Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 799: Life and Death Battle

As this deep voice was called out, the entire auction hall suddenly fell silent.

Mo Xun was now rich and powerful, so in order not to waste time, he raised the price by 100,000.

No Nascent Soul cultivators participated in this level of auction. The highest level was just like him.

Of course, except for the Dongyi Patriarch.

But just as he was waiting for the host to drop the hammer, a cold voice came into his ears.


Mo Xun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, as if he had met someone who spent money like water like him.

After a moment of silence, he raised the price by 100,000 again!

Such a sky-high price has far exceeded the true value of this item.

In an instant, the auction hall became lively. Most people still prefer to watch this kind of bargaining.

The low-level cultivators in the scattered seats below raised their heads and looked at the box in the air.

The most excited person in this situation must be the host.

This is a young and beautiful woman, with a graceful figure and white skin. In terms of appearance, she is definitely a rare beauty.

That charming voice makes people full of endless reverie.

Her cultivation is only at the perfect foundation, but her mouth is really powerful.

A few words mobilized the atmosphere.

Then, the next moment after Mo Xun quoted the price, the other party added another 100,000, directly raising the price of a 500-year-old "Qianren Poison Ginseng" to 600,000 spirit stones.

At this time, Mo Xun already felt that something was wrong.

From the tone of the bid, he heard a bit of bad taste.

He did not continue to bid, not because he could not afford it, but because he felt it was meaningless.

Sure enough, at the moment when the host announced the result, the voice sounded again, and it was also with a bit of sneer.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities!"

Faced with this provocation with a double meaning, Mo Xun only frowned slightly, but Qi Ruyan and the others beside him all showed a hint of anger.

Gu Qingqing turned her head curiously, probably because she smelled something unusual.

Not long after, the second thing Mo Xun wanted appeared.

"Taiyin Mysterious Sand"!

When Mo Xun quoted the price to 250,000 spirit stones, the voice appeared again.


If Mo Xun is still not sure who this person is, then his two hundred years of life will be in vain.

Gu Qingqing also reacted immediately, thinking that maybe he had met this guy's enemy again?

Not to mention Fairy Gu, most people in the field also came to their senses.

Because so far, the slightly hoarse voice has only appeared twice.

And these two times, it happened to hit Mo Xun.

After thinking about this, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little confused. As a Yuanying cultivator, is he so boring?

Since we have found him, why not just come to his door and kill him?

He raised the price twice again, but he finally gave it up under the other party's insistence.

After the deal was made, the man snorted again with disdain, as if he was deliberately looking for trouble.

"An ant trying to shake a tree!"

This time everyone finally understood that the other party was not here to bid, but to cause trouble.

But Mo Xun's response was a bit disappointing.

In everyone's opinion, it would be good to watch the high-level monks bickering, but Mo Xun ignored it at all.

Gu Qingqing frowned and asked, "Hey, what's going on?"

This Fairy Gu was really speechless about Mo Xun.

Although she had always been a liar and had made many enemies, few people came to her because of her good disguise.

But following Mo Xun, she was fighting all the way.

Mo Xun acted innocent, as if to say, how could he know?

After figuring out the matter, Mo Xun felt at ease.

He had known about this Dongyi Patriarch a little in advance. He was worried, but not too much.

The experience of killing the little demon king last time gave him a lot of confidence.

Of course, although they were all in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, there were strong and weak among them.

Especially the thunder attribute cultivators!

Fortunately, his six-foot golden light could not only offset the Nascent Soul spirit domain, but also had a natural restraint on thunder-based exercises.

The baptism of the sea of ​​thunder for more than a year was not in vain.

The third and fourth items, as long as Mo Xun liked them, the voice would sound immediately.

After buying them, he still did not forget to make a few sarcastic remarks.

Mo Xun would raise the price at first, but later, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, he shut up.

It's not to save the other party spirit stones, but in his opinion, since this battle is inevitable sooner or later, no matter the spirit stones on that person or the proceeds from the auction, it is very likely that they will all be his, so why waste it?

It was not until half a day later that the auction finally ended.

Mo Xun was not in a hurry to leave. He waited until most of the people had left before coming out of the box.

The moment he appeared, a purple figure immediately appeared in front of him.

In his hand, he was holding a few things that he had auctioned before.

"I guess you have guessed my identity?"

Mo Xun looked at this person for a while, and after feeling the other party's cultivation, he was a little surprised.

This was different from what he expected!

But soon, he thought of another person, the head of the Dong family!

He raised his head and glanced at the box where the other party came out, thinking that the Dongyi ancestor had not come?

If it was just this person, things would be even simpler.

Seeing Mo Xun remained silent, Dong Yijin raised a cold smile and continued, "You first killed two young masters of my clan, and then killed the guest elder. This hatred is irreconcilable. I am now issuing a life-and-death challenge to you. I wonder if you dare to accept it? If you win, all these things will be yours! Even if you don't agree, this matter will not be stopped. My Dong family swears to grind you to ashes to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Dong Yijin was already gritting his teeth when he said the last part.

When this person said this, he did not whisper to avoid it, but deliberately raised his voice.

Those monks who had not had time to leave were immediately attracted.

Even those who had already walked out of the door turned back.

In the huge auction hall, a whisper suddenly sounded.

Especially after the word "Dong Yi" was announced, those people started to talk even more.

In this remote area, there are probably few people who have never heard of the Dong family.

Most of the immortal cultivation cities have fighting arenas.

The rule of this world is that the strong are respected. Problems that cannot be resolved through negotiations can be solved on the arena.

As for Mo Xun, he can naturally refuse!

After all, no matter where you are, there is no reason to force people to go on the arena.

But after hearing this, Mo Xun only hesitated for a moment and agreed.

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