Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 782 Killing Two Monsters

Under the stirring silver spear, a ball of black light suddenly shot out with a "boom".

Then the turtle monster covered by the strong wind revealed its true form.

This was a black giant turtle that was dozens of feet long, covered with a thick turtle shell. It raised its head and roared, opening its bloody mouth and biting towards Mo Xun.

Seeing that the fangs as big as door panels were close at hand, Mo Xun did not dodge.

He raised the silver spear in his hand and stabbed it directly into the opponent's mouth.

His figure disappeared in the splashing blood.

When he appeared again, he came to the back of the giant turtle, and the golden light on his clenched fist was shining, and he smashed it down with force.

Amid the rumbling sound, one punch, two punches...

The giant turtle let out a heart-wrenching roar.

In the chess formation on the other side, the fish monster had also revealed its true form.

It was a red sea fish that was as big as a turtle. As its huge tail fin swung, it raised a huge wave on the sea surface.

The seawater below was sucked up to the sky at the same time, forming a huge vortex hanging in the sky with a range of hundreds of feet.

The sky above was also covered with dark clouds at this moment, as if the end of the world had come.

Under this momentum, the chess pieces were also unwilling to be outdone, and they always bound the fish monster in the flowing light.

After seven or eight punches, the hard turtle shell finally exploded with screams, spraying a large group of thick blood mist.

Mo Xun grabbed out of thin air and took out a black demon pill from the blood mist.

As his palm turned, purple flames surged out, instantly submerging the blood mist in the sea of ​​fire.

Then he came to the place where the fish monster was making trouble.

His fingers quickly formed strange seals on his chest. The black and white chess pieces that were originally hovering around seemed to be injected with energy. The rays of light were bright, presenting a great array of strangling the universe, constantly shuttling in and out of the rising sea water.

Every time a stream of light passed by, it would bring out a handful of blood from it.

The vortex of waves condensed in the air was also quickly dyed red by blood.

"Human race, you will regret it..."

As the voice fell, there was no life in the vortex.

The rising sea water seemed to have suddenly lost its support, pouring down from the sky, stirring the sea surface within a range of thousands of feet as if it was experiencing a tsunami.

Mo Xun, who was suspended in the air, looked into the distance, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

After a few breaths, a figure suddenly jumped out of the sea.

It was his incarnation of the magic way.

In the incarnation's hand, there was still a red light.

In the red light, there was a translucent fish demon soul.

"Human race, the Lord of the Water Palace will not let you go..."

The whole world, after this brief period of turbulence, slowly returned to calm.

From Mo Xun's attack to the resolution of the two monsters, it seemed to be a thunderous and magnificent move, but it only took a cup of tea.

He was just about to collect the second monster pill, but someone did it for him.

"Alas! Brother Mo really surprised me. I'm afraid there are not many people in the whole Xihezhou who can cultivate at this speed!"

Looking at Gu Qingqing putting away the monster pill without a trace, and pretending to be lonely on her face, Mo Xun's mouth twitched again.

He almost forgot that this woman has always been faster than anyone else, but she has never fallen behind in picking up spoils.

"I guess even your current incarnation is not as good as mine!"

Gu Qingqing was really a little shocked at this moment.

When they met, she remembered clearly that Mo Xun had just formed a golden pill, and his cultivation was not yet completely stable.

But now, he is about to form a baby!

The last time she heard the news about him in the Hengduan Mountains, she was shocked by his late Jindan cultivation.

Being hunted by the Great Demon King at the Jindan stage is not something that everyone can do.

And now it has only been a few years?

He has actually advanced to a higher level and is already at the peak.

It seems that every time she hears news about this person, his cultivation will be improved.

Is this going to make people live?

What kind of adventures did he have in these years to advance so quickly?

And those endless means just now!

She is not without experience. First, the silver spear treasure whose depth cannot be seen, then the chessboard magic weapon covering the sky and the earth, the Xuantian True Fire, and the lotus body incarnation that has been cultivated to the middle stage of Jindan, all of which are supreme treasures.

You know, she had never seen any of these things on him many years ago.

And when the other party attacked, it seemed that there was also the power of horizontal training.

Thinking about these many unimaginable things, she felt incredible.

Could this guy have inherited the mantle of some ascended monk?

If she had known this, she shouldn't have left alone last time. Perhaps if she had followed him, half of these opportunities would have been hers.

If she knew what Mo Xun had experienced over the years, she probably wouldn't have thought so.

Whether it was the Lu brothers, Tan Taiyi, Zisheng Tianju, or the later Chashan Demon King, or even wandering in Tiankui Realm.

Almost every one of them was equivalent to walking on the edge of life and death.

Mo Xun had a lot of opportunities, but none of them was not fought for with his life.

Even in the second illusion, he was able to return to reality at the cost of Gongyang.

Along the way, when did he ever rest for a moment?

People in the world all say that immortals are good, but that's because they have never experienced the road to becoming immortals.

At the age of more than two hundred, he may have been truly carefree only during the time in Xiaoling Village before entering the Tao.

"Let's leave here first!"

While Mo Xun was speaking, he did not forget to put away all the treasures.

Then he waved his sleeves and dispersed all the fluctuations of the magic power during the fight.

The flying car disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time he drove the car himself, and the speed was so fast that even this flying magic weapon of good grade could not support it.

After a full hour, he slowed down and handed it back to Bai Ze.

When he turned around, he met the eyes of everyone.

Everyone's face had different expressions.

There was envy, excitement, and admiration, which could be said to be endless.

Gu Qingqing bowed lightly and said jokingly with a smile: "First of all, I congratulate Brother Mo. I didn't expect that in just over seventy years, Brother has reached the false infant realm. I believe it won't be long before I will call you a senior."

Mo Xun looked her up and down, and smiled faintly.

Gu Qingqing had already removed her disguise, revealing her original beauty with a few ridges on her brows.

"Hasn't Fairy Gu also improved a lot?"

"Compared with Brother Mo, my achievements are nothing, it's just standing still!"

Mo Xun waved his hand, then pointed at Cheng Mu next to him.

"This is Fellow Daoist Cheng, you two should meet him first!"

Cheng Mu had long been amazed by Gu Qingqing's beauty. If she hadn't been at a higher level than him and worried about being abrupt, he would have been unable to hold back and approached her to talk to her.

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