Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 786 Luoying Mountains

Mo Xun rolled up his sleeves and collected the inner pill that fell from the body.

A demon king's inner pill could probably be sold at a sky-high price!

But now was obviously not the time to be happy.

In a flash, he returned to the crowd, and the car whizzed through the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Time passed for more than two months.

Until a long mountain range filled with clouds gradually appeared in the field of vision, this trip to the sea of ​​demons came to an end.

This mountain is countless miles from south to north.

For a long time, it has isolated the human and demon races at both ends of the mountain range.

The mountain is quiet and filled with clouds and mist.

Occasionally looking down, you can still see the traces left after the war between the two races in the past few decades.

Mo Xun drove alone in front and returned to this place again, feeling a little emotional.

Although the time was not long, it was probably only about six or seven years.

But this time, the difficulty of Tiankui Realm almost made it impossible to get out.

As if he suddenly sensed something, he immediately gathered his mind and slowed down.

A moment later, two beams of light flew towards him. They turned out to be two sword-controlling monks in the middle stage of foundation building.

As soon as the two arrived in front of the car, they immediately felt Mo Xun's Jindan cultivation. After looking at each other, they hurriedly bowed.

"Juniors Xiao Yong and Mu Qianchuan greet you, senior!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

"To reply, senior, we are on duty here for the Demon Killing Alliance. We are ordered to monitor the demon clan here. We didn't know you were here, so we bumped into the car frame. Please forgive us!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding.

Although the war has ended, the two clans should still be in a state of vigilance.

It is reasonable to station some people here for monitoring.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, one of them asked tentatively: "I don't know your name, senior. The Demon-killing Alliance has set up a camp ahead, where the ancestors are stationed. Senior, do you need us to lead the way there?"

It was obviously quite unusual for Mo Xun to appear from the demon clan.

But they didn't dare to ask more, after all, that cold face showed that he was not easy to talk to.

"No need, I'm just passing by."

After the voice fell, he drove the car again and turned into a stream of light, passing by, leaving the two people still stunned.

After a long time, one of them asked uncertainly: "Have you seen this senior just now?"

The other frowned slightly.

"You seem to be familiar with him now!"

The next moment, the two of them looked at the place where the flying car disappeared in disbelief.

But Mo Xun had already disappeared at this moment.

At his level, it was quite embarrassing to meet other Yuanying ancestors.

Paying respects was secondary.

If someone tells him to do something, should he do it or not?

He certainly has the confidence to refuse, but if he doesn't obey, he might offend people again.

And he has so many things to do now, there is no need to get involved in other troubles.

At this moment, a naughty voice came from behind.

"Hey, do you want to see your sculpture?"

Gu Qingqing suddenly appeared beside Mo Xun, with a hint of ridicule in her tone.

"Hero of the human race", this title is not light.

Mo Xun glared at her unhappily. If the other party didn't mention this, he would really be interested in taking a look.

But when he said this, it seemed like he cared a lot.

People, no matter how long they live, still can't be empty of everything.

At least Mo Xun, who doesn't care about many things, still has some vanity.

It seems that I can only come and see it alone when I have the chance in the future.

I hope that the sculpture will not be destroyed easily, otherwise it will be a pity.

"Where are we going next?"

Mo Xun showed some surprise on his face.


"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun was speechless. He didn't know if this woman was forgetful or pretending to be stupid.

"Fairy, do you have anything else to do next?"

Gu Qingqing smiled awkwardly.

"This... Of course there is, but your business is more important. I can put mine aside for now and talk about it after I finish my work for you!"

Mo Xun's eyes flashed with a strange look. Why did this sound wrong?

It felt like there was some intention behind it.

The group then went straight to the Falling Flowers Snow Mountain mentioned by Yu Tianjian under the leadership of Mo Xun.

This was also the first thing he had to do in the Central Region.

Since there was no worry, there was no need to rush like before.

The group first found a big city for cultivating immortals to stay for a few days.

Here, Mo Xun needed to buy some things.

Although the trip to the Demon Sea was fruitful, the storage bags of Tan Tai and his son alone were enough for him to spend for a long time, but after several battles, the array treasures consumed were also not few.

Although he was not facing any crisis for the time being, he was still used to making more preparations.

The previous series of experiences also told him that this was completely necessary.

As an outsider cultivator, Cheng Mu saw the prosperity of Xihezhou for the first time and couldn't help but feel a lot.

Occasionally, in his spare time, Mo Xun would ask him about the situation in Nanshanzhou.

The cultivation trend there was even more prosperous than that in Xihezhou.

It was even much stronger!

Sects like Qingxi Sect, which have Jindan cultivators as their leaders, are not numerous, but they are definitely not few.

And the key point is that there have been precedents of transcending tribulation and ascending to heaven in the past thousand years.

This surprised Mo Xun greatly.

Whether in Nanjiang or Xihe, he had never heard of ascending to heaven.

It seemed that the ascension channels in these two places had been closed many years ago. At least for thousands of years, no cultivator had been heard of ascending to heaven.

It may be that there are some, but they just secretly transcended tribulation and no one has seen them!

Fortunately, these are still far away from him and he can't consider them for the time being.

After seeing the great city of cultivation, Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan realized how small the place where they lived before was.

This kind of magnificent feeling, anyone who sees it for the first time will be shaken.

Mo Xun had the same journey when he came out of Xunyang County.

After staying in the city for a few days, he sold some things and also replenished a lot of needs.

It was not until more than two months later that the flying car entered a cold area.

This place is called Luoying Mountain Range, which is covered by ice and snow all year round. There is a lack of spiritual energy around it, and few cultivators have opened sects or practiced here.

Within tens of thousands of miles, it is all endless white.

This place is also a good place to hide treasures.

But after tens of thousands of years, whether those things are still there, to be honest, even Gu Yutian is not sure.

Now the first thing to face is to determine the direction.

Another chapter will be added tomorrow, O(∩_∩)O haha~

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