Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 793 The ram awakens

What kind of statement is this?

Spending 100,000 spiritual stones to buy her and then throwing her away?

As soon as Mo Xun arrived at Xilou, he immediately rented a secret room.

After placing formation restrictions around him, he quickly said in surprise: "Gongyang, are you awake?"

"I didn't expect that even after I took a nap, you guys have cultivated to the realm of fake babies. Even if you are better than I was back then, you are no less generous!"

Mo Xun was naturally happy about Gongyang's awakening.

I think that I was able to come out of the illusion all thanks to this old guy dragging his inner demon, which can be regarded as sacrificing his life for him.

"Did you know that you slept for seventy years!"

The two of them felt like old friends meeting again, and they couldn't help but sigh and sigh.

"I really did not misjudge the person back then. In such a short time, you have gone from the early stage of pill formation to the peak. I think you should have another chance in the past few years, right?"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and nodded.

"I can tell you more about this later. I'll show you something first."

While speaking, a green light flashed in Mo Xun's hand, and a green grass appeared.

Gongyang was confused for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Is this Green Underworld Grass?"

Mo Xun thought to himself, where did this happen? Then he took out another jade bottle, tapped his finger lightly, and immediately a wisp of black air flew out from the jade bottle, slowly condensing into a humanoid shape in the air.

But there was a dull expression on that man's face.

"This is...the soul of the Dan Formation Stage?"

Even the ram's voice seemed to be trembling a little.

Mo Xun smiled and said: "I saw this person in a place where Yin Qi was stagnant. His consciousness has been wiped out. Even if he is not a masterless soul, I think he can meet your requirements, right? "

The ram rarely showed some true feelings.

"Boy, what do you want me to say? These two things must have cost you a lot of effort, especially the Green Underworld Grass. I had only heard about it in legends, but you actually found it. There are so many I won’t say any more, I don’t say thank you for your kindness, I will give you a big gift when I grow up... Hehe, maybe it will be of some help to you in the future. "

Thank you or not, Mo Xun doesn't care.

As long as he fulfilled his wish for the Ram, one more promise he had made would be one less.

Otherwise, it will always be a problem in my heart.

"By the way, these two things are now ready. What do I need to do next?"

After thinking for a while, Gongyang said: "Don't worry, there are still some materials missing. When I write you a list, it won't be hard to find. Then you can find a place for me. It may take me a few years." Soul fusion will definitely not work in your body. I will have to ask you to protect me for a period of time. Once the soul fusion is successful, I will be able to completely leave your body and exist in the form of a soul. Finally, you can help me cast the magic spell. The soul technique allows me to merge with the lotus body, and the rest is my own business."

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, and then took out the Tianyu Tower he had obtained not long ago.

"What do you think of it here?"

The ram looked around for a while, then blurted out in surprise.

"The treasure of the universe!"

"Exactly, to tell you the truth, I have reached an agreement with Gu Yutian to rebuild the sect for him in the future. This treasure can be considered as one of the rewards!"

"You mean that sword?"


As Mo Xun concentrated his magic power, his whole body suddenly turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared in the secret room.

When he reappeared, he was already in a dark environment.

This tower has seven floors in total.

The original function of this object was to be an extremely powerful prison treasure.

It cannot be simply defined as a magic weapon or magic weapon, because it cannot be refined, so it can only be said to be a rare treasure.

It's a bit like his green gourd. No matter who picks it up, it can be opened with spiritual power.

If it cannot be refined, it cannot be controlled by spiritual consciousness, and it will be difficult to use it in actual combat against the enemy.

From this perspective, it seems a bit tasteless.

But there are other wonderful uses in it.

The first is that it can hold people, which is unmatched by any other treasure.

Secondly, the space inside can be large or small, and the inside is filled with spiritual energy.

The last point is that it contains many powerful formation restrictions. Although it cannot be communicated with spiritual consciousness, as long as the corresponding layout is understood, the formation flag can be controlled.

The two quickly teleported to the top.

This place is different from the six floors below. It is completely full of vibrant flowers and willows.

The Taoist monk Gu Yutian had arranged this place to look like a paradise.

There are both green mountains and green water, streams flowing through, and several houses built among the trees.

Coming here is probably the love nest of the two of them, but now it has been abandoned for tens of thousands of years.

"How is this place?"

Because it contains spiritual energy, this place is like a small world.

Except for the gray and white soil, it was almost the same as his green gourd, and the space was much larger.

Gongyang smiled with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, not bad. It seems that I still underestimated your boy's chances back then. Only those big sects can possess such a treasure."

Mo Xun took him around inside. Except for a few houses that Gu Yutian told him that he couldn't enter, it was definitely enough for Gongyang to torment.

When Mo Xun came out of the secret room, Gu Qingqing had been waiting outside for a long time.

"Are you OK?"

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head.

"I just suddenly realized something, so we all left in a hurry!"

When Gu Qingqing heard this, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. She thought the other party had encountered some problems in practice.

After all, it is not uncommon for monks to become possessed.

And at their level, once trouble occurs, it will be a big problem.

From this point of view, this woman is really worried.

"What about the rest?"

"I asked them to go and rest first. What are you going to do next? Do you want to continue to stay here?"

Mo Xun thought for a while.

"No, you call everyone out and we leave now."

Gongyang listed dozens of things for him. Although they are not rare, they are definitely not available in a small place like Qingguang City.

If this is the case, there is no need to waste it here.

As for purchasing local materials, it is optional and can be found elsewhere.

Gu Qingqing suddenly stared at Mo Xun narrowly.

"What about your woman?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What woman?"

Gu Qingqing snorted softly.

"Who else could it be? Didn't you just spend 100,000 spirit stones to buy a concubine? Why did you forget about her so quickly? What a great gesture. I didn't know, I thought you were from the Nine Star Sect. Where is the young sect master!"


Less than half an hour later, the group left Qianguang City.

But on the speeding car, there was an extra charming woman.

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