Cheng Mu coughed coquettishly.

"Cheng Mu, the leader of the Qingxi Sect, has seen the fairy!"

Gu Qingqing's eyes immediately lit up. She didn't expect that this seemingly inconspicuous guy was actually a sect leader.

But having said that, what kind of sect is Qingxi Sect? She seems to have never heard of it!

"Meet Master Cheng!"

Cheng Mu felt so comfortable in his heart. How many years had he not been called this respectfully?

"I wonder where your sect is, it should be at least a five-star sect, right?"

Cheng Mu was suddenly speechless and felt like he was chatting to death.

You could say that he is a sect master, but now he is probably not as wealthy as a foundation-building monk.

If he could never return to Nanfanzhou in this life, he would still have a bad sect.

Fortunately, at this time, Mo Xun pointed to the side and spoke.

"These two are my new disciples. Have you met Master Gu!"

Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan bowed at the same time.

Only then did Qi Ruyan believe that the two hundred years old Mo Xun told her was really not a lie.

Just the number of years they have known each other is older than her age.

Gu Qingqing said softly "Eh".

"Where is your disciple named Ye Ping?"

Speaking of Ye Ping, Mo Xun couldn't help but sigh.

"It's a long story. I'll talk to you in detail later. I wonder what your plans are next. Are you going to stay here or go back to the human race?"

Gu Qingqing didn't answer but asked: "What about you?"

"Of course I have to go back. It's been too long since I've been out here, and I've already done what I need to do."

"Then I'll go back with you!"

Mo Xun nodded and then invited her to the secret room.

He still wanted to inquire about the recent situation outside.

It wasn't until half a day later that Mo Xun felt a little more surprised and unbelievable.

First of all, his troubles in the Demon Sea did cause an uproar.

And this influence is not limited to the demon clan.

After the incident spread to the Hengduan Mountains, several Yuan Ying ancestors sent people to inquire about his whereabouts.

It seems that during that period, the morale of the human race was low.

The purpose of those people looking for him was probably to set an example.

But later, as there was no news from him, things gradually faded away.

I originally thought that things would go away like this, but unexpectedly a dramatic scene happened next.

The demon clan has retreated!

After a final investigation, I found out that it was also related to Mo Xun.

This battle between the two clans lasted for nearly a century.

The two sides have been facing off at Hengduan Mountain for decades.

In terms of casualties, no matter which side paid a huge price.

The demon clan could no longer hold on, but they just lacked an opportunity to retreat.

And the fire that Mo Xun lit in his backyard happened to be the last weight that prompted them to make up their mind.

When Mo Xun heard this, he was already a little confused.

He actually prevented an ancient war?

Although only indirectly!

But it’s too outrageous!

What made him even more speechless was that under the Hengduan Mountains, the Demon Slayer Alliance built a sculpture for him.

On the one hand, it can be regarded as encouraging low-level monks to participate in this battle.

On the other hand, it is to disgust the demon clan.

It is said that from time to time, monsters who have been persecuted by Mo Xun will pass through Hengduan Mountain and try to destroy his stone statue.

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head. This encounter with the boundless sea of ​​monsters was not in vain.

"By the way, the fairy said she wanted to find me before, but what's the matter?"

Gu Qingqing smiled charmingly.

"Of course I want to save you. I heard that after you were chased by the Great Demon King, you immediately stopped practicing and traveled thousands of miles deep into the tiger's den. Isn't it interesting? But don't be too moved. You can just repay the favor slowly in the future! "

Mo Xun smiled noncommittally.

It was quite interesting. They all ran to the water palace to save him!

As for this woman's experience, he didn't even need to ask.

He must have deceived the east family and then the west family!

"Can I ask you a question?"

Mo Xun smiled lightly.

"Please say!"

Gu Qingqing pursed her lips and pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Did you get some great opportunity that made you practice so quickly?"

Seeing that Mo Xun just smiled and said nothing, Gu Qingqing said again: "Don't worry, I won't tell others whether I discovered the ancient cave or which sect I robbed. If that's the case, I will follow you from now on." , let’s do something big.”

Mo Xun's face turned dark immediately!

Although he has indeed done this kind of thing, there is a bottom line.

"Xianzi Gu thinks too much, it's nothing more than hard work!"

Gu Qingqing looked at him questioningly, obviously scorning these words.

In this woman's opinion, Mo Xun must have obtained some valuable treasure.

Otherwise, would he be chased by the Great Demon King desperately?

Gu Qingqing muttered in a low voice, thinking that it would be okay if she didn't say it, since she was determined to follow him from now on.

After all, everyone is about to give birth to a baby, and she is still in the middle stage of forming a pill. Who can be calm?

If there was no comparison, she would still think that her talent was quite high, but with such a living example in front of her, it would be strange for her not to think more!

Furthermore, Mo Xun went crazy back then, but she saved him.

Gu Qingqing thought so, but it couldn't be said that it was wrong.

When Mo Xun fell into the second illusion and couldn't wake up, it was hard to say how much contribution the other party had in it.

Maybe after the effects of the medicine wear off, he will return to reality.

It may be that it was with the help of others that he finally woke up.

There is no way to trace the details of this matter.

The two chatted for most of the day and briefly told each other about their past experiences.

Just when Gu Qingqing got up to leave, Mo Xun called her.

"Fairy Gu, you seem to have forgotten something?"

"Ah? What is it?"

Mo Xun looked up at her with a faint smile on his lips.

It is better to be direct when talking to this woman, otherwise the other party will keep pretending to be stupid.

There is no way, some people are just unconscious like that!

Mo Xun stretched out a hand.

"You want to share half of my benefits?"

He was also curious in his heart. What kind of treasure could make this woman risk sneaking into the water palace?

"If you didn't say it, I almost forgot it. This is something I got with great difficulty. Remember to save it!"

Gu Qingqing smiled and threw a storage bag over, turned around and disappeared.

Mo Xun was a little curious at first, but when his consciousness scanned in, his whole face darkened again.

It turned out that the so-called water-attributed crystal stone was actually a spiritual stone!


The group spent several days in peace afterwards.

Until this day, when Mo Xun was meditating in the secret room, he suddenly opened his eyes.

His face was full of incredible shock!

This shock exceeded any emergency he had encountered before.

Even when he faced the Purple Saint Heaven Bureau or was almost broken by the Qilin Origin in the Nine Peaks Blood Pool, he never showed such an expression.

It was not that there was any trouble on the road at this moment, but in his body!

There was actually an extra spiritual root!

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