"Fellow Taoist, it seems that I have misunderstood something. I am Luo Wangxuan, the current Lord of Luojiabao. He is the eldest brother of the...man next to me."

As he spoke, Luo Wangxuan cupped his hands again.

Luo Xi glared at him angrily, snorted softly, and sat back down in her original position.


Mo Xun opened his mouth in surprise, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Luo Wangxuan suddenly laughed, patted Mo Xun on the shoulder, and said something thunderous that made the two of them nervous on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Sister-in-law, there's no need to be so polite. Where are you currently employed?"


Mo Xun's eyes widened immediately, and he didn't know how many alpacas were galloping past.

What kind of brother and sister are these?

First of all, in terms of cultivation, the elder brother is actually one level lower than the younger sister.

The second is the language style that catches people off guard. If they say they are not born to the same mother, I am afraid no one will believe it.

If he still didn't understand that he was being tricked, Mo Xun would be extremely stupid.

He laughed twice!

"Brother Luo is joking. I am just an old friend with Fairy Luo, and we don't have the kind of relationship you think."

Luo Wangxuan waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't have it before. I'll just cultivate it slowly in the future. Sister-in-law doesn't have to be humble. This is the first time I've seen my sister bring a man back. Don't worry. Although my father is gone, as the saying goes, the eldest brother is the father. I don't care about this. No objection, you two can just discuss it."

Mo Xun felt ashamed, why did he become more and more outrageous as he spoke?

This uncle... Bah, this Lord Luo seems to be worried that his sister can't get married, so he will randomly identify his relatives when he catches one.

Luo Xi immediately stared with beautiful eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Stop fooling around. What happened?"

Luo Wangxuan suddenly reacted, quickly threw Mo Xun aside, and put on an angry look again.

"It's not like those two old guys from Molitang promised well, but secretly violated it."

Mo Xun saw that the two of them seemed to be about to get down to business, so he was about to quietly exit the door.

But at this time, Luo Xi spoke.

"Brother Mo, there's no need to be like this. It's not a secret at all. There's no need to avoid it."

Mo Xun paused, hesitated for a moment, and then sat back on the chair next to him.

Then he looked at his nose with his eyes, and his mind with his nose, and acted like it had nothing to do with him.

In my mind, I was thinking about the eldest brother Luo Xi, who seemed handsome and handsome, but in terms of personality, he seemed to be a bit arrogant!

"What exactly happened?"

Luo Wangxuan sat on the other side and said angrily: "I asked them to compile Luo'an City's taxes this year. They agreed fully two days ago, but today they used various reasons to shirk it, saying that there were too many accounts. I won’t be able to calculate it right now, so let me wait for another half month. I think they must have done some tricks and are settling the accounts!”

A flash of anger flashed across Luo Xi's face, and her slender fingers suddenly clenched.

But then, there was a deep sigh.

"Forget it, let them go. It's only a year's tax. Even if it is swallowed up, how much can it have?"

Luo Wangxuan slapped the armrest heavily.

"This time they dare to tamper with taxes, and they know that they will not take advantage of the surrounding mineral veins in the future. If things continue like this, where is the prestige of me going to Yaotang? Maybe over time, my identity as the castle owner will be ignored. In addition, I heard that Yushantang is also making small moves, and they are preparing to eat up our elephant little by little!"

Luo Wangxuan gritted his teeth angrily and clenched his fists.

Although Mo Xun was listening a little confused, he was probably trying to figure out something.

I think the two brothers and sisters must be in some kind of trouble now.

But what's going on here in Yaotang?

Luo Xi's expression turned cold, and the trace of his charming smile before was completely gone.

It seems that what is sitting there is a cold and beautiful rose!

"It doesn't matter if you let them be proud for a while. As long as the ancestor doesn't say anything, no one will dare to touch your position as the castle master. The plan now is for you to practice hard. As long as you advance to the mid-level realm in the shortest time, even if I can't suppress them at all, so I forgive them for not daring to act rashly. After all, I am a direct descendant of Yao Hall, and not everyone can easily shake it!"

After saying these words, the two brothers and sisters fell silent at the same time.

Mo Xun's eyes were slightly closed. Although he didn't use his spiritual consciousness to detect them, he could clearly feel the solemnity on their faces.

"Haha... You're right. As long as the ancestor doesn't say anything, what kind of waves will those old men make even if they turn upside down? Forget it, I have other things to deal with, you two. Let’s chat first, I’ll have a banquet in the evening, and then I’ll have a drink with Mo Daoyou!”

Luo Wangxuan suddenly stood up and was about to leave. After taking two steps, he turned back to Mo Xun.

He came closer and whispered: "My sister has been kissed dozens of times over the past hundred years, and none of them are to her liking. She seems to treat you differently, so Luo Mou here has to ask fellow Taoist, once you The two of them have formed a good relationship. Not only will my Luo family not take any money from the bride price, but I will also give you a generous dowry. I will definitely not disappoint you fellow Taoist... Ouch!"

While he was talking, a figure flew out of the hall.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

A vague message came to my ears: "Fellow Taoist, please don't give up, Luo is optimistic about you!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth twitched. He had seen his parents who hated marrying, but this was the first time he met his eldest brother who hated marrying.

When his eyes met Luo Xi's, Mo Xun hurriedly looked around.

He thought that this woman had a lot of experience, and she had been on blind dates dozens of times.

Luo Xi gently stroked the hair beside her ear, and smiled slightly.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. My brother has no other skills, but he likes to talk nonsense. He doesn't practice well all day and makes friends with bad people outside all day. This is why he has developed the habit of speaking without thinking. If it weren't for the sudden death of my father, I'm afraid he would still be living a life of luxury in a gentle place! But he is not bad by nature, but there are some..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly pointed to her head.

"You know!"

Mo Xun blinked without comment. How could he say that about his brother?

"He is just such a person. He married more than a dozen concubines, and he thinks that everyone in the world is like him. It seems that he can't live without getting married, so don't be surprised, brother Mo."

Mo Xun laughed dryly twice as a response.

Luo Xi invited him to have some tea, and her expression returned to its previous calmness.

"But since my father passed away, I am quite pleased with his transformation. Although I am a bit of a pushover, I have finally taken on the responsibility. If you don't have anything important to do, you can stay here for a while, so that I can show my hospitality."

Mo Xun was about to decline, but Luo Xi continued, "Of course, I will also give my brother some pointers. With his current cultivation, he may benefit a lot."

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