Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 819 The whole story

Because he was worried about the impact on his spiritual roots, he only had a little bit of this chaotic aura left in his body.

If this thing is used to suppress the fluctuations of spiritual energy, not even Min Qian, not even the Yuanying monks, can tell the clues.

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Normally, it is normal for a fight of the same level to win or lose, but Mo Xun's calm and calm attitude made everyone a little stunned.

The only person here who looked indifferent was Luo Xi.

Only Luo Xi knew Mo Xun's true strength best.

Just as Mo Xun guessed, after receiving a message from Luo Wangxuan and knowing that Min Qian came to the door aggressively, she deliberately brought Mo Xun over.

Without his father in charge, the Luo family is no longer what it used to be!

If there is any unmanageable situation, at least there will be such a strong foreign aid to ensure that the Luo family will not be at a disadvantage.

Although she knew that Mo Xun was only staying here temporarily and would leave sooner or later.

But she could only take one step at a time.

At present, Shang Yaotang is really suffering from internal and external troubles.

Luo Wangxuan's position as the head of the family has not yet been firmly established, and he suddenly came into conflict with the Min family.

It’s really a wave of ups and downs!

After Min Wentong stabilized his body, he didn't know whether he was slightly injured in this short exchange or because he was humiliated. His cheeks turned red. In anger, he was about to take action again when he was stopped by Min Qian. .

"This fellow Taoist has great magic power, please stop showing your shame!"

Although he said this to his son, Min Qian's eyes like poisonous scorpions were always fixed on Mo Xun.

Luo Wangxuan was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly came out to smooth things over with a smile.

"Both of them are distinguished guests of my Luo family, why are they so violent?"

Then, he shouted to the servants outside the house.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you go and change Brother Min's chair?"

After some tense moments, the atmosphere finally calmed down, but the air was still filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

At this moment, Mo Xun was sitting on the sidelines with his eyes, nose and heart in mind, as if nothing had happened.

"Nephew Luo Xian, since everyone is here, let's talk about how to deal with this matter?"

After a few people talked about it, the whole story quickly became clear.

This feud indeed originated from a spiritual mine at the junction of Zhang and Ma families.

The area occupied by this mineral vein is owned by both families.

It stands to reason that they can mine separately on their respective sites, but because of the special location of the spiritual mine, there is only one entrance to facilitate transportation and mining.

This matter happened decades ago, after the coordination between the Luo and Min clan heads, they finally decided on the method of taking turns to mine at regular intervals.

As for this time, it was initially supposed to last for two years.

Later something happened, and the Ma family played a trick. During the collection period, they only selected high-quality spiritual stones and discarded low-grade or broken spiritual stones, causing the entire mineral vein to be riddled with holes.

Since then, the contract has been renewed.

The rotation is no longer based on time, but based on the value of the collected spiritual stones.

One person from the Luo and Min families will work together to supervise and count the mined spiritual stones. When a certain number is reached, they will be replaced by the next family.

This method is fairly fair.

It also helps the two aristocratic families of Luo and Min to accurately control the amount of mining, so as to collect a certain amount of offerings.

During the mining process, there are meticulous accounts.

Take the Luo family as an example. These accounts will eventually be summarized to the elders of the Luo family who are in charge of the matter. Once the number of rotations is reached, the elders in charge will report it to the head of the family, who will then send someone to the branch of his own force. The mining parties should be prepared for rotation.

Such trouble is the rule set by the first master of Shangyao Hall.

The purpose is, of course, to prevent someone from enriching their own pockets!

After all, such a big family and such a big industry would have been reduced to a piece of loose sand long ago if there were no rules and regulations.

The two big families are actually pretty similar in how they manage this matter.

The person who was originally responsible for managing the accounting books of this spiritual mine was one of the Molitang twins named Luo Chengzong.

When Luo's father was alive, as long as he was not in seclusion, Luo Chengzong would promptly report the rotation period of the family head.

As for the method of reporting, no one knows.

According to this person, it is submitted through written accounts once a year and does not need to be stated in detail.

When Luo's father is clearing the account books, he will see them from inside and then make arrangements.

But because Luo's father passed away in a hurry, he did not have time to give detailed instructions to his son on family management in the future. As a result, Luo Wangxuan was not clear about many things. When reviewing the account books, he actually neglected this matter.

In fact, the management of a big family cannot be done well with just a few instructions.

Especially for a large immortal cultivating clan like the Luo family, which controls half of the Beijing Mountains, seven or eight small immortal cultivating clans, and also manages Luo'an City, there are too many things to do.

If it's like this, it can only be regarded as a trivial matter, so why would you go out of your way to explain it?

Logically speaking, even if Luo Wangxuan was negligent, such mistakes would not occur.

The Zhang family, which is attached to the Luo family, must also have detailed accounting records.

But it happened to be such a coincidence that the person in charge of the accounts suddenly died suddenly half a month ago.

After such a delay, the Ma family suddenly came to take over, but the Zhang family had no news.

As the old servant said before, it's not a big deal.

After checking each other's accounts, things became clear.

But I don’t know what the two groups said, but they actually started fighting in the spiritual mine, which led to a series of subsequent conflicts.

The current situation is that the head of the Ma family died, and one of Min Gan’s grandsons was said to have his dantian destroyed.

At this point, the problem is very serious.

There are three culprits in this matter, and they are the ones standing in the hall.

No matter which one, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

Although the head of the Zhang family is an outsider, he belongs to the Luo family after all. If he is abandoned, it will inevitably chill the hearts of those small clans that depend on the Luo family.

The other two are Luo Xi’s nominal younger brothers.

It is unreasonable to kill the concubine’s child just after Luo’s father died.

But if we don’t express it, will the Min family agree?

If it’s just some compensation, it’s fine, but I’m afraid that they are unwilling.

Mo Xun sat quietly aside, and his peripheral vision swept over and fell on the twins of Mo Litang.

If you go through this matter from beginning to end, anyone who is not stupid can find out that it is unusual.

On the surface, it seems that the Min family came to ask for an explanation, but in fact, the target is Luo Wangxuan.

Luo Chengzong probably guessed that Luo Wangxuan would not read the accounts in detail, so he deliberately concealed the matter.

And the death of the accountant of the Ma family is probably related to these two brothers.


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