Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 809 A Match Made in Heaven

But having said that, it is a bit funny for a woman who looks like she is only in her twenties to call herself this.

Luo Xi seemed to feel his smile and turned around suddenly.

"Brother Mo, what are you laughing at?"

Mo Xun reacted and coughed twice hurriedly.

"Oh, nothing!"

Luo Xi glanced at him suspiciously, but didn't think much about it. She just felt that this guy's expression was a little weird.

Although the mansion is built like an ordinary house, there are still a lot of things that should be inside.

Formations, restrictions, secret training rooms, skill pavilions, martial arts arenas, etc. are all available.

There are also many guard servants in the mansion, some are surrounded by spiritual energy and have some cultivation level, and some are completely mortals.

Luoxi has its own independent mansion and courtyard.

After passing through the cloister and rockery, the two entered an elegantly decorated hall.

Everyone sat down and one of the maids offered tea cups.

The entire Luo family was slightly different from the immortal cultivating families that Mo Xun had seen before, and seemed to be more secular.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they couldn't help but exchange greetings.

Let’s talk about their respective experiences and knowledge over the past hundred years, as well as their cultivation status, etc.

When he heard Mo Xun talk about his trip to the Central Region, Luo Xi became even more curious.

Although there are passages between several domains, most of them are far away and full of dangers. Not only will it take several years of work, but you may even die.

As for the specific details, Mo Xun naturally did not mention them.

In comparison, Luo Xi's cultivation is much simpler.

Most of the time, I stayed in the valley. I occasionally had the opportunity to go out, but I didn't have any too risky experiences.

In addition, Luojiabao has been busy with everything in recent years, and she has no time to travel.

In fact, when the two of them are in such a state, it is not feasible to practice hard. Sometimes, going out to see things, looking for opportunities, or experiencing some opportunities can actually loosen the stagnant cultivation.

Regarding the life-and-death experience that year, the two of them naturally had a lot of emotions.

It's a pity that the ram has not yet transformed into a human form. Otherwise, this woman would be greatly frightened.

Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

Mo Xun looked around and suddenly asked: "I have taken the liberty to come here this time. Do you need to pay a visit to your father?"

He had no intention of doing so.

Along the way, I heard the servants calling "Miss" and thought that the current head of the Luo family was probably Luo Xi's father.

If he was just a small foundation-building monk, he would naturally not come up with such an idea.

But now, even though he has forcibly suppressed his cultivation, the realm of forming pills is here, so his arrival will naturally not attract the attention of others.

After asking this question, Luo Xi couldn't help but lower his head, with a bit of sadness in his expression.

"My father... just passed away a year ago!"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then said apologetically: "I was the one who was rude, please don't blame me, Fairy!"

"It's okay. Dad is approaching his end of life. He wanted to break through the Nascent Soul by force, so he chose this path."

Mo Xun sighed and nodded, somewhat feeling the same feeling in his heart.

After all, it won't be long before he embarks on this path of no return!

Perhaps the outcome faced will be the same as Luo's father, sitting on the road to failed advancement.

The expression on Luo Xi's face changed, suddenly from sadness to resentment.

"Brother Mo, what do you want to see my father for? If it's to propose marriage, it's a bit late!"

The words of enlightenment that Mo Xun was about to say were swallowed back.

Although he knew it was a joke, it really made him wonder how to answer it!

Before coming here, because he only planned to stay for a short time, he didn't ask much about the current situation in Biling Valley.

I just knew that there was a Nascent Soul Ancestor sitting in the valley, but now it seems that there should be someone else.

Seeing Mo Xun's embarrassment, Luo Xi laughed again and said: "By the way, what kind of opportunity did Brother Mo get to break through so quickly? When I saw your cultivation before, I was really shocked. Before I met you, I thought that the world's geniuses were probably nothing more than this, but looking at it now, I am looking at the sky from a well. Could it be said that there are really many talents in the Central Region? If so, I will leave. Last trip!”

When it comes to this aspect, Mo Xunzi has some say.

In terms of aura and geography, the Central Region is indeed superior. Whether it is the sect level or the secret holy land, it is better than here.

Seven-star sects such as Liangyi Sect are considered top-notch existences locally, but when placed in the Central Region, they can only be ranked at the upper-middle level.

But even so, it doesn't mean that Zhongyu is that good.

Everywhere, danger and opportunity coexist.

Like in the previous war between humans and monsters, if one of them failed, they would be driven to the front line and used as cannon fodder.

Just when Mo Xun was about to speak, an angry voice suddenly came from outside.

From far to near, he came towards this direction cursing.

Because of the restrictions placed here to isolate the spiritual consciousness, Mo Xunchu came to visit, so he did not have the arrogance to explore at will.

Immediately afterwards, a man in his thirties wearing light yellow clothes walked in angrily.

This person has a fair face, handsome figure, and has the cultivation level of the early stage of pill formation.

When he saw Mo Xun sitting in the hall, his angry expression suddenly stopped, and he asked in surprise: "Who are you?"

Mo Xun stood up slowly and cast a questioning look at Luo Xi.

I thought to myself, this is terrible, maybe it’s her husband?

By the way, could the word "Shang Yao" on the plaque just now refer to Luoxi's husband's family?

That's not right. Since you are from your husband's family, how can you call her the eldest lady?

And isn’t this Luojiabao?

Forget it, why are you thinking so much? He is here as an old friend anyway, so he needs to feel guilty!

In fact, since he started practicing, the women he has dealt with are either single or widowed. Just like Qi Ruyan, there has never been a married woman who has been alone with someone like this.

And given his character, no matter how good the relationship is in this situation, he will try to avoid suspicion.

Luo Xi noticed his embarrassment and suddenly stepped forward to hold the man's arm affectionately.

"This is my Taoist friend Mo who died after my death. Wangxuan, have you ever seen it?"

The man named Wangxuan showed a little surprise on his face. Although he was doubtful, he still clasped his fists.

"I've met fellow Taoist Mo!"

Mo Xungan smiled and returned the salute.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite. Although I have an old friend with Fairy Luo, this limited to the fact that I once broke into a secret realm. Moreover, it has been more than a hundred years since we last met. In fact, it is not Not familiar, haha... I came to your mansion this time just to pass by, but the virtuous couple, the talented man and the beautiful woman, are a match made in heaven. The fairy just mentioned fellow Taoist, saying that you two are very loving, which makes me admire you very much. Woolen cloth!"

When the man heard these unreasonable words, he glanced at Luo Xi next to him with a strange expression.

Then he suddenly pulled out his arm, took two steps to the side, and then patted his sleeves with disgust.

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