Soon, the news that the two alchemy monks were about to fight in the ring spread like a plague in the city.

And one of them is the current owner of the Dong family!

The life and death battle at the peak of Dan Formation can be said to be second only to Nascent Soul!

This kind of grand occasion cannot be said to be rare in a century, at least it has not happened in decades.

For a time, all the monks who liked to join in the fun went to the competition platform!

The fighting of high-level monks, even from a distance, may be of great benefit to many people.

The Dong family, a family that has always been known only by name and rarely moves around in the secular world, has appeared in front of the world with such a high profile for the first time.

"Uncle Gu, is the master okay?"

Qi Ruyan had a worried look on her face. She was new to the world of cultivating immortals, so she was always careful.

This place was very different from the Yun Jie Yue Land he had imagined. There were no laws or rules at all.

Killing people at the slightest disagreement was a common occurrence.

She was also very lucky to be able to follow a senior like Mo Xun. If she was left alone, she would definitely not be able to survive.

Huangfu Xin, on the other hand, became more and more excited along the way.

Such a place where the weak and the strong prey on each other is what he yearns for.

The world of Tiankui is too small, even if you practice physical training to the extreme, you will not be able to achieve much.

What he saw, heard, and experienced during this period of time all stimulated his nerves.

Gu Qingqing shook her head helplessly. She took advantage of the time just now to inquire a little about the Dong family.

She was somewhat unsure of Mo Xun's current strength.

Thinking about it, it should be no problem to deal with a monk of the same level.

But don’t forget, there is an ancestor of Nascent Soul standing behind him!

Although Mo Xun had killed the Little Demon King before, he had taken advantage of the opponent's carelessness and had an element of surprise.

If you meet a Nascent Soul cultivator, God knows what the situation will be like.

On the competition stage, in just half an hour, the surroundings were already crowded with many spectators.

The radius is about a thousand feet, and except for the hundred-foot high platform in the middle that is covered by the formation, the rest are all people.

Naturally, you have to pay money to compete here.

However, this spiritual stone does not need to be paid by Mo Xun, but paid by the challenger.

Before the fight even started, someone opened a handicap on the outside.

Dong Yijin's identity is not a secret, but Mo Xun's side uses a mysterious person instead because he doesn't know his name.

Because he didn’t know his true strength, the victory-loss ratio actually reached an astonishing one-to-nine!

Of course, this meager 10% winning rate was bought from Mo Xun.

The Dong family has stood firm for thousands of years without falling. Not many people would think that if the head of such a family took action personally, there would be a chance of defeat.

When Gu Qingqing passed by the handicap, she actually had the guts to bet 200,000 spirit stones.

As for Cheng Mu and others, they also wanted to participate, but they were short of money and could only miss this opportunity.

Not long after, two figures appeared on the ring.

The glow is flowing around, and the defensive formation has been activated.

The level of this large formation is not low. Even if Nascent Soul takes action, it has never been able to blast it away with one blow.

Mo Xun looked at the man in purple clothes in front of him, but his peripheral vision was wandering around.

In his opinion, the Dong Yi ancestor was probably nearby.

Before taking the stage, he had already sent a message to Gu Qingqing that if anything happened, he would take the group away first.

If he is alone, even if he is not defeated, he will be able to get away better.

"Before the competition, can I ask you a question?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly.

"What is your relationship with the Wenyuan Qian family?"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth curled up. It seemed that this guy, like Wu Chuanqiong, recognized him as a descendant of the Qian family.

"It doesn't matter!"

Dong Yijin raised his eyebrows, but neither believed nor disbelieved. After a moment, he slightly arched his hands.

"Then please enlighten me!"

After the words fell, his whole body's aura suddenly surged, and overwhelming pressure swept out. Although he hadn't made any move yet, the core-forming aura just exuded was as if it were the substance, forming a suffocating line nearby. Air waves.

Then the arc flashed, and strands of electric light swirled into a huge vortex above the head, as if a small-scale calamity cloud had condensed.

It looks mind-blowing!

The momentum generated in this moment immediately caused the surrounding spectators to hold their breath and become silent.

Unlike other attributes, thunder monks have always been known for being masculine and domineering.

It’s not like there are no people below who practice thunder-type techniques.

Seeing the majestic lightning arc on the stage, I was already shocked beyond measure.

Dong Yijin said he was giving him a lesson, but in fact, he was already prepared to kill him with one blow.

He knew that the ancestor was watching not far away at the moment!

There are thousands of spectators around. Only by capturing this person in the shortest possible time can we avoid tarnishing the reputation of the Dong family.

What made him slightly curious was that Mo Xun, who was opposite him, was still standing there in a very confident manner.

He couldn't help but sneered, was this looking down on him?

That's right, since this person can kill Wu Chuanqiong, it shows that he still has some abilities.

What a pity I happened to run into him!

While thinking, he suddenly raised his fingers to the sky and waved downwards vigorously.

There was a rumble in the thunderclouds overhead, and a thick bolt of lightning struck down, heading straight for Mo Xun.

This move of his was not a full-strength attack, nor was it a test. If one must call it something, it can only be called confusion.

Because the real killer move was the two thunder dragons that flashed out of his body.

Three lightnings, occupying the left and right sides of his head, bombarded Mo Xun almost at the same time.

Even though he didn't know why Mo Xun didn't take action, he had enough confidence.

He was in a high position on weekdays, and although he rarely competed with others, it didn't mean that he had no experience in fighting.

In order to train their descendants, the ancestors of the Dong family had many trial methods, just like the sect.

Secret realms, offering spirit beasts, fighting puppets, etc., are all ways to train their children.

The entire family has been able to dominate for so many years, so they have a certain confidence!

But the next moment, he was a little stunned.

Seeing the three lightnings approaching, Mo Xun still did not dodge, and did not even use any body protection methods.

Then there was a loud rumble, and the place where Mo Xun was was completely submerged in the dazzling electric light.

However, under the electric light, a few golden rays of light were faintly transmitted.

Dong Yijin narrowed his eyes, as if he didn't pay much attention to where the golden light came from. It looked like some kind of protective treasure, or a protective light shield.

No matter what it was, he noticed one thing.

That thing could actually restrain the electric light!



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