Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 781 Do you know me?

"Quick, quick, those two beasts are going to kill me, help me kill them!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth twitched, he said this in such a loud tone.

For those who didn’t know, they thought he was some powerful Nascent Soul who could destroy two transformed monsters with just a raise of his hand.

Although this is indeed the case!

Before Mo Xun could say anything, two demon spirits stood in front of the speeding car.

After feeling Mo Xun's cultivation level, the two of them did not rush into action.

"Human race, do you want to intervene in this matter?"

The speaker was a red-haired man holding a trident.

The pointed-headed turtle demon next to him frowned slightly the moment he saw Mo Xun.

Mo Xun also raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

You must know that he came out of Tiankui Realm less than a day ago!

Gu Qingqing looked innocent.

"Can't you see this? Those two beasts saw my beauty and became lustful. You have to make the decision for me!"

Mo Xun was speechless, this woman still had the same look, and she didn't even blink when she told lies.

It’s rare for a demon to be interested in people!

"Don't talk nonsense. It was obviously you who pretended to be the Dragon Clan of the Water Palace and seduced the young palace master. Not only did you steal the treasure of the Water Palace, but you also cut off the dragon root of my young master. If we don't take you back today, we will never give up!"

Hearing the word "dragon root", Mo Xun's face suddenly showed a strange look.

This woman is too cruel!

To do this, it is better to kill the opponent directly!

But to say that this is courageous, it is indeed bold enough.

You can swim in the water palace alone and have more fun than him!

It seemed that every time he saw this woman, she was either being chased or on the way to being chased.

What’s strange is that I’m still alive and well to this day!

Moreover, his cultivation level has actually reached a higher level than before, reaching the middle stage of pill formation.

This kind of person is either extremely lucky or has top-notch life-saving means.

"Who seduced him? It was obviously the four-legged snake who took me captive by force. Besides, it's not like he can't grow back. We're just trying to make things even. No one owes anyone anything. If you push me into a hurry, find someone. I destroyed your water palace, so open your eyes and see who is next to me, I will scare you to death if I tell you!"

Mo Xun's eyelids twitched again.

Yes, this is because the habit of telling lies has not changed, but instead the habit of telling lies has become worse.

He was able to destroy anyone at every turn. I am afraid that even the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord back then would not dare to say such words casually in the Demon Sea.

He is now eighty-nine percent convinced that this woman must have stolen some treasure.

After all, the other party's hands and feet are never very clean!

If you dare to steal the Qianyuan Fruit from the Eight Star Sect, what can't you do?

The red-haired man held the trident and suddenly pointed forward.

In his opinion, the strength of both sides is at best half-matched.

There were two seventh-level demon spirits on their side, and one was at the peak of the alchemy formation and the other was at the mid-level. Although there was also an alchemy formation monk in the car, he seemed to be seriously injured and had almost no cultivation.

As for Huangfu Xin and others, he directly ignored them.

"Human race, I advise you to stay out of this matter and not miss hundreds of years of practice!"

Mo Xun ignored the other party and asked Gu Qingqing, "What did you take?"

Gu Qingqing hesitated for a while, then said cryptically: "It's nothing, it's just a little water attribute crystal."

At this point, she added in a lowered voice.

"You'll be half done by then!"

Mo Xun's eyes narrowed.

You don’t deceive yourself and others like this. Do you think that if you lower your voice, others won’t hear you?

This woman clearly wanted to drag him into trouble!

At this moment, the pointed-headed turtle demon who had never spoken seemed to have thought of something and pointed at Mo Xun with a slight trembling.

" are that human monk back then!"

Immediately afterwards, the demon turned around and tried to escape without any explanation.

The sudden appearance of the scene immediately stunned the red-haired fish demon on the side.

What's happening here?

The next moment, Mo Xun also moved.

The turtle beast was not good at speed, and before it could run a thousand feet, it was blocked by Mo Xun, who had gained strength through body refining.

"you know me?"

The turtle demon was immediately on guard, holding two steel forks across his chest, as if he was going to fight for his life.

"Human race, I've let that female cultivator go, what else do you want to do?"

Mo Xun's face suddenly turned cold.

"Didn't you understand what I said?"

"I...I don't know you!"

At this time, the red-haired fish demon also rushed over.

"Brother Shan, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, the fish demon was somewhat aware of something unusual. He originally thought that Gu Qingqing was just bluffing.

Looking at it now, the human race that suddenly appeared in front of us might actually have some background.

The turtle demon's lips moved slightly.

After hearing the transmission, the red-haired man's pupils suddenly shrank and looked at Mo Xun.

"Are you the human race that was chased by the Great Demon King back then?"

In an instant, Mo Xun had a rough idea of ​​the matter.

Before entering Tiankui Realm, he caused quite a bloody storm in the boundless demon sea.

But what he doesn't know is how big the impact will be?

He didn't even know that his current portrait was still at the top of the monster hunting list.

In a flash of lightning, he made a decision in his heart.

These two demons cannot be kept!

"It seems that the two of you really know each other!"

He suddenly laughed, and then a spiritual consciousness shot out.

Amid the screams, his figure appeared in front of the two monsters like a ghost, and at the same time, a silver light flashed in his hand, rolling up a fierce whirlwind that could almost tear the space, and instantly submerged the turtle monster in it.

The red-haired man was startled and hurriedly dived into the water.

But a square chessboard appeared above his head without any warning, and it covered the sky and the sun while rotating, covering a full range of a hundred feet.

On the chessboard, black and white chess pieces fell like flowers from the sky.

These chess pieces seemed to have life, and in an instant they turned into streams of light, trapping the fish monster in place.

In the whirlwind, the turtle monster's shrill screams continued.

"Human race, the two of us are the guardians of the Water Palace. If you don't stop, my palace master will not let you go!"

There was also a rumbling sound under the chess light. In just a few breaths, the air was filled with the smell of blood.

The people on the flying car in the distance were all shocked when they saw this scene.

Gu Qingqing secretly took a breath of cold air. It had been a long time since they last met, but she had never expected that Mo Xun's methods would be so sharp.

He fought two monsters alone, not only did he not lose the upper hand, but he had already locked the battle situation in the moment of attack.

Even if he was a Yuanying cultivator, he would only be like this, right?

Cheng Mu was full of envy. When would he be able to have such strength?

The most shocked person was probably Huangfu Xin.

When had he ever seen such a powerful fight?

When he attacked, the whole world was stirred up.

If this is not a method of immortals, what else could it be?

He secretly clenched his fists. He wanted to cultivate immortals, he must cultivate immortals!

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