Luo Xi first put a layer of soundproofing around the area, and then spoke helplessly.

"I told my eldest brother about leaving, but he would rather die than give up the inheritance left by my father."

This result was actually somewhat anticipated by Mo Xun.

He turned his head and glanced at Luo Wangxuan, who was still in a daze in the flower hall.

"What do you need me to do?"

After Luo Xi pondered for a long time, he said with a cold look in his eyes: "Kill Min Qian!"

She didn't want to drag this old friend into the water unless she had to.

But right now, it seems like this is the only way.

Mo Xunqing raised his eyebrows, saying that killing a monk of the same level would not be easy for him now, but it was definitely not difficult.

But the question is, what to do with the ancestor of the Min family?

Luo Xi saw the worry in his expression and felt helpless.

"I know what Brother Mo is worried about, but my brother and sister can only gamble now that the ancestor of the Min family will not come back for a while, so as to give my Luo family some breathing space. As for the future... It’s up to God! It’s just..."

Luo Xi's face flashed with something unspeakable.

"It's just that in this way, I'm afraid it will give Brother Mo an enemy for nothing, so Brother Mo can completely refuse this favor, and I will not have any suspicion against my brother because of this."

Mo Xun smiled.

"Fairy, there is no need to worry about this. Mo is not a timid person, and after this incident, I will leave Xihezhou soon. Even if the Yuanying monk knows the truth, he has no way to seek revenge, but you , I still need to think about Zhou Xiang."

"Leave Xihezhou?"

Mo Xun didn't explain much on this topic, saying he would discuss it with her in detail later.

"What do you want me to do, fairy? Kill the Min family directly?"

Luo Xi shook his head.

"That's what I think. Now that I have decided to take action, I will also resolve the internal strife within the family."

"How to say?"

After hearing this, Mo Xun thought he was asked to help kill the other two people.

Who knew that Luo Xi's intention was to use the opportunity of re-electing the head of the family to lure Min Qian to the Luo family.

When the time comes, with the power of the mountain spirit, he will first help Luo Wangxuan reach the thirteenth level of the Heavenly Star, dispel other people's covetousness for the position of the head of the family, and then leave Min Qian and his son on the way back.

As long as Min Qian is solved, things will be much simpler.

Mo Xun thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only feasible method at the moment.

After the two told them this plan, Luo Wangxuan, who was originally depressed, finally regained some of his energy.

Next, the three of them started to act separately.

On the one hand, the two brothers and sisters convened the elders to discuss the activation of the Thirteenth Order of Tianxing. On the other hand, they temporarily suppressed what happened today and lured Min Qian to the meeting to re-elect the head of the family.

As for Mo Xun, he came to the Mountain Spirit Secret Cave again.

There are roughly two things he can do.

The first is to change the formation so that when absorbing the energy of the mountain spirit, it will not be too violent.

The other thing is to refine some elixirs that strengthen the body and strengthen the body to ensure that after Luo Wangxuan absorbs this energy, it will reduce the damage to the meridians and Dantian.

In fact, he still has a few ideas in his mind, but he just needs to verify them.

I heard Gongyang say that the energy released by the mountain spirit contains extremely complex things.

There are the vitality of heaven and earth, the energy of yin and yang of the sun and moon, the essence of mountains, rocks, grass and trees, the energy of ghosts and demons, etc.

The only thing that can be used by monks is the vitality of heaven and earth.

He wanted to try if he could "filter" these scents first.

There is also the question of how long it can last after using this aura to skyrocket your cultivation level, and what methods can be used to store it.

It should be noted that the original leader of the Tianqing Sect had accomplished this.

This item requires some time to study.

The first thing to do is naturally to change the formation.

In comparison, this is the simplest.

It wasn't until three days later that he managed to reduce his rage by about half.

Next comes other breaths besides vitality.

The only solution he could think of was chaos and turbidity.

In Tiankui Realm, he was the first to discover the magical effect of chaotic turbid energy, which is to trap spiritual energy without leaking out.

Perhaps it also has the same effect on vitality.

Just wrap all the breath with the chaotic turbid air, and use its confinement of the Yuanling Qi to "filter" out the remaining harmful impurities.

But after trying several times in succession, they all ended in failure.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this mixture that the mysterious energy causes the cultivation level to skyrocket in a short period of time.

Fortunately, in the process, he discovered how to store it.

He first refined a special space magic weapon, and sealed a circle inside with chaotic turbid air.

At this time, the advantages of what he has learned over the years are revealed.

When array means are needed, he is an array mage.

When magic weapons and treasures are needed, he is also a weapon refiner.

Even if it specifically targets the damage caused by the mountain spirit's energy to the meridians, he can still refine a matching elixir.

It can be said that he alone can rival almost half of the sect.

Now it's just that time is in a hurry, otherwise he could have guided Luo Wangxuan to train first.

Once the magic body is strong, it can also offset the damage to the body caused by the sudden increase in cultivation level.

Finally, there is the verification duration.

If it is too short, the magic power may have dissipated before you have even walked up a few steps.

The object of the test was the incarnation originally reserved for the ram.

In the battle of Youfeng Valley, the original incarnation was destroyed by the green-haired monster. This newly refined one has just established its foundation.

After arranging the new "Spirit Induction" array, he commanded the incarnation to stand at the center of the array.

Soon, a green light shot out from the fingertips of the mountain spirit.

Because it was only at the foundation-building level, within a dozen breaths, the incarnation jumped to the late stage of foundation-building.

Mo Xun hurriedly cut off the array and felt the impact of the incarnation's increased cultivation on his body.

After about an incense stick, the mana in his body gradually began to drain.

Until the end, it actually fell to the tenth level of Qi Refining.

Mo Xun nodded secretly. Even if this incarnation is a little different from the real person, the difference should not be big.

One incense stick is probably enough!

When he finished all this, it was already more than ten days later.

During this period, Luo Xi came once a day, on the one hand to ask him what he needed, and on the other hand, to talk about the current situation in the outside world.

The two originally thought that Min Gan would definitely find a way to get back at the Luo Family Castle after suffering a loss.

But surprisingly, the Min family was surprisingly quiet.

Even the people sent here to resolve the conflict between the Zhang and Ma families were not harassed at all.

The previous dispute over the spiritual mine seemed to be put aside in this mutual silence.

But with a simple thought, the reason can be roughly figured out.

The Min family is waiting for Mo Xun to leave!


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