Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 817 Spiritual Mine Conflict

At this moment, a sound transmission note flew over.

Luo Xi reached out and grabbed it, but after a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"Brother Mo, something urgent happened at home, I have to go back now!"

Then, the two of them took off at the same time and flew towards the direction of Luojiabao.

Outside Shangyao Hall, dozens of people were standing around at this time.

These people were obviously divided into two camps. On one side, there was a person who Mo Xun had seen before, and he was a cultivator from Luojiabao.

These people, the highest cultivation level was only the late stage of foundation building, and more than half of them were Qi Refiners.

The two slowly fell from the air, and those people consciously made way in front of the door.

Then, an old servant in his fifties came up anxiously.

"Miss, you are finally back!"

Luo Xi looked around. Except for the cultivators from Luojiabao who saluted together, the faces of the people on the other side were full of fear and anger.

"What happened?"

Luo Xi passed the crowd and stepped into the threshold in a few steps. As he walked, he asked the servant next to him.

The old servant first glanced at Mo Xun behind him, hesitant to speak.

Seeing him like this, Luo Xi waved his hand very neatly.

"It's okay, Brother Mo is not an outsider, just speak frankly!"

Before Mo Xun came here, he wanted to avoid it, but Luo Xi finally asked him to go with him, so he followed together.

Since the master has spoken, the old servant naturally no longer hesitated.

"It's like this, the Zhang family of Tianyue Peak and the Ma family of Ziwu Valley had a conflict. The two sides had a big fight not long ago. After the third and fourth young masters knew about it, they wanted to stand up for the Zhang family, but accidentally beat the father and son of the Ma family to death. There was also a young master of the Min family who was involved and seemed to be seriously injured. After hearing about it, the head of the Min family came to my Shangyao Hall to ask for an explanation. Now several elders are inside and are talking about this matter!"

One moment, the Zhang family and the Ma family, and then the Min family came out, which really confused Mo Xun.

If you think about it in detail, it is not complicated.

There are more than a dozen immortal cultivation families of all sizes in the entire Beijing Mountain.

Among them, the Luo family of Biling Valley and the Min family of Juyang Cave are the leaders.

The rest of the small families are also attached to these two big families.

Let’s talk about the Zhang family first, which is a member of the Luo family, and the Ma family is attached to Juyang Cave.

In other words, the conflict between the two small families actually involves the two core families of Luo and Min.

If it is just a conflict, it will be fine, but once someone dies, the problem can be big or small.

The key is that it also involves the children of the Luo and Min families.

These two families control the Beijing Mountain Range. It is not to say that they are incompatible with each other on weekdays.

But there are often conflicts in the open and in the dark.

Especially in the allocation of cultivation resources, they are fighting for it and neither of them gives in!

But in general, thanks to the agreement made by their ancestors in the early years, there has never been a conflict that will never end.

But everyone knew that no matter which family it was, they all wanted to swallow each other up.

"What's the reason?"

The old servant knew what his young lady was asking when he heard it.

"It seems to be a small spiritual mine. Originally, our two families took turns to mine, but for some reason, the Zhang family did not receive the notice when it was time for each other to rotate, so the Ma family sent someone to take over. Originally, the matter was not big, and it was enough to ask clearly, but perhaps there was a conflict in the words, and the two sides actually fought. At first, the Zhang family suffered a loss, so they asked for help from the third young master, which led to the current situation."

Luo Xi couldn't help but frowned and asked in a deep voice: "What does this have to do with Yunqi, why did he intervene?"

The third young master he mentioned was named Luo Yunqi, who was Luo Xi's half-brother.

As for the fourth young master, his name was Luo Shaozhao, and he was also born to Luo's father's concubine.

In this family that values ​​the legitimate family over the illegitimate, everyone's future family status is basically determined from birth.

This status not only includes the right to speak in the clan, but also represents the amount of cultivation resources possessed.

This is also the reason why Luo's father has many sons, but only the legitimate Luo Xi brothers and sisters have achieved Dan.

In fact, there is a second young master under Luo Wangxuan, but his soul lamp went out a few years ago and he died somewhere unknown.

The so-called third and fourth young masters are not all arranged in the real order.

There are also several brothers who died at the end of their mortal lifespans because they did not have spiritual roots.

The old servant smiled bitterly and replied: "Not long ago, the third young master took a daughter of the Zhang family as a Taoist partner, so there is such a relationship."

Luo Xi snorted coldly!

It is not uncommon to marry with such a small family, and it is even very common.

For thousands of years, the various families in Beijing Mountain have always done this.

Even when Luo's father was alive, several family heads took the initiative to propose marriage and had their eyes on Luo Xi.

After passing through a long corridor and rockery, the group hurried to the formal reception hall of Shangyao Hall.

At this time, there were already many people sitting inside.

The leaders of the three halls of the Luo family, that is, the Jindan elders, were all here.

In Shangyao Hall, in addition to Luo Wangxuan, there were two middle-aged cultivators in the early stage of Jindan. In terms of seniority, they were the cousins ​​of Luoxi and his sister.

There were only three people in the other two halls.

A pair of identical twin brothers in Moli Hall, both of whom were in the middle stage of Jindan.

One person in Yushan Hall was also in the middle stage of Jindan.

In addition, the third and fourth young masters involved in the incident are now bowing their heads and hanging their hands in the corner. Behind them stands a middle-aged man, who is probably the head of the Zhang family who started the culprit!

All three are in the middle stage of foundation building, and all of them have some injuries on their bodies.

Opposite the Luo family, there are people from the Min family who came here to ask for an explanation.

Among them, a burly strong man is the leader, who is already at the peak of Jindan!

On the left and right sits a person in the early and middle stages of Jindan.

Although there are only three people from the Min family, they are not inferior to the Luo family in terms of momentum.

This person at the peak of Jindan alone can suppress everyone.

Once Luo's father died, the highest cultivation level of the entire Luo family is only the middle stage!

This is just now. If the head of the Min family succeeds in forming an infant in the future, I believe that all people in Beijing Mountain will have the surname Min!

When Luo Xi appeared at the door of the hall, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Then, all those unfriendly, cold, and fearful eyes were all directed at Mo Xun.

The Min family head was stunned, but soon recovered.

The others also frowned.

Obviously, they were curious and suspicious about such an uninvited guest, and they were also wary!


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