Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 822 Forbidden Land

He has the ability to help solve the external troubles of the Luo family.

But what about the internal troubles?

He can't kill all the elders who have different intentions for the two brothers and sisters, right?

Even if he has no problem, Luo Xi will not choose to do so.

In the final analysis, it is still Luo Wangxuan.

If this person has no opinion, or can't deter others, it is better to give up the position of the head of the family as soon as possible.

As for the external troubles, Luo Xi's worries are not unreasonable.

Min Gan is easy to kill, but the ancestor behind the Min family is a big trouble.

He will leave after all, and he can't leave a hidden danger for others, right?

The result of the discussion of several elders is to hand over the three people. Now, whether they are dead or injured, everything will be handled by the Min family.

Even so, it depends on whether the Min family is willing to reconcile.

The entire Luo family is actually a pool of muddy water. No matter what you do, you can't make it clear.

After a moment, Mo Xun changed the subject and asked, "Have you ever thought about leaving?"


"Yes, and putting aside the situation within the entire Luo family, as long as the ancestor of the Min family does not show up, it will be difficult for you to make up your mind to be enemies with him, but the Min family is different. Even if you bow your head this time, there is no guarantee that there will not be a next time."

Luo Xi retorted, "My Luo family also has an ancestor. If the ancestor does not come out of retreat, the Min family will not dare to take any action. Besides..."

Luo Xi paused for a moment, then sighed and continued, "Big brother will not abandon the Luo family and leave!"

Mo Xun did not really agree with this family concept.

But he could understand it more or less.

In his opinion, Luo Wangxuan was also suffering at the moment.

He was responsible for the ancestral foundation, but he had no ability to protect it, so he could only live in a daze every day.

"In that case, why not ask Ling Zu to come out of retreat? As long as he shows up, what else is there to worry about?"

Luo Xi smiled bitterly again.

"Do you think I haven't been there? When my father was alive, he would go to the place where the ancestor was in seclusion to pay homage almost every few years. Before he died last time, he respectfully asked the ancestor to come out of seclusion to administer justice, but there was still no response. If not, how dare Min Gan, no matter how bold he was, come to bully like this?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, and said lightly: "If the ancestor doesn't come out, won't you go in?"

"Go in?"

This immediately made Luo Xi freeze in place.

But in a flash, she shook her head again.

"No, the place where the ancestor is in seclusion is the forbidden area of ​​our Luo family. You can't enter without being summoned. This is the ancestral precept. Even when my father was alive, you can only pay homage outside the forbidden area. From the head of the family to the descendants, no one can step into it!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but smile. In his impression, Luo Xi has always been fearless.

When I first met this woman outside the Moon Star Palace, she was only in the middle stage of foundation building, but she dared to snatch things from the hands of the Jindan cultivator.

But I never thought that deep in her heart, there was such a pedantic side.

The only solution to this matter now is the life and death of the Luo family's ancestor.

If the Luo ancestor is still alive, no matter whether it is internal or external troubles, they will be solved!

Even if he is dead, as long as it can be confirmed, it will have a crucial impact on the next decision.

"The Luo family is about to die, is it meaningful to care about these?"


Mo Xun suddenly waved his hand to interrupt her.

"What are the consequences of breaking into the forbidden area?"

After hesitating for a while, Luo Xi said in a deep voice: "Death penalty! And there are formations and restrictions left by the first generation of ancestors. I don't know how dangerous it is. Maybe I won't even reach the ancestor's retreat place and have already died first!"

Mo Xun asked again: "Are you afraid of death? Or are you willing to die for the Luo family?"

Luo Xi smiled sadly.

"Why not? My father treats me like a precious jewel in his palm, and my brother has also taken good care of me since I was a child. It can be said that the fact that I have been able to practice peacefully and worry-free in the first half of my life until today is largely due to the efforts of my father and brother."

"If that's the case, why bother looking back?"

Luo Xi bit her lip and pondered for a long time before she made up her mind and said, "Okay, I'll go find the ancestor tonight!"

At this time, the moonlight had risen to the middle of the sky.

The two of them looked outside the house at the same time, and Mo Xun smiled and said, "I'll go with you!"

Luo Xi frowned.


"Don't worry, I'm not a member of your Luo family, so I don't have to be bound by your family rules."

Mo Xun thought, since he had already waded into this muddy water, why should he be afraid of swimming deeper in it?

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Mo Xun for a while, and then nodded gently.


Although he didn't say it clearly, Luo Xi knew that Mo Xun was probably worried about her safety.

After making this decision, she felt uneasy.

When she didn't know whether the ancestor was alive or dead, she still had a bit of luck.

But if the ancestor was dead after entering, what would happen to the entire Luo family?

She suddenly thought of the departure that Mo Xun had just mentioned.

If it really came to the point of no choice, I'm afraid this is the only way to choose!

Late at night, two figures like the breeze disappeared silently in the Luo Family Castle.

The forbidden area was deep in the Biling Valley.

Not long after, the two came to a boundary marker.

Going further in, it was dark, as if there was a ban that isolated the divine consciousness, and it was difficult to see inside.

There were three ancient characters on the boundary marker: Sacrifice Cliff!

Mo Xun secretly speculated in his heart, could this be a valley within a valley?

"There is a defensive formation here, I need some time to break it, please wait for a moment, brother Mo!"

Luo Xi first took out a formation flag and threw it around very skillfully.

While breaking the formation, he was still talking.

"This formation is recorded in the clan. When I was young, I was playful and accidentally saw it in my father's secret room. Later, I was severely punished by my father. For a full six months, I was confined to the house and not allowed to go out..."

Speaking of this, Luo Xi suddenly showed a charming smile, as if she recalled something interesting.

But she took it, but she felt a little sad.

Mo Xun saw her series of changes in her eyes, knowing that it brought up sad things, but she didn't say anything.

"But I don't know what is inside, brother Mo, please be careful."

Mo Xun nodded silently.

Soon, he felt a weak formation fluctuation, and Luo Xi hurriedly said: "Brother Mo, hurry up, I can only break this formation for a few breaths!"

Both of them were not slow to react, and they disappeared on the spot while talking.

As soon as he stepped into it, Mo Xun's expression suddenly changed.

He felt empty under his feet, and he fell straight down uncontrollably.

The mana and consciousness in his body were stagnant!

This place was exactly the same as the cliff in the Luoying Mountains before, with a powerful ban that restricted consciousness and mana.

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