Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 804 Fighting Yuanying

"Shaking the mountain!"

Dong Fangyun's eyes suddenly widened, and then he felt a huge impact that could shake the world, knocking him out of his mind.

After this collision, he retreated hundreds of feet away.

A trace of blood even oozes from the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the dazzling golden light in the distance in horror, and not only his internal organs, but also his heart was in turmoil.

"Dual cultivation of Dharma and body!"

Just a glance, he immediately understood what Mo Xun relied on.

And the other party's horizontal training realm is at least above level eight.

In the Tiankui Realm, the body cultivators are divided into levels one to nine, and Xihezhou is similar, also divided into nine levels.

This division is somewhat based on the level of monsters. After all, body cultivators and monsters are all mainly cultivating the flesh!

At this moment, even the City Lord Xuanqing, who was about to speak, immediately shut his mouth.

He showed a look of disbelief!

Dual cultivation of Dharma and body, and the level of body cultivation is actually higher than that of Dharma cultivation.

How many years has it been since such a genius appeared in the entire Eastern Region?

The city lord was a burly middle-aged man, and his cultivation level was similar to Dong Yifangyun.

At the moment, he didn't know who to persuade. He thought it was a Yuanying cultivator teaching a junior, but who knew such a person would appear.

What was even more surprising was that Dong Yifangyun seemed to be injured as soon as they fought.

Then, six or seven more escape lights flew over, all of which were a group of Jindan cultivators, mostly elders of the city.

These people had high and low cultivation levels!

One of them was in the late Jindan stage, and probably had a good status. Seeing the mess around him, and seeing that the city lord didn't speak, he thought it was difficult to persuade him because of his friendship with the ancestor Dong Yi, so he took the initiative to step forward and greet him.

"Junior Chang Yanling greets Senior Dong Yi. I don't know what happened that made the senior so fuss. If you need any service, just speak up!"

While speaking, he also glanced at Mo Xun with a cold look in his eyes.

The subtext seemed to be: "You are of noble status, so you don't have to fight with the younger generation in person. If you want to teach someone a lesson, just give an order, and these Jindan juniors will immediately rush to attack!"

Because this person came a little late, he didn't see the fight between Mo Xun and Dong Yifangyun just now.

As for the blood at the corner of Dong Yi's mouth, he didn't notice it because he was too far away.

Chang Yanling's words were naturally well-intentioned.

As an elder of this city, he has the responsibility to stabilize the city.

If the Yuanying cultivator is allowed to attack at will, even if it is just a light fight, it can destroy a large area.

In addition, there must be a desire to please.

When these words came out, the eyelids of Xuanqing City Lord jumped.

Thinking that this guy is really looking for death!

Before figuring out the situation, he randomly stood in line.

Don't look at the Jindan cultivator who is not as good as the Yuanying, but if he really starts fighting, it is still unclear whether Dong Yifangyun can resist.

But in a moment, he began to weigh the pros and cons.

They, Xuan Qingcheng, have always been on good terms with the Dong family. If they help at this time, it would be a great favor.

But on the other hand, if this unfamiliar cultivator kills Dong Yifangyun, wouldn't it be a good thing for Xuan Qingcheng?

At this time, Dong Yifangyun suddenly sent a message.

"Brother Wei, I was a little wrong today. I hope Brother Wei can help me. I will thank you with a heavy gift later!"

The master of Weicheng was very experienced and heard it immediately.

This Dongyi ancestor was probably not confident enough.

But before he could reply, Mo Xun moved.

The situation in front of him was obviously beyond Mo Xun's expectations.

He couldn't wait for the two Yuanying to join forces, and there were so many Jindan cultivators around to help.

The choices he faced at the moment were nothing more than two.

Either kill Dong Yifangyun in a very short time, or get away immediately.

After a little thought, he rarely chose the first one.

The reason is very simple, because he is not alone now.

This is why he always likes to be alone.

If he can't win, he can get away alone. With the various escape methods he has accumulated over the years, there are not many people in this world who can keep him.

But bringing a bunch of burdens is tantamount to adding many ties.

He can leave, what about Gu Qingqing's group?

Maybe Fairy Gu also has a unique escape secret, but what about Qi Ruyan?

Although this old disciple has made rapid progress, he is only in the Qi Refining Stage and can't even fly a sword.

Thinking of this, he can only use his strongest means. He must hit it with one blow. Even if he can't kill a Yuanying, he must severely injure it.

Let the still hesitant Xuanqing City Lord not intervene in this feud.

In mid-air, the golden light on Mo Xun's body was slowly wrapped by a layer of purple flames. It was the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor!

And in his hand, he directly took out the Jade Heavenly Sword!

When he was still a dozen feet away from Dong Fangyun, he shouted and chopped down with his sword in both hands.

The huge white sword light, like the silver light of the bright moon, fell down with a mighty force that could shatter the heaven and earth.

The area within a hundred feet was completely submerged in it.

This sword seemed to split the space in half!

Before he finished, Mo Xun threw his long sword, and the Jade Sky Sword was like a stream of light, whooshing into the sword light that had not yet dissipated.

Then there was a shrill scream.

Mo Xun was delighted and rushed over in his purple flame armor.

In the white light, a large group of lightning arcs suddenly bloomed, and a figure flew out from it.

It was Dong Yifangyun.

However, this ancestor who had always been high and mighty was in a bit of a mess at the moment.

His hair was scattered, his clothes were messy, his whole body was covered with blood, and he was also missing an arm.

"Young man, I will not let you go!"

After saying this harsh word, Dong Yi Patriarch suddenly disappeared in a flash of lightning.

"Thunder Escape!"

Mo Xun frowned. This old guy had only used the second move and escaped.

His series of moves just now were extremely fast.

From the sword to the rushing over in the Tianling Armor, it took only one or two breaths.

But he was still a step slower. Just as he approached, the old guy ran away!

The next moment, Mo Xun also used the Tianhuo Escape and chased after him without hesitation.

After the strong impact of the magic power, the sky above the arena suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone was stunned!

Especially those Jindan elders who had just arrived not long ago.

A Jindan cultivator chopped off the arm of a Yuanying cultivator with a sword, and chased after him aggressively!

Everyone felt that their brains were not enough.

Did the Jindan cultivator hide his cultivation?

Or did the Dongyi Patriarch's strength drop significantly for some reason, which led to this absurd scene.


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