Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 801 Silver Chiwen

After just a moment of hesitation, he reacted, and then he opened his mouth and spit out white light.

If you look closely, you can find that these white lights are flying swords flashing with arcs.

After counting carefully, there are as many as thirty or forty!

Before the lightning around Mo Xun dissipated, those flying swords circled and surrounded him in the silver light.

Then, the flying swords pointed directly at one place and stabbed out at the same time.

In an instant, a lightning ball with a range of more than ten feet bloomed on the stage, like a bright moon that was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it.

It was like a ball of exploding lightning.

The powerful momentum rushed straight into the sky, and the violent residual power fluctuations quickly spread around, and countless arcs flew randomly in the air.

Some hit the ring, splitting a large pit on the ground.

Some flew to the edges of the surroundings and were intercepted by the formation.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose up and lightning filled the arena within a hundred feet, as if it was swept by a storm caused by thunder and lightning.

The figures of the two were also submerged in it.

In order to avoid interference and interruption from others, the arena formation has a prohibition to isolate the spiritual consciousness, and everyone can only watch with their eyes.

But this time, it is equivalent to blocking everyone's sight.

All you can hear are deafening roars and the shaking ground under your feet.

Fortunately, there is a large formation to block it, otherwise, how can a mere hundred feet range limit the remaining power of the Jindan cultivator?

Seeing this scene, everyone outside the arena held their breath and concentrated.

Especially those low-level cultivators, it is extremely difficult for them to see the Jindan battle on weekdays, let alone meet a high-level cultivator.

At this time, everyone was stretching their heads, trying to penetrate the agitated smoke and lightning to see the situation inside.

But it was so hazy that they couldn't see anything.

It's really frustrating!

As a low-level cultivator, witnessing this level of fighting is not only about learning how others perform magical powers, but also about the many powerful and mysterious spells, as well as the means of controlling magic tools or magic treasures, which are also places they can learn from.

After this battle, Xuan Qingcheng will have another topic of conversation that people enjoy talking about.

Gu Qingqing secretly felt nervous. Although she knew that Mo Xun had a small chance of losing, she still had a lot of worries.

After all, this is not a competition, but a matter of life and death.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but complain again.

She thought that this guy usually looked low-key and taciturn, but he was really a troublemaker!

What no one knew was that Dong Yijin on the stage was frowning more and more.

Although he couldn't see Mo Xun's current situation, his consciousness could clearly capture the other party.

In the surging lightning, Mo Xun still stood in the same place.

But the golden light on his body was even more intense!

Dong Yijin quickly formed several seals with his hands in front of his chest. The lightning flying swords hovering around Mo Xun flashed, slashed or stabbed, and continuously bombarded the golden light.

But no matter what, they could not penetrate the protective layer.

What surprised Dong Yijin even more was that the golden light seemed to absorb the power of thunder and lightning.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

It's not that he couldn't think of body training, but there are too few horizontal training practitioners in this world.

Generally, those with spiritual roots would first practice Taoism. Even if they occasionally dabble in body training, they just want to strengthen their physical strength.

As for those without spiritual roots, they might choose the horizontal training path.

But how many people can afford to spend so many resources to train their physique to the eighth realm?

In addition, this six-zhang golden light is a practice from the upper realm, which is one level higher than ordinary body training.

So it is reasonable that Dong Yijin didn't think about it.

The mutual restraint of magical powers is very common in fighting, especially between people of the same level.

Therefore, Dong Yijin was only briefly shocked and quickly calmed down.

After all, he is a false infant cultivator, so how can he have more than this trick?

He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, forming a huge electric net with a range of more than ten feet above Mo Xun's head.

Then he pulled it down, and the electric net bound Mo Xun in place.

In fact, this move is somewhat redundant. He did so just to make an extra insurance for his next move.

If Mo Xun knew his thoughts, he would probably sneer.

Even if there was no electric net to restrain him, Mo Xun did not intend to avoid it, but wanted to absorb more thunder power in this vast electric light.

This person's lightning attack seems to be three times faster than the polar thunder sea.

Dong Yijin grinned. Although he is a thunder cultivator, not all the magical powers he practiced are thunder attributes.

If they are not single-rooted, they will often learn some other magical powers when practicing.

This is to prevent such a situation of mutual restraint, so that they have no power to fight back!

Dong Yijin slapped his waist, and a large piece of silver light suddenly flew out.

Upon closer inspection, the silver light was actually composed of young flying insects.

Each flying insect was only the size of a fingernail, with a silver light flashing on the surface, similar to the color of lightning, densely packed, tens of thousands of them.

Mo Xun couldn't help but move his eyebrows, he didn't expect that this person was also an insect cultivator!

This was a little beyond his expectations.

He knew this kind of spiritual insect, named "Silver Chiwen", a four-winged flying insect on the spiritual insect ranking list.

It sounds very imaginative, but it is also notorious!

Those silver insects passed through the thunder and lightning and came to Mo Xun. In a breath, they crawled all over the golden light around his body.

Mo Xun's whole body seemed to be covered by silver bees.

Then drops of sticky and dirty saliva spurted out from the mouth of the spirit insect.

When the saliva encountered the golden light, it made a hissing corrosion sound, and the golden light around him slowly dissipated under this corrosion.

In this scene, the two people on the stage showed different reactions.

Dong Yijin was delighted. In his opinion, as long as this layer of golden light was broken, his Qinglei Flying Sword would be successful.

As for Mo Xun, although he frowned a little, he was not too worried.

You know, from the time the two of them started fighting until now, he hasn't really taken action!

Letting these insects eat is definitely not a solution!

With this in mind, he also took out his spirit insect Ziyou!

Since this little thing was hatched, he has only used it as a spy to get information, and has not seen its true strength.

In terms of ranking, his bugs are much higher than the other party!

It's just that the number is a little less.

The moment the purple dragon flew out, Mo Xun sensed something unusual through his mind.

Purple light flashed, and it rushed out from the encirclement of the silver chiwen attached to the surroundings, and then there was a click.

The little guy opened his mouth and bit it, swallowing a silver chiwen!

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