Mo Xun actually tried it once not long ago.

This feeling of being filled with spiritual power is similar to that in the first illusion, but now the endurance is no longer comparable to what it once was.

This is due to his improvement in cultivation.

Another important reason is the practice of Dharma-Phase Golden Body Technique.

His physical state was one step ahead of his Taoist cultivation, so although his body was still swollen, it was completely within the tolerable range.

As for Luo Xi, although his cultivation level is not low, his physical body is too weak, so it will be much more painful than him!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this kind of promotion is not just used to cheat against the enemy.

If one can withstand the consequences of a subsequent decline in realm, this method is like the Thirteenth Level of the Luo Family's Heavenly Star. It can enable people to advance to the next realm in a short period of time, allowing them to perceive the mana and status of a higher realm, and have a great influence on breakthroughs. Great benefit.

But according to Mo Xun, this thing can only be used by monks below the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

If it were any higher, even if the entire mountain spirit's spiritual power was absorbed, the effect would be insignificant.

There are several problems we are facing now.

First of all, it is whether Luo Wangxuan's body in the early stage of pill formation can withstand the pain of this kind of infusion.

Secondly, after the cultivation level is improved, how long can it be maintained?

Finally, it’s the price that comes with the follow-up!

This cost includes two aspects.

First of all, it is damage to the body. If the foundation of the Tao is destroyed, it will be a bit more gain than loss!

For both of them, if this method is used, the state will fall back again, or even fall below the golden elixir, which is not impossible.

This kind of improvement is fake after all!

If Luo Wangxuan didn't have real strength, he could only fool him for a while, but not for the rest of his life.

"Brother Mo, is this the method you mentioned?"

Mo Xun nodded solemnly.

He couldn't help but look up at the emerald jade figure standing above the pool. The last time he came to the illusion, the pool under the sculpture was only submerged to his ankles.

When I came here, the jade sculpture was already standing completely on the water.

It seems that this thing is rising little by little.

I'm afraid that when it completely escapes from the water, the mountain spirit will disappear.

But tens of thousands of years have passed, and it has only risen from the ankle to the toe, which shows how slow this rise is.

He originally planned to keep this thing as his own, but after trying various methods, the result he obtained was the same as in the illusion!

This mountain spirit cannot be touched at all. If you touch it even slightly, the whole mountain will shake.

No matter it is the storage bag, the Tianyu Tower, or the green gourd, it cannot be collected.

Before coming here, he stayed here for two full days, but he never thought of a way to take him away, so he had to give up in the end.

Things like mountain spirits are rare in the world, so very few people know about them.

I don't know, naturally there aren't many methods of using it. The formation that collects spiritual power from it now was secretly learned by Gongyang from the leader of Tianqing Sect by chance.

After years of experience, Mo Xundao is also able to see clearly.

There are countless opportunities in the world, and not every one he encounters can be monopolized by him.

Perhaps because of this, after so many years, this thing can be kept here safely, otherwise it would have been taken away long ago.

While he was lingering here, he also thought about whether to use this object to feel the cultivation of Nascent Soul, but this idea was quickly rejected by him.

His current physical condition is already in the best condition to conceive a baby.

If the Dantian meridians are damaged as a result, it may create hidden dangers for the condensed Nascent Soul in the future.

"Not bad, what do you think, fairy?"

This is the only way he can think of at the moment. Whether to use it or not depends on the brother and sister.

If it were Mo Xun, he definitely wouldn't take the risk.

He doesn't have any ancestral heritage and the persistence to protect it to the death.

Luo Xi frowned at first and wandered around the jade carving for a long time, then asked without answering: "Brother Mo, can you tell me in detail, from whom did the jade slip map you mentioned before come from? Where did you get it?”

At the same time, there was a strange meaning in his eyes.

After all, the more she thought about it, the more strange things became.

Regarding this point, Mo Xunzi had a complete set of words. Now that he decided to take out this object, he would definitely complete the lie.

After explaining this matter, Mo Xun planned to leave.

No matter what Luo Wangxuan chooses in the end, he has done his best for his old friend.

Soon, Luo Xi noticed a passage on the other side of the cave.

Mo Xun vaguely remembered that this passage seemed to be connected to the bottom of a lake in the Tianqing Sect.

After arriving here two days ago, he walked along the passage for a while.

But before he could go far, he was blocked by a pile of collapsed rocks, and he stopped going deeper.

The two came out of the cave, removed the outer formation, and sealed the cave entrance again.

This cliff is located, on the one hand, it is relatively remote, and on the other hand, there is probably a natural shielding formation around the cave, which has lasted for so many years and has not been discovered by anyone.

"Fairy Luo, I won't go back to Luojiabao with you. I will leave after I go to Luo'an City to pick up a few companions."

Calculating carefully, Mo Xun has stayed here for five or six days.

Luo Xi seemed to be thinking about the mountain spirit, and was a little absent-minded for a moment. After reacting, he hesitated and said: "Brother Mo, can you wait a little longer?"

"Is there anything else, fairy?"

Luo Xi smiled sweetly.

"Since this method was thought up by Brother Mo, he must have some thoughts on how to better use it for my brother. Please forgive me for being dissatisfied. After all, it concerns my relatives, so I hope that Brother Mo will continue to carry out family planning." You can protect my brother and sister before the competition. I will bear this in mind as a great kindness!"

Just as Mo Xun thought before, this is a very good cheating method.

But there are three issues involved.

The first is whether Luo Wangxuan's body can withstand this kind of spiritual power infusion, the second is the duration after the level is improved, and the third is how to deal with the aftermath after the competition.

Speaking of which, Mo Xun really has some ways to improve things.

He is also willing to tell you these methods!

But if he is asked to wait for some kind of family competition, he will definitely not have the time.

God knows when the other two churches will launch an attack and propose using the Thirteenth Level of Heavenly Star to re-select the helmsman of the family!

If he had to wait for ten or twenty years, wouldn't he have to spend his time here?

After hearing this excuse, Luo Xi smiled and said: "Brother Mo, you can rest assured. Once my brother masters the magical effect of this method, I can find an excuse to go to Yaotang and propose re-election without waiting for them." After the head of the family and my brother show their strength, if they retreat and try to break through, they should be able to get a period of stability for decades. If it is still like this, it means that I am no longer suitable to run the Luo family in Yaotang, and it is time to It’s time to give way.”

At the end of the story, Luo Xi looked quite lonely.

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