At the same time, it was also the one that he lacked in his body, the water attribute!

This spiritual root was too weak, so weak that it was almost difficult to detect if he didn't sense it carefully.

He quickly took out the water attribute spiritual stone that Gu Qingqing had given him before.

After a simple try, it really could be absorbed.

Although this absorption was extremely slow, there was indeed a trace of water attribute spiritual power in his body.

He suddenly jumped up!

Although he had learned from Sanqing that the upper realm had a way to enable people without spiritual roots to practice, the situation in front of him still subverted his cognition a little.

He frowned slightly, hugged his chest with one hand, and paced around the room with his chin in the other hand.

What went wrong?

Even if it was an advanced cultivation, I had never heard of generating spiritual roots.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and something appeared in his mind.

Chaos and turbid air!

The only thing that could give birth to such a weirdness was probably this thing.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Yunniang.

When they separated, he left a lot of chaotic turbidity to Sanqing.

And Sanqing was hiding in Yunniang's body, which meant that Yunniang also had chaotic turbidity in her body?

In this way, Yunniang should also have spiritual roots.

However, all this must be based on the premise that the little girl is still alive.

He searched for Yunniang for three years in Tiankui Realm, but he couldn't find her whereabouts.

It's not that he didn't think that the little girl might have been teleported out by mistake like he did at the beginning.

If so, he would feel a little relieved.

Yunniang has the skills he gave her, and she has never lost confidence in cultivation. It is very likely that she will take this path alone after coming out.

Perhaps only by thinking this way can he offset some of his guilt.

Soon, he put his thoughts on himself again.

Now that he has an extra spiritual root, is it good or bad?

As soon as he came out of Tiankui Realm, he collected the chaotic turbidity.

Judging from the situation of the spiritual roots in the body, this should require a growth process.

If he ignores it now, I think this spiritual root can only maintain its current status.

Only by introducing the chaotic turbid air into the body again can it continue to improve.

According to common sense, the more complex the spiritual roots are, the slower the cultivation will be, so the fewer the better.

But the situation he encountered when he formed the elixir that year made him look at this problem from another angle.

He formed the golden elixir with the four-attribute spiritual roots through the improved five-turn mixed primordial.

Although the process was long and difficult, the benefits obtained later were obvious.

The mana that was purer and more powerful than that of the same level alone proved that this matter could not be viewed so simply.

The cultivation of mixed spiritual roots may be a little slower, but once the cultivation is successful, it will have stronger strength.

These should be considered two different cultivation directions.

Either choose speed or choose strength.

Of course, all this is just his unfounded speculation.

It is easy to verify. You can find some low-level cultivators who have advanced to the same level of cultivation and make a statistics.

Mo Xun nodded secretly, it seems that this is the only way.

However, there is no rush for this matter. After returning to the land of the human race, he will slowly verify it.

He looked at the spiritual root again and shook his head with a bitter smile.

By chance, he found another way to use the chaotic turbid air.

He finally understood why Sanqing valued this thing so much. Even spiritual roots can be born. It can indeed be called a treasure of heaven and earth!

After a long time, he sat down again and took out Tan Taiyi's experience of forming a baby.

This thing was originally left for Tan Taihong, so there is no need to doubt its authenticity.

In this way, about one or two months passed.

During this period, Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan entered the Qi Refining Stage.

After feeling the spiritual energy entering his body, Huangfu Xin almost cried out with tears.

A man over a hundred years old, he was as happy as a child.

Cheng Mu's cultivation was also slowly recovering. Now he had the strength of the foundation-building period and could fly with a sword.

I think he would be able to return to the golden elixir in another half a year.

Along the way, it was not so peaceful, but all were solved by Mo Xun's sharp means.

It was just that killing too many people would inevitably cause some trouble.

Just like now, Mo Xun and a little demon king who had just advanced to the next level had already started fighting before they had even said a few words.

If it were in the past, he would definitely run as far as he could in this situation.

No matter how powerful he was, he could not compete with the demon king who was comparable to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In the great realm, almost no one could cross the level.

But the strong horizontal training body gave him the capital to fight.

When the opponent's demon king's spiritual domain was displayed, as before, the whole body seemed to be trapped in a quagmire where it was difficult to move.

But under the stimulation of blood and energy, the golden body condensed by the Dharma Golden Body Art can offset this kind of confinement.

As soon as they fought, the demon king on the opposite side almost suffered a loss because of carelessness.

After being shocked, he immediately left the battle.

To outsiders, it seemed that the two of them retreated for some reason as soon as they came into contact.

So it was said that they fought, but in fact, they didn't even finish a move.

Gu Qingqing was also a little surprised and doubtful.

What was going on?

She knew that Mo Xun had cultivated his physical body, but she didn't dare to imagine that the horizontal training realm could reach the level that even Yuanying cultivators were afraid of.

Did this guy use all the Qianyuan Fruits he had back then to refine his body?

But even if that were the case, it wouldn't be so exaggerated!

If eating Qianyuan Fruits alone could fight against Yuanying cultivators, I'm afraid the Five Elements Sect would have dominated Xihezhou long ago.

"Human race, you are extraordinary!"

Mo Xun looked at the demon king who had transformed into a man in brocade clothes not far away, and his heart was somewhat excited.

He was not excited about the ability to fight the demon king!

But the six-zhang golden body could actually offset the spiritual realm.

Putting aside this insurmountable gap, the gap between him and the Yuanying was nothing more than mana and consciousness.

In these two aspects, he was also not weak.

It seems that he has not reached the Yuanying stage, but he can already enjoy the treatment that a Yuanying cultivator should have in advance.

Mo Xun bowed slightly.

"Thank you!"

The demon king did not speak, but there was only a trace of solemnity between his brows.

Because Mo Xun injured a demon spirit of his own race, he chased him tens of thousands of miles to come here to vent his anger.

After seeing Mo Xun's cultivation, he thought that he would be able to kill him in just a few moves.

Who knew that he was almost tricked by him after a face-to-face encounter.

He naturally knew that the human race had the saying of body cultivation.

But he didn't know the specific situation.

In the entire Xihezhou, the main practice is still law cultivation. Even if there are body cultivation cultivators, they are rare.

Not to mention that he didn't know, many low-level cultivators who had just entered this threshold also knew limited knowledge.

What confused him most was the failure of the spirit domain.

He even suspected that Mo Xun had concealed his cultivation.

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