Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 803 Dongyi Patriarch

This inevitably made many people suspicious!

However, the doubts of the crowd only lasted for a moment, because the situation of the next battle completely changed.

Mo Xun flicked his sleeves and put the purple snakehead, who was not sure whether it was full, into the insect bag.

Those originally densely packed silver chiwen were almost swallowed by the little guy.

As for Mo Hun, he retracted the magic seal and returned to the green gourd.

When Dong Yijin came back to his senses from the shock, he was surprised to find that Mo Xun was gone!

"Your Excellency has been attacking for so long, do you dare to take the next shot?"

As the voice fell, a silver light flashed in the smoke and dust, and Dong Yijin's heart tightened immediately.

But then, he felt a sudden pain in his head, as if a steel needle had pierced into his consciousness.

The whole person was stunned!

It was this short moment of loss of consciousness that the silver spear was less than a foot away from him.

"How dare you!"

This angry shout seemed to come from the sky, causing Mo Xun's forward steps to stagnate.

But Dong Yijin, as if he was called by someone, showed signs of waking up under the pain of his consciousness.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, he knew that it was the Yuanying cultivator who made a move.

Not only the two people on the stage heard it, but all the people present were shaken by the shaking mind and were in a trance.

At the same time, the light shield of the formation outside the arena shook violently.

The ground under his feet also trembled.

It turned out that the Dongyi ancestor who had been watching from the sidelines made a move to blast open the formation without paying attention to the rules of the fight.

But to say that this defensive formation is indeed of a high level, it has withstood the attack of the Yuanying cultivator and has not collapsed.

At this critical moment, Mo Xun suddenly exerted force under his feet.

"You dare!"

As Dong Yifangyun shouted again, Mo Xun's Tongbao gun had already slashed out. At the moment when Dong Yijin was about to wake up, a silver light flashed, and a head flew out from his shoulder, splashing thick blood in the air.

Poor Dong Yijin, he was only half a breath away from waking up, but he had to sleep forever!

"I will kill you!"

Mo Xun sneered, and the Xuantian True Fire in his hand gushed out. Before his soul escaped, he rolled up the corpse and the head on the ground into his sleeves.

It was at this moment that Dong Yifangyun's second attack came along!

The indestructible arena formation finally couldn't hold on and completely dissipated.

The powerful residual power made Mo Xun, who had not yet stood firm in the air, stagger slightly.

The dust and smoke dissipated immediately, revealing the figure of Mo Xun inside.

As for Dong Yijin, I'm afraid only the golden elixir was left.

In the sky, a black-robed man with angry beard and hair stared at Mo Xun, as if he was looking at a dead man.

The sudden change made the onlookers stunned.

Although none of these people knew the black-robed man who suddenly appeared in front of them.

But no one was a fool. Just from the fact that the other party could break the formation with two strikes, it showed that this person's cultivation was unfathomable!

And those who could see his realm were even more shocked.

Although there was only one person left on the ring now, not many people paid attention to where the head of the Dong family, who was calm and composed before, had gone.

This battle seemed long, but it was only a cup of tea from the time the two people came on stage.

No one could imagine that Mo Xun's real move was only a few breaths.

Dong Fangyun suddenly laughed.

"Young man, you really surprised me, so brave!"

Dong Fangyun almost gritted his teeth to say the last two words.

After saying this, the aura of this Nascent Soul ancestor suddenly surged, and the overwhelming pressure was like a burst of seawater, attacking all around.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted.

"Nascent Soul cultivator!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone fled in panic in all directions with exclamations.

Are you kidding? If you don't run away at this time, are you going to be the innocent victim?

Not to mention the Nascent Soul, even if a Jindan cultivator takes action, without any defensive formation, it will be a landslide.

For a while, the entire duel area was in chaos!

At the moment when Dong Fangyun took action, Mo Xun also moved.

As soon as Mo Xun dodged and left the original place, the place where he was was exploded, setting off a huge lightning fireball that was dozens of feet wide.

The powerful mana impact directly involved dozens of people who had not yet escaped.

Wails and roars came one after another!

Blood mist filled the sky in the light ball, and countless broken limbs flew into the air.

The affected area instantly became a hell on earth!

At this moment, those who had not yet run far away seemed to be racing with the god of death, desperately running away.

While avoiding this attack, Mo Xun also distractedly glanced at the direction where Gu Qingqing and the others were.

After his spiritual sense sensed that the group was fine, his figure flashed and disappeared again.

Another powerful and suffocating lightning attack exploded at his location.

Hundreds of innocent people were killed again!

"Brother Dong Yi, stop it. If you have any grudges, please move outside the city to resolve them!"

A light suddenly appeared in the distance and quickly came towards the direction of the fighting stage.

Without thinking, you can know that this is the lord of this city coming to stop it.

But Dong Yifangyun was angry at this time, so how could he obey the orders of others? After sensing Mo Xun's location, he launched another powerful lightning attack.

But this time, Mo Xun did not dodge or evade!

His body suddenly shone with golden light, and he went straight to the Dongyi Patriarch in the air!

Dong Fangyun smiled coldly, he was waiting for Mo Xun to overestimate his ability.

The gap between Jindan and Yuanying is too big.

Even if it is the peak of Jindan, as long as it has not taken the last step, it is like a child in front of Yuanying.

When Mo Xun entered his spiritual domain, Dong Fangyun immediately operated the skills, and the sneer on the corner of his mouth turned into a hideous twist.

He did not care about Dong Yijin's life or death, but was angry that such a junior dared to kill people under his intimidation!

Since he entered Yuanying, it was the first time that he could not stop a Jindan cultivator from attacking.

And the person he killed was the head of the family he personally selected!

The head of the family can be cultivated slowly, but the reputation of the Dongyi family cannot be ruined!

He thought so in his heart!

What he didn't think about was that the moment Dong Yijin died, the prestige of the Dongyi family had already fallen.

Even if he killed Mo Xun at the Nascent Soul stage, it would be bullying the weak.

It would have no effect on the family's reputation!

It could even be said that openly violating the rules of the duel was tantamount to lowering one's own prestige!

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly focused!

He saw that Mo Xun was wrapped in a layer of golden light, and not only was he not restrained in his spiritual realm, but his speed increased instead of decreasing.

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