin, Mo Xun was not so generous. It was not that he favored one over the other, but that as a master, his longevity was barely enough.

On the other hand, he still had many reservations about this person's good and evil character.

It remains to be seen what will happen in the future.

This was also the reason why he only accepted him as a registered disciple.

Of course, some rewards were given, such as martial arts pills and the like.

Although Huangfu Xin has no cultivation level, his attainments in body refining can still help him do something for the time being.

After everything was arranged, Mo Xun returned to the carriage again.

He doesn't need to practice anymore for the time being, it's just to stabilize his previous state.

Having a baby is a big event, and he needs to be fully prepared.

It is necessary not only to search for previous experience, but also to have auxiliary means.

On these two points, he was not completely clueless.

First of all, there is Tantai Yi's experience in conceiving a baby. This thing cannot be bought with a spiritual stone.

It can even be said that its value is not inferior to that of a treasure to him.

The other is the Jiangyun Immortal Fruit!

This thing has been planted by him for five or six years. It has sprouted in the black soil. All he has to do now is wait for it to bloom and bear fruit.

It probably won't take long, he can still afford to wait.

After sorting out his thoughts in his mind, he looked firmly into the distance.

The speeding car flew rapidly through the air, and his heart at this time was like the road under his feet, moving forward inexorably!

In the Central Territory, he still has a few final things to deal with.

If nothing happens, we will be able to leave here soon.

The first one is the secret treasure left by Gu Yutian back then.

These things are also the prerequisites for rebuilding the sect in the future.

Since he had promised the other party in the first place, Mo Xun would naturally not break his promise, which was also the main reason why he wanted to form a force now.

If it was just for cultivation, he would have no need at all.

Not only does this require a lot of effort, but it also requires a lot of effort!

"Uncle, there seems to be a fight ahead!"

Without Bai Ze's reminder, Mo Xun had already noticed this situation, and could faintly hear the sounds of fighting in his ears.

"Stop it first!"

Bai Ze said "Oh" and immediately stopped the flying car in mid-air.

The sudden sudden braking startled Cheng Mu and the others.

"Brother Mo, what happened?"

Mo Xun did not answer, but looked into the distance with strange eyes.

After a few breaths, a ray of light first appeared in front of them.

This is a woman in a black dress with two weird horns on her head. She looks like a monster in disguise.

What surprised Mo Xun was that this person's cultivation seemed to be a bit watery.

Judging from the breath, it is clearly not level seven, how can it be transformed?

Another thing was that the other person actually gave him a familiar feeling.

Behind him were two level seven demon spirits, probably chasing the woman.

The reason why Mo Xun did not escape was partly because of the inexplicable feeling of familiarity, and partly because there was no demon king appearing.

The seventh-level demon spirit is roughly equivalent to the cultivation level in the later stage of pill formation.

For him now, there is nothing to avoid!

From a distance, one of the two people has a pointed head, which should be some kind of black turtle, and the other has red hair, and there are still a few fish scales hanging on the temples that have not completely disappeared.

When the woman saw Mo Xun, she was slightly stunned for a moment, and then a hint of surprise appeared on her face.

Then he flew to the car without any hesitation.

What was surprising was Mo Xun's reaction.

He didn't stop her, but let her come to him.

"Mo, I finally found you!"

Hearing this excited voice with a bit of numbness, Mo Xun's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he finally knew where the familiarity came from.

The people around him were also stunned when they saw this scene.

Cheng Mu was better, just complaining about Mo Xun's weird social skills and how he knew all of them. They were all monsters.

The key is that each of them has a high level of cultivation!

Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan opened their mouths blankly!

They still didn't know what monster transformation meant, but they just thought that the three people in front of them looked so weird?

Especially the red-haired one, who looked like a fish monster!

When he was with Gu Qingqing, Bai Ze was either in the spirit beast bag or in the gourd, so he naturally didn't know this woman.

The little girl just opened her big eyes at this moment, curiously looking at Gu Qingqing's face.

She seemed to be very interested in the pair of horns on her forehead.

The demon spirits are the most basic form-shifting beasts. Because of the limited realm, they always leave some of their original characteristics.

Only when they enter the level of demon king can they show the same as humans.

Mo Xun also opened his eyes wide, and said in disbelief: "Gu... Fairy Gu?"


Another chapter will be added tomorrow! O(∩_∩)O Haha~

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