As for the sword, most people could see it.

It is a treasure with a good quality handle!

But no matter how good the treasure is, it can't make up for the huge realm gap between the two.

Chang Yanling was somewhat frightened at this moment. He had just shown murderous intent towards a person who was comparable to Nascent Soul.

After a while, he clasped his fists at City Lord Xuanqing and asked, "City Lord, what should I do about this matter?"

Even though he had seen Mo Xun's previous body-refining strength, being able to kill him with such a sharp thunder sword still made City Lord Wei a little stunned.

Dong Yi, an old man, couldn't take that man's sword!

Of course, there are many factors involved in saying that this sword can perform meritorious deeds.

The first is surprise!

Dongfang Fangyun didn't expect Mo Xun to take action so simply.

The previous move that shook the mountain was only after he had made multiple sneak attacks that Mo Xun was forced to counterattack.

Secondly, in this sword, Mo Xun not only did not hold back any of it, but also used 100% of his mana, and was even blessed by Chiwei's heavenly fire.

Finally, there is the treasure sword!

Several reasons may be indispensable.

City Lord Wei let out a long breath, and he instantly felt a little old.

His cultivation base is about the same as Dongfang Fangyun's, and his strength is about the same.

Since Mo Xun was able to force Dong Yi, an old man, to throw down his arms and run away, it meant that he was not sure of winning against this man either.

Maybe not to mention victory, as long as you can save your life, it is considered good.

City Lord Wei waved his long sleeves, turned around and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, Xuan Qingcheng, please don't get involved!"

The remaining people looked at each other in confusion, and then looked at the devastated competition platform at their feet. Their moods were really complicated.

Besides, Mo Xun chased him for several hours, but finally lost him.

His Heavenly Fire Escape is pretty good, but his level is still a bit low.

Now without the help of Sanqing's wind attribute spiritual power, the six changes of spiritual wind that he learned back then are temporarily useless.

Moreover, he has always only run away and has no experience in chasing people at all.

Such a result is also expected.

After Mo Xun sent a transmission note to Gu Qingqing, he immediately turned around and headed in another direction.

This hasty decision at the critical moment can be considered a success in general.

Maybe at that hour or three at night, when Patriarch Dong Yi reaches cooperation with the city lord, he might be the one who wants to escape.

Presumably after seeing this method, the people in Xuan Qingcheng would not be in trouble even if they found out that he had companions in the city.

Three days later, Mo Xun appeared in a mountain filled with spiritual energy.

In the distance, there is a large and gorgeous fortress building.

On the tallest place, a magnificent palace was built, surrounded by side halls and various buildings stacked on top of each other.

This place is the home of the Dong family.

Because he lost the trace of Dongfang Fangyun, he could only come here.

But after wandering around for half a day, there was no sign of the old guy coming back.

The opponent was seriously injured, and he was probably hiding in a corner to heal his injuries at the moment!

In this case, I can only give that old guy a memory!

After spending another hour or two studying the defensive formation, Mo Xun dropped several formation flags, ducked, and entered it.

This family formation is inferior to the sect's mountain-protecting formation.

In fact, it can be broken open with brute force, it just takes some physical effort.

As soon as he entered the formation, he went straight to the main hall.

Before he could reach him, the Jade Sky Sword's hundred-foot sword light had already struck down.

Amid the loud noise, half of the mountain shook, and the magnificent palace instantly turned into a pile of ruins.

Mo Xun's voice also spread to all directions.

"Today is the day when the Dong family will be destroyed. Everyone will leave immediately within a stick of incense!"

Using his true energy, his voice was like a loud bell, vibrating in everyone's heart.

In an instant, thousands of people were alarmed.

This Dong family is a large family in the border area. It has been inherited for thousands of years and has developed into a huge scale.

"Who dares to come to my Dong family to act wild?"

Soon, a young man dressed in white and holding a thunder ax appeared in front of him.

Although this person looks young, his cultivation has reached the early stage of pill formation.

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight more pill-forming monks rushed over and surrounded Mo Xun.

Somewhere further away, there are many foundation builders and Qi refiners looking eagerly.

Mo Xun looked around and his cold gaze fell on the man opposite.

"Send your name!"

"I am Dong Yinan, the current young master of the Dong family. Who borrowed your courage and dared to come here to stir up trouble?"

Mo Xun sneered.

What a coincidence, the person he killed back then was also Young Master Dongyi.

Now that he had asked for his name, Mo Xun didn't have any nonsense. The golden light on his body flashed and he disappeared.

The man in white robe was startled, and just as he was about to defend himself, Mo Xun stepped forward.

Then there was a mountain-shaking strike, which hit the opponent solidly.

Dong Yinan felt as if a heavy hammer had hit his chest suddenly, shaking his internal organs to pieces.

The whole figure was like a kite with its string broken, flying backward alone.

In mid-air, blood stained the white skirt of his chest red, and before he even hit the ground, he completely lost consciousness.

Mo Xun had no intention of killing anyone, so doing so could be regarded as a act of kindness.

When the others saw this scene, their faces all turned an earthy color.

"You daring thief, how can we allow you to be so arrogant in our Dongyi Holy Land!"

As soon as the words fell, a black figure, swept by the wind and lightning, rushed out from the crowd.

Mo Xun rushed forward in the golden light, and slashed with the Jade Sky Sword in his hand at the same time.

Blood splashed in the white sword light, screams arose, and the figure was directly split in half in mid-air.

Fortunately, only a pair of legs fell from the broken part.

This person is also a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan.

Mo Xun then turned around without even looking at him, and pointed the long sword in his hand forward.

"Who else?"

These three words shook the sky and the earth, with a momentum of looking down on the world.

One collision and one sword directly crippled two Jindan cultivators.

Even if he was a fool, he knew at this moment that this thief who suddenly appeared was a guy who was not easy to mess with.

Fortunately, he did not have the intention to kill him, otherwise two corpses would have fallen from the sky just now.

After two moves, Mo Xun's fake infant cultivation was exposed.

In the crowd, another person wanted to rush up, but was immediately stopped by an old man next to him.

"Now is not the time to be impulsive. Let's wait until the ancestors and the head of the family come back. Let's go!"

The old man pulled the furious man next to him and immediately turned into a light and ran away.

Seeing this, the others stamped their feet and turned around and fled.

In fact, there were also strong men in the middle stage of Jindan among these people, but after seeing Mo Xun's cultivation and methods, they all chose to endure!

When these people ran away, the low-level cultivators and mortals in the distance also fled in panic.

Mo Xun just floated in the air and waited quietly for a stick of incense.

Then, there were constant rumbling sounds from the belly of the mountain.

The land of the Dong family, which had stood for thousands of years, became a scorched earth in a cup of tea.

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