Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 802 Red Blood Brick

Then came the second, the third...

The purple flying insect was like a pottery jar full of honey. With every bite, one or two silver chiwens would fall into its stomach.

And the swallowing speed was extremely fast. In a few breaths, it ate dozens of silver insects.

Those silver chiwens were a little panicked and kept spraying sticky liquid at the purple dragonfly. But the saliva had no effect on the purple dragonfly at all, and was even sucked directly into its mouth.

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved secretly.

Devouring magic!

This was the first reaction in his mind.

He had never used this thing against the enemy before, but he didn't know that this little thing was so powerful and so sharp in its first attack.

Soon, Dong Yijin also found something unusual.

It's just that his number of spiritual insects is huge, even if he loses hundreds of them, it's not a big deal.

But the purple dragonfly's swallowing speed is getting faster and faster, and its appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

At first, only one or two were biting and devouring, but then the purple light rolled up, and a large number of silver insects disappeared.

Not long after, thousands of silver Chiwen were swallowed.

Dong Yijin couldn't help but panic. These spiritual insects of his had taken hundreds of years to cultivate.

The resources consumed were countless!

If they were eaten up like this, it would be more painful than cutting a piece of his meat.

Thinking of this, Dong Yijin wanted to recall the spiritual insects.

Who knew that Mo Xun had anticipated his thoughts in advance, and suddenly scattered several formation flags around, trapping all the silver Chiwen in them.

Countless silver lights rushed left and right, constantly colliding with this temporary formation barrier.

Even if there were occasional ones that broke out, there were only a few.

The rest were all bitten by the purple dragon, and their number decreased rapidly.

"How dare you!"

Dong Yijin was really a little angry at this moment, and his roar shook the four directions.

However, the arena was still filled with smoke and lightning. The spectators outside could only hear the sound but didn't know what happened.

But judging from the angry roar, the head of the Dong family seemed to be in trouble!

Mo Xun naturally ignored him. His eyes kept wandering around the insect wars. He thought that the stomach of this little thing must be so big. After eating so much, its body size didn't change at all.

Dong Yijin couldn't stay calm anymore when he saw this.

He immediately opened his mouth and spit out another thing.

I didn't expect that this fake infant monk had two life treasures in his body.

This thing looked like a brick, red all over, surrounded by a circle of dazzling red runes.

When it flew to the top of Mo Xun's head, it had already expanded to about ten feet.

It was dark, like a small mountain covering the clouds and the sun.

With a loud bang, the huge brick fell heavily, spreading more smoke and dust around.

In the smoke, half of Mo Xun's body was smashed into the bluestone of the ring under his feet by the huge brick.

The golden light on his body also showed obvious deformation as if it was real.

At this moment, his physical strength played a role again. Not to mention a brick, even if it was really a mountain, it was not impossible for him to withstand it with his body refining realm.

Before the attack was completed, the huge brick flew high, expanded more than twice again, and smashed towards Mo Xun.

This time, Mo Xun was completely trapped under the ring.

Although the six-foot golden light was suppressed and shrunk, it still lived up to expectations and resisted this head-on attack.

Dong Yijin's eyes were bloodshot, and his heart sank at the same time. He finally understood that the person of the same level in front of him was a person who practiced both the law and the body.

And he had a very high attainment in the horizontal practice.

It's just that Mo Xun has never made a move, so he couldn't see the specific depth of body refining for a while.

But he couldn't care about these things at the moment. After such a short delay, half of his precious insects were gone.

If this continued, there would be no need to fight this duel!

He made hand gestures with both hands, and the spiritual power in his body poured out crazily.

He not only strengthened the attack power of the Qinglei Flying Sword, but also controlled the Red Blood Brick to try to break Mo Xun's defense.

As for the Silver Chiwen, he would save as many as he could recall.

He still had one last killer, but he had never planned to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Who could have expected that a duel with a sure victory would turn out like this.

The key point is that the other party hasn't made a move yet!

But he has already used all his means, except for the treasure at the bottom of the box!

After a moment of hesitation, Dong Yijin suddenly gritted his teeth, swung his robe sleeves, and a thick black gas swept out of his body.

The black gas condensed and took shape in the air, and in a flash it turned into a huge black-scaled python, which was more than ten feet long.

As the black python passed, all the lightning arcs along the way avoided it.

But Mo Xun noticed that when the arcs hit the black python, the black gas would dissipate a little.

He immediately realized that this thing was demonic energy!

A cultivator who practiced thunder-attributed skills actually practiced magic skills.

These two things, which were originally mutually exclusive, appeared on one person in a very strange way.

But Mo Xun's reaction was not slow. With a flash of green light, he summoned his demonic incarnation, Mo Hun!

As soon as Mo Hun appeared, he took out a dark blue square seal in his hand, which was the demonic seal he got in the Cangkuo Dojo that year!

The incarnation threw the demonic seal high up and fell towards the flying black python.

Then, the black python suddenly stopped as if it had seen its natural enemy, and the demonic energy on its body began to dissipate rapidly. The black energy was like a backflow, and was gradually sucked into the magic seal.

Mo Xun was delighted. This trick really worked!

On the other side, Dong Yijin opened his eyes in shock.

He never expected that the other party actually had a treasure that could restrain the demonic energy, and what about the extra helper in the middle stage of the Jindan?

He hesitated to use the demonic energy because the whole Xihezhou had no good feelings towards the demons or demon cultivators.

Some places even regarded them as mortal enemies.

Their Dong family has always been good at thunder-based skills, and thunder and lightning are just the opposite of those despised demon cultivators.

Once people knew that he practiced magic skills, it would have a very bad impact on the reputation of the entire family.

This time, he used it because he couldn't see on the stage. As long as he could kill Mo Xun in a very short time, he could hide it from others.

But who knew that before he could bully the other party, he encountered a restraining treasure!

And after the struggle between the giant python and the magic seal, some people in the outside world have noticed the existence of the magic energy.

Fortunately, most people think that the magic energy comes from Mo Xun.

But some sharp-eyed people noticed from the direction of the fluctuation of magic power that the magic energy came from Dong Yijin.

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