As Luo Xi screamed, the mana in his body seemed to be torn by an invisible force, and it was gone in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, in order to hide his cultivation, he had a little chaotic air on his body, so it was not completely drained.

He hurriedly swallowed a large mouthful of chaotic air, and just as he was about to use his mana to resist this fall, his feet were solid and he had already landed on the ground.

However, because it happened suddenly, his body staggered slightly.

Seeing that Luo Xi was about to fall, he quickly pulled her up.

This sudden change caught the two of them off guard.

Mo Xun was better. Even if he lost his mana in a hurry, he still had an extremely strong body.

"Why is this restriction like this?"

In the dark, the two looked at each other, and Mo Xun naturally understood the surprise in her words.

It is not uncommon to have restrictions that restrict mana and consciousness, but the strange thing is that this cliff is too low.

It is estimated that it is only about two or three feet.

This height might be a little dangerous for mortals.

Although immortal cultivators do not actively cultivate their bodies, their physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

This height, let alone Jindan cultivators, even Qi Refiners who have practiced for many years can easily jump down.

If you think in this way, this restriction on spiritual consciousness and mana is just a decoration!

Mo Xun waved his sleeves and threw out a few fireballs, and the surroundings suddenly lit up.

This seemingly low-level fireball technique made Luo Xi open his eyes suddenly.

"Brother Mo, you... are not restricted in mana?"

Mo Xun looked around. There was no grass or trees here. There were some gravels scattered under his feet. It was pitch black in the distance, and it looked like he was in a cave.

"Just a little trick!"

Seeing that Mo Xun did not want to say more, Luo Xi could only temporarily suppress his surprise.

However, a pair of beautiful eyes secretly looked at his face.

I wondered what kind of adventures this person had experienced over the years? Not only did his cultivation level advance by leaps and bounds, but his methods were also incredible.

But it was good this way!

A cultivator without cultivation level was like a tiger without claws and teeth.

Having such a companion around her made her feel more at ease.

Mo Xun took out a lighting magic weapon. Although the chaotic turbid air could help him maintain his magic power, his spiritual consciousness was useless.

The two walked along the road ahead for a while, and a little light slowly appeared in front of them.

This was indeed a natural cave. On the rock wall above, there were a lot of dark crystal sands scattered, which looked like stars in the night sky.

After passing through the cave, they entered a dark forest.

As they walked, they paid attention to the movements around them.

Luo Xi's brows slowly frowned.

Looking at Mo Xun again, he was almost as solemn as her.

As Luo Xi said before, there were many formations and prohibitions arranged here, but for some reason, they were all destroyed, leaving only some inconspicuous traces.

Mo Xun's attainment in formations was much higher than Luo Xi's.

He was even more certain that these formations were not broken by brute force, but were deliberately destroyed by someone familiar with them, and it seemed very hasty.

The two looked at each other and saw the abnormality in each other's eyes.

Without the restriction of the formation, their pace became much faster.

Even if they encountered swamps on the road, they could easily avoid them with Mo Xun by their side.

Not long after, they came to a towering rock wall.

Looking at the unknown height of the mountain rock wall, this place was obviously the deepest part of the forbidden area.

After searching for a while, the two finally found a hidden cave.

In front of the cave, there were also traces of the destroyed formation. After realizing that there was no danger, Luo Xi took the lead and stepped in.

Such a strange situation, how could she not be anxious?

She had already vaguely guessed that the ancestor was in danger.

Sure enough, after entering the cave, the two found a corpse that had been dead for an unknown period of time, sitting quietly on a mat, with no signs of life in its shriveled and skinny body.

The moment Luo Xi saw this person, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

After being stunned for a long time, he knelt down woodenly.

"Unworthy descendant Luo Xi, meet the ancestor!"

Mo Xun was standing behind her. Seeing that she was kneeling to worship her ancestor, he moved a few steps to the side.

Luo Xi had mentioned some of the situation of this Luo family ancestor before.

In terms of blood relationship, Luo Xi was the great-great-grandson of this person.

This Yuanying seemed to have been seriously injured before he went into seclusion. Judging from the degree of decay on the clothes of the corpse, he probably died here not long after coming here.

Fortunately, the Luo family has relied on this for many years, but who knew it would be like this.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. If this happened, things would be troublesome.

Seeing Luo Xi still unable to accept this fact, he wanted to say something to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say, so he just turned his head away.

But when his eyes swept over the corpse, his brows slightly frowned.

He slowly turned around and secretly pinched a Taoist formula in his sleeve.

Although his spiritual sense could not be used, his travels in the past few years had made him more sensitive to danger.

Suddenly, a red light flew out from the corpse, and in the blink of an eye, it had already approached Mo Xun.

At the same time, a faint protective light shield flashed around Mo Xun.

The red light was extremely fast, but the moment it touched the light shield, it was like hitting an extremely hard iron wall.

Then there was a very piercing scream!

Mo Xun snorted in his heart and was about to turn around to catch the red light.

But who knew that this thing turned around and rushed towards Luo Xi after failing to hit it.

At the same time as hearing the strange cry, Luo Xi hurriedly raised her head and saw the gorgeous light flying towards her head.

If it were in normal times, she would definitely have all kinds of means to deal with it.

But now because of the loss of magic power, she couldn't dodge for a while.

Just when the red light was about to sink into her body, a white figure suddenly passed in front of her in the dimness.

With a roll of the long tongue, the red light disappeared.

Then, a delicate little girl suddenly appeared beside the two of them, it was Bai Ze!

Luo Xi was still in shock, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"Brother Mo, that is..."

She was not sure whether she was asking about the strange red light or Bai Ze who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Mo Xun did not answer, but looked at Bai Ze with a sullen face.

"Let it out!"

The little girl saw that the uncle looked unfriendly, so she did not dare to play tricks at this time. She opened her mouth and spit out a white light.

It was wrapped in a faint red light, constantly rushing left and right, struggling to break through the restraint of the white light.

It was the strange thing just now!

Mo Xun smiled coldly and asked in a deep voice: "You are Luo Wuya, right?"

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