Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 821 Internal and external troubles

Luo Xi narrowed her eyes slightly and said calmly: "Then it depends on how good the Min family wants to be!"

"What a sharp-tongued girl. Since your father is no longer here, I have to do it for him and discipline the descendants of the Luo family!"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xi's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly retreated.

But after all, he was half a step too late, and a fierce wind was approaching.

At this critical moment, the figure next to him suddenly flashed out and pulled Luo Xi away. At the same time, there was a loud roar and a dazzling glow suddenly bloomed in the entire hall. Two figures were solid. 's bumped into each other.

Under the aftermath of the impact, a powerful mana shock quickly spread to all directions.

In an instant, the originally huge hall collapsed, and smoke and dust wrapped in countless rubbles rose into the sky!

At the same time, several rays of light quickly flew out from the smoke.

When I looked again, I saw that the entire central hall was in ruins!

As the smoke slowly fell, several figures inside were gradually revealed.

Mo Xun just stood there quietly, with green light flowing around his body, not stained by a trace of smoke. Behind him stood Luo Xi, whose face was ashen, surrounded by the same purple energy, not stained by the dust at all, but his eyebrows were almost twisted. Come up with the word "Chuan".

Not far away, there was Min Qian, whose face was even more ugly and full of shock.

Looking around again, the Alchemy Formation monks who were sitting around just now all opened their eyes in astonishment.

Some of them even had a trace of blood on the corners of their mouths because they couldn't dodge.

Under the ruins, three poor people were buried.

The head of the Zhang family and the third and fourth young masters, because their cultivation levels were too low, had fainted with blood all over their bodies, and their life or death was unknown!

"You really hid your cultivation!"

Min Qian almost said this through gritted teeth.

Mo Xun ignored the other party's cannibalistic gaze, but turned to Luo Xi behind him and asked via voice transmission: "Are you going to kill him?"

Luo Xi was a little unresponsive for a moment.

On the one hand, he didn't expect Min Qian to actually take action in public, but on the other hand, he was equally shocked by Mo Xun's strength.

You know, Min Qian is also in the false infant state.

But others may not have seen the head-on confrontation between the two of them just now, but she could see it clearly.

Mo Xun passively faced the enemy, not only did he not fall behind, but he also forced Min Qian back several steps.

It seems that this old friend has really encountered quite a few adventures over the years.

The question at hand is, can this person be killed?

Maybe Mo Xun has such strength, but behind the Min family, there is still a Nascent Soul Ancestor!

Although the Nascent Soul has not appeared for more than a hundred years, who knows when it will suddenly appear?

If a war breaks out between the Luo and Min clans, it will definitely be a fight to the death.

If this person comes back in the future, who can resist him?

My ancestor?

When my father passed away, my ancestor showed no signs of leaving the seclusion. I am afraid that he passed away many years ago as rumored by the outside world!

But if they don't kill, how will the Luo family protect themselves once Mo Xun leaves?

And don't look for an outsider. Protecting her once is considered a friendship. Intervening in the conflict in Beijing Mountain like this is tantamount to giving others a big enemy. If the ancestor of the Min family traces it in the future, will this old friend be sent to the end of the world? ?

This sudden change made Luo Xi lose all his strength!

Just when she was hesitating, Min Qian keenly caught the murderous aura on Mo Xun, and couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart.

Without any explanation, it suddenly turned into rainbow light.


This scene made Luo Xi, who was still undecided, even more stunned.

As for the others, they were also stunned!

Min Wentong and the alchemy monk who came with him looked at each other, their expressions changed slightly, and they hurriedly followed him.

After a long time, an elder from Shangyaotang asked tentatively: "Do you want to chase me?"

I don’t know who you are asking this question?

Let's talk about asking Luo Wangxuan. The nominal head of the family hasn't reacted yet!

But let’s ask Luo Xi. The Luo family has never had a tradition of respecting women.

Besides, Luo Xi didn't beat him away. If the strange monk next to him didn't nod, who would dare to catch up?

But Mo Xun was not a member of the Luo clan, so why did he ask for other people's opinions?

In the end, Luo Xi made the decision.

"Forget it, let him go for now, and please all the elders to move to Tianhua Hall to discuss this matter again!"

After saying that, she said gratefully to Mo Xun: "Thank you so much, Brother Mo. However, my Luo family has important matters to deal with right now. I would like to ask Brother Mo to go to my residence and wait for a while. I will talk to my brother later." Xiang said.

Mo Xun nodded.

Afterwards, a maid led him away.

Looking at Mo Xun's leaving figure, Luo Wangxuan walked slowly forward.

"What should we do with those Min family monks outside?"

Luo Xi first scanned the surroundings and saw everyone looking at her, then said, "Let them go first."

At the moment, the two families are just in conflict, after all, they have not reached the final step.

If it could be undone, she would naturally want to settle the matter.

Besides, what’s the use of keeping a bunch of little shrimps?

Mo Xun was taken to the flower hall where he had been for the first time. After simply going over the matter in his mind, he didn't think about it any more.

Now that something like this has happened, it will definitely be impossible to leave in a short time.

Next, it depends on Luoxi's decision.

Then, he sat down cross-legged and entered into meditation. He waited for half a day until the sun set in the west. Luo Xi finally came in exhausted.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time, Brother Mo!"

Mo Xun smiled faintly.

"I understand!"

Seeing that the other party was hesitant to speak, Mo Xun said straight to the point: "If you need any help, just ask, no need to hesitate!"

Luo Xi smiled bitterly and sighed.

She has lived in Luojiabao for more than two hundred years. She has never been so exhausted as today.

She has never hated someone as much as today.

At this critical moment of the rise and fall of the Luo family, several people from the other two halls are still thinking about the responsibility of this matter, and they have been arguing.

Even the two uncles and elders of this hall are full of blame for the eldest brother.

What makes her even more angry is the attitude of the eldest brother.

Being criticized, he can't show the momentum of the head of the family except for a few words of defense.

Finally, those people intentionally or unintentionally expressed their dissatisfaction with her, thinking that the problem that could have been solved with only three lives was dragged down by an outsider she brought with her.

The more she thought about these things, the harder it was to talk about them.

But now the only person she could ask for help was this outsider in front of her.

When Mo Xun heard the result of their discussion, he was somewhat helpless.


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