Everyone stood up, except the head of the Min family, who was still sitting still.

Although Luo Wangxuan was the current head of the Luo family, Luo Xi's cultivation was there, and no one could ignore her existence.

Then, some called "big sister", some called "Xi'er", and some just nodded.

Luo Xi nodded slightly, smiled and walked to the head of the Min family.

"I greet Uncle Min and two Taoist friends. Because I was delayed for a while, I didn't go out to greet you. Please don't be offended, Uncle!"

The head of the Min family was named Min Gan, a very domineering name.

Min Gan also forced a smile and nodded gently. Regardless of his seniority or cultivation, he was indeed qualified to sit still.

"Miss Luo, you are too polite. Min came here suddenly, so I should say sorry for disturbing you!"

As he spoke, Min Gan's unscrupulous consciousness was always wandering around Mo Xun.

It seemed that she had sensed something unusual about the mana flowing through Mo Xun!

Mo Xun's current cultivation level was the middle stage of the Jindan stage.

He simply glanced at the people in the hall and followed him in silently.

Luo Xi bowed gracefully, and she looked bright and generous in her purple palace dress. Her temperament was completely different from before.

Although her cultivation level was not as good as others, she was not inferior in aura.

She was just like the hostess here!

"Uncle, you are being too polite. Our two families have always been good friends, so it is only natural for us to visit each other!"

While speaking, she also motioned Mo Xun to sit down first, and she walked to Luo Wangxuan's side.

With Mo Xun's realm, he could not avoid the attention of others at all.

It was just that the Luo family had more important things to do now, so no one asked.

But Min Gan was different. He just leaned back on the chair, touching his chin with one hand, and kept looking at Mo Xun with his naked eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This fellow Taoist looks unfamiliar. What's your name?"

It was a bit impolite to ask such a question!

It was like an elder asking a younger person!

Mo Xun glanced at him calmly and sat down in the empty seat next to him calmly, as if he hadn't heard it.

Min Gan's smile froze on his face.


This is completely ignoring!

The hall immediately became quiet, and the few people who were about to speak also shut their mouths in an instant.

Especially the elders of the Luo family, some frowned, and some turned their eyes away, pretending to be indifferent.

After a short silence, someone finally spoke.

A younger middle-stage Jindan next to Min Gan suddenly stood up from his chair and looked at Mo Xun fiercely.

"My father is asking you a question, are you mute?"

Mo Xun remained silent, and didn't even look up at the other person.

The man looked at Luo Wangxuan again with suppressed anger.

"Master Luo, is this how your Luo family treats guests?"

This person's name is Min Wentong, he is the eldest son of Min Gan, and he is also the most likely candidate to inherit the position of the head of the Min family in the future.

From this point, it can be seen that the two families have gradually widened the gap even in the next generation of inheritors.

Although Luo Wangxuan was already unhappy in his heart, he still hurriedly bowed.

"Brother Min misunderstood, this brother Mo is just like you, a distinguished guest of our Luo family!"

Min Wentong sneered.

"Since he is a guest, he should also know the etiquette. Does this person rely on his little cultivation to ignore his elders?"

What he said was hard to tell right from wrong.

In Luo Wangxuan's mouth, since he called Mo Xun "brother", he was the same generation as the brothers and sisters of the Luo family.

So Min Gan is naturally the elder here.

But when did the world of cultivating immortals judge the superiority based on the mortal generation?

In front of strength, even if it is a yellow mouth child in front of him, he has to respectfully call him senior.

This is obviously a bit of a fuss.

Mo Xun glanced coldly at the guy who suddenly came out noisy. Although he didn't look up much, it didn't mean that he didn't pay attention to the reactions of the crowd.

It is said that a person in the middle stage of Jindan would not be so easily irritable?

If this person really has such a personality, he may be fine if he stays at home all the time, but once he goes out, he will probably not live for more than three days.

Then there is only one reason, that is, Min Gan next to him instructed.

As for the reason for the instruction, it is easy to guess, it is nothing more than to irritate him!

And the purpose of anger is to deliberately test his depth.

Luo Wangxuan and Luo Xi frowned at the same time, and I don't know if they have seen through the intentions of the Min family father and son.

The key is how to resolve it?

Before the two of them could speak, someone next to them tried to smooth things over.

The one who spoke was actually one of the twins of Mo Litang.

"This is Fellow Daoist Mo, right? That's Uncle Min. You may as well meet him!"

The man spoke in a very warm voice. Although it sounded like a kind reminder, it was obviously to make Mo Xun bow his head and give in.

If it weren't for Min Wentong's artificial attitude, Mo Xun would have been willing to meet him.

When there was no serious conflict, he was always low-key and rarely cared about these things.

But now that he understood the other party's intentions, I'm afraid that even if he gave in again, the other party would find another reason.

He suppressed his cultivation just to avoid attracting too much attention in Luojiabao.

It's not that he was afraid of exposing anything!

With his current strength, even if the ancestor of the Min family came, what could he do to him?

Besides, Luo Xi called him over this time, maybe he wanted to use his power to show off.

If he bowed his head, what was the point of coming here?

Seeing that Mo Xun still didn't speak, Min Wentong seemed to be angry, and his momentum suddenly burst out, followed by a fierce and strong spiritual power attacking Mo Xun.

Everyone's face changed immediately.

No one expected that this guy would attack in front of so many people.

Mo Xun raised his eyelids and brushed his robe sleeves lightly in front of him.

Then a more powerful magic power impact responded, not only dissolving Min Wentong's sneak attack, but also hitting Min Wentong with the aftermath of the might, retreating several steps in succession, and directly knocking the chair behind him apart.

Fortunately, Min Gan helped him, so he didn't show any ugliness.

This move, both of them can only be regarded as a simple test.

But even so, the level of cultivation can be seen at a glance!

Min Gan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly said "Sure enough" in his heart!

When the others saw this, they looked at Mo Xun again, and they all showed different expressions.

Although this small test could not see Mo Xun's true realm, many people could already conclude that Mo Xun was definitely not an ordinary middle stage of Jindan.

It is even possible that he is in the late stage!

In fact, Mo Xun's concealment technique is not so magical.

He can do this to conceal his identity, mainly relying on the chaotic turbid air.

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