Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 794: Making enemies everywhere

But not long after leaving the city, he was stopped.

Bai Ze was still driving. Mo Xun was discussing how to fuse souls with Gong Yang in the secret room, when the entire speeding car was almost overturned by a powerful wave of air.

If this magic weapon wasn't of a low grade, it might have fallen apart on the spot.

Everyone was shocked at the first moment.

The first person to fly out of the car was Gu Qingqing.

She is training her new disciple, Ye Qingshuang, in the carriage!

That is, the Thunder Sea Enchantress who can even seduce a woman just by looking at her.

Mo Xun was somewhat speechless in his heart. He just thought of Wen Yue and felt a little compassion.

Since you have redeemed your life for this woman, you can just let her go on her own, so why bother?

But Gu Qingqing seemed to deliberately want to laugh at him.

According to what Fairy Care said: "You can accept disciples, but can't I?"

Just like that, Gu Qingqing accepted his first disciple in his life!

When she flew out of the car, a middle-aged man in black was standing in the air not far away.

Under this man's feet, there is also an extremely fierce thunder beast, with traces of thunder and lightning flashing all over his body.

When the two saw each other at the same time, they couldn't help but frown.

The person in front of him was obviously a pill-forming monk with thunder attributes.

And his cultivation level is not low, he is in the middle stage like Gu Qingqing!

This person is Wu Chuanqiong who was sent here!

"Who are you?"

Gu Qingqing didn't have the same confidence as Mo Xun. Besides, she was a woman. Whenever something happened, she would try her best to be patient or not.

The man frowned slightly, and the person who appeared in front of him was obviously a bit beyond his expectation.

He sensed it again, and then pointed at the speeding car and said: "I have offended you so much. In the fairy's car, there is an enemy sitting here. I hope the fairy can call him out. I have a grudge against this person." Made the knot!"

Although these words were said politely, the tone was not polite at all.

Even more faintly with a commanding tone!

Facing a monk of the same level as Gu Qingqing, this person was obviously not afraid.

Gu Qingqing glanced at the flying car, not knowing who the other party was talking about.

But there is a high probability that it is Mo Xun.

Only this guy would be restless and make enemies everywhere.

But no matter who it was, she didn't have much worry in her heart. After all, Mo Xun could even kill the little demon king, let alone a mid-stage pill formation?

When she thought of this, a hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on her lips.

It seems like someone is going to die again today!

"Oh? Who is the person you are talking about? If he is really in the car, I will leave him to you."

Wu Chuanqiong raised his eyebrows, as if he did not expect that the other party would be so easy to talk to.

But the weird look on his face gave him a bad premonition.

There was a restriction on the speeding car that blocked his spiritual consciousness, and he couldn't see through it.

Is there anything unusual in it?

But when he thought about it, he smiled to himself, what could be so unusual?

Could there still be an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage sitting inside?

He knew all the Nascent Soul cultivators in the entire Eastern Region, and besides, it was still a remote place like Qianguang City.

"This man's name is Qian Tongtian, and he is a man wanted by my Dong family for more than a hundred years."

As for whether it is called this name, Wu Chuanqiong is also a little unsure.

After Mo Xun killed the man and woman from the Dong family, his appearance changed slightly due to the pursuit.

Wu Chuanqiong caught up with him later, so he didn't know Mo Xun's true appearance.

Later, only through some side arguments, it was roughly deduced that this person was probably the young master of the Qian family.

On the one hand, Qian Tongtian's cultivation level is similar to that of Mo Xun, from the late stage of foundation building to the peak.

The two of them entered the Thunder Sea almost one after the other.

On the other hand, it’s that Thunder Sea Enchantress, Wen Yue!

At the auction in Qianguang City, everyone saw Qian Tongtian buying Wen Yue, and Wen Yue also participated in the fight with Wu Chuanqiong.

And he even blocked a fatal blow for Mo Xun!

It can be inferred from this that this person is probably Qian Tongtian disguised as a disguised person.

As for the young master who killed the Dong family, it is easier to understand, because both families are local wealthy families and they have never been dealt with!

Gu Qingqing blinked when she heard the words "Qian Tongtian".

This name seems to have impressed her!

By the way, when he was on his way to attend Purple Saint Heavenly Lord's wedding, didn't that guy use his identity to cause trouble everywhere?

It seems to be from the Wenyuan Qian family...

And she still remembered that bastard specially selected beautiful female cultivators to molest.

As if he was afraid that people wouldn’t recognize him!

It turns out the roots are here!

Gu Qingqing was speechless secretly. He was really a restless guy. No matter where he went, he would make a lot of enemies.

Gu Qingqing then stared at Wu Chuanqiong as if looking at a dead person.

"In that case, your Excellency, go and look for him in the speeding car. This person is hiding inside."

Wu Chuanqiong was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

Or is the other party just playing tricks on him?

Regardless of whether the person was inside or not, he obviously didn't want to make things right by luring him into the jar so obviously.

But it's no wonder. After all, someone has a level of cultivation no less than his, so how could he obey his orders so easily?

It seems that this matter will be difficult to solve without resorting to some means!

Thinking of this, he began to gather momentum and exude the mighty pressure of the middle stage of Jindan.

He had encountered similar things more than once or twice.

In front of people of the same level, he rarely showed timidity, because there was no need at all!

But at this moment, a faint voice came from the car.

"No need to come in, I'll come out!"

As the voice fell, Mo Xun had already walked out of the flying car, with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, looking at Wuchuanqiong with a bit of amusement.

If this person hadn't appeared, he would have almost forgotten about the matter!

He was able to go to the Central Region, which was more or less thanks to the person in front of him.

The moment he saw Mo Xun, Wuchuanqiong's eyes suddenly condensed.

It's not that he recognized the other party, but that cultivation.

Jindan peak!

Even if this state is far inferior to Yuanying cultivators, it is not something he can easily offend.

At this moment, he finally understood where Gu Qingqing's relaxed confidence came from.

The key point is that this is not the end, Cheng Mu also flew out.

Wu Chuanqiong's eyelids jumped, another Dan formation.

Although it was only in the early stage, it undoubtedly made the dangerous balance lean towards him.

Fortunately, he reacted immediately and clasped his fists and said: "It was my fault just now, please don't blame me, fellow Taoists. As for the damage to your flying cars, I am willing to compensate."

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