Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 785: No Martial Ethics

This human race is weird and unusual!

It was clear that he had not yet reached the Nascent Soul, but at that moment he felt a palpitation in his heart.

It wasn't that he was afraid, he just felt that it wasn't worth it to fight against such a strong man for a demon spirit.

But when he was allowed to retreat, he felt a little unwilling in his heart, and also couldn't help it on his face.

After a moment, the Demon King suddenly sneered.

"Do you dare to follow me back to the cave to fight?"

In his opinion, Mo Xun would definitely not go. As long as he answered "I don't dare", he would have found a way to stop.

It would be easier if he said he dared to go.

Once in his territory, no matter how powerful Mo Xun is, what kind of trouble can he make?

In fact, the most important thing is that he has recognized Mo Xun's identity.

This human head is worth a lot of money!

For a moment, the Demon King felt that his plan was not too good!

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and uttered a word indifferently.


In an instant, the atmosphere fell into deathly silence.

The smile on the corner of the Demon King's mouth suddenly froze on his face.

He didn't seem to hear clearly. He was stunned for a moment, and then became furious.

For how many years, no one dared to say this word in front of him.

Gu Qingqing and the others behind him were also stunned.

Mo Xun's voice was not loud, but it was like a thunderbolt that struck everyone's hearts.

Gu Qingqing asked to the side in confusion.

"What did he just say?"

Cheng Mu opened his mouth.

"It seems... get out of here, Fairy Gu, does this word have any special meaning here for you?"

Gu Qingqing shook her head in a daze.

The one who was most excited was Huangfu Xin.

What is domineering?

One word is enough!

The Demon King glared at Mo Xun angrily, his breathing becoming somewhat heavy.

There is actually not much hatred between the two.

Moreover, the cause of this incident also stems from the greed of the junior member of his clan, who took a fancy to this flying magic weapon.

Even so, in the end it was just an injury.

It wasn't that Mo Xun was merciful, but that there were too many people at the time and he ran away without paying attention.

"good very good!"

The Demon King's entire face was almost turned to blood from anger.

A pair of fists clenched loudly, and the momentum from his body suddenly roared out.

In an instant, a violent storm broke out within a radius of several hundred feet, making the few people with lower cultivation levels in the car unable to stand firmly.

However, in the strong wind, Mo Xun remained motionless.

He also wanted to see what the quality of the physical training he had worked so hard to achieve was like?

"Human race, I wanted to spare your life, but it's a pity that you don't know what to do. I also admit that you are very strong, but your realm is a little behind..."

At the same time as these words fell, Mo Xun was already moving.

Then he saw a golden figure flying towards the demon king like lightning.

Shake the mountain!

Although he has learned this unique skill of body training for a long time, he has hardly used it.

Then his body was like a hill, directly hitting the demon king's protective light shield.

Blooming with brilliant rays of light.

In the glow, the two of them retreated a hundred feet at the same time.

At this moment, the Demon King's expression finally changed.

I finally understood where Mo Xun’s weirdness came from!

It was a physical body that was no less powerful than his.

This was the first time for him to see someone cultivate their physical body to such an extent.

While the energy and blood were boiling, the demon king's spiritual realm expanded again. He had a realm advantage, so he would not be so stupid as to compete with others with brute force.

But the scene just now happened again.

Mo Xun, who was like a golden Arhat, seemed immune to the spiritual realm and was almost unaffected in his actions.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is not affected.

It’s just that this kind of confinement doesn’t have much effect!

Mo Xun still didn't use his magic weapon and hit him again with a mountain-shaking support.

With the impact, even the space was deformed.

The residual power of the shock spread to all directions, causing the speeding car that was about to move away to shake in mid-air.

Gu Qingqing quickly pulled Bai Ze away and quickly drove away from the center of the battlefield.

At this moment, her heart almost stopped beating due to the shock of the scene before her.

The world is crazy!

The Jie Dan was still suppressing the Nascent Soul!

The two people on the other side separated again, but on Mo Xun's side, the blood was surging and he became more and more courageous as he fought.

The demon king suddenly spread his arms, and thick arcs of electricity condensed on his hands.

Immediately, the sky became overcast with clouds, and wisps of electric light flashed out.

"Let me show you what the Thunder Clan is!"

Without any warning, the thick arc fell suddenly and hit Mo Xun accurately.

But when the lightning dissipated, Mo Xun was not only unscathed, but the golden light on his body was even brighter than before.

Another bolt of lightning struck, and the golden light extended again.

Enduring the pain caused by the arc, Mo Xun was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

He actually found a way to cultivate a six-foot golden body.

The Demon King was immediately stunned!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

As he spoke, he concentrated his magic power again, and the dark clouds above his head began to roll, and countless lightning arcs fell down.

In an instant, Mo Xun was submerged in lightning like a sea of ​​thunder.

But after just a few breaths, the demon king quickly withdrew his magical power.

He couldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death. Not only could his innate magical power not hurt others, but it seemed to make the opponent's golden body more solid.

How could he fight?

In fact, Mo Xun was not feeling well.

Lightning can indeed cultivate six feet of golden light, but only he knew the pain in the process.

If it was just a few times, it would be fine. After a long time, even he would find it difficult to hold on.

If the demon king didn't stop, he was ready to use his magic power to resist.

"Since you want to compete in the physical body, I will accompany you!"

The demon king's words were somewhat insincere.

He really didn't have any better means.

In addition to the innate magical power, the demon race only cultivates the physical body.

Unlike the human race, there are various external objects such as magic weapons and formations.

Then the demon king jumped up and rushed directly towards Mo Xun, as if he was going to fight to the death.

He still didn't believe it. Could the demon race's body lose to the human race?

Mo Xun's body flashed with golden light, and he also punched out.

But just when the two were about to meet, a white light shot out from between Mo Xun's eyebrows.

Divine consciousness piercing!

The moment the sharp blade transformed by the divine consciousness entered the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, even the demon king with the cultivation level comparable to that of the Nascent Soul could not help but groan and his body suddenly stagnated.

Although it did not cause damage to his sea of ​​consciousness, this short stagnation was fatal in the battle.

Mo Xun's hand flashed with silver light, and he directly sacrificed his greatest weapon, the Jade Sky Sword!

The sword light of several feet passed through the air, bringing out a handful of hot blood.

Amid screams, the demon king's body exploded directly.

From his body, a white light flew out, as if teleporting, and in the blink of an eye it was thousands of feet away.

"Human, you have no moral principles. We agreed to compete with each other in the physical body, but you cheated. I will not let you go!"

Mo Xun looked at the white light disappearing in the distance, frowning slightly.

He knew that the demon king was not easy to kill, but the other party still escaped with his soul!

Gu Qingqing and Cheng Mu in the distance were dumbfounded!

This is... the end?

That was a demon king!

He actually killed the demon king's physical body!

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