Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 826: God-Scaring Incense

Obviously, the brief fight between the two last time made Min Gan feel apprehensive.

As long as Mo Xun does not leave Luojiabao, the Min family will probably not take any action.

This is the influence of high-level cultivators on a force!

Inside Luojiabao!

For the entire Luo family, today is a big day.

More than a thousand Luo family members, almost all of them are here.

The huge bluestone square is surrounded by a circle of male and female cultivators.

On a slightly higher platform in the distance, the witnesses of this conference are sitting cross-legged. In addition to the elders of each hall, there are Min Gan and his son, as well as the helmsman of the small family under the jurisdiction of the Luo family.

After many complicated ceremonies, Mo Xun finally arrived.

After exchanging a glance with the Luo brothers and sisters on the high platform, he found a secluded place to sit down.

Min Gan also noticed him when he glanced over.

In the eyes of both of them, there was a hint of murderous intent that was not concealed.

Mo Xun sneered and entered into a state of meditation without distraction.

In order to be on the safe side, he had just laid out some means on the way back to Min Gan.

It was not that he was worried about not being able to defeat him, but that he was afraid that the old guy would run away.

Once he had the intention to kill him, and he had not killed him, it would be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Not long after, the 13th level of Tianxing, which was known as the ancestral treasure, was invited up.

From the appearance of this thing, there was nothing special.

A large square stone slab of two feet in size.

As soon as this thing was brought out, there was a lot of noise in the crowd.

I heard from Luo Xi that when the Luo family used this thing before, it was limited to cultivators above the late stage of foundation building.

So most people have never seen it.

The reason why they made such a big fuss this time was also forced by the situation.

At present, the whole Luo family can be said to be in turmoil.

Especially since Min Gan came to question the crime last time, the cause of the whole incident was secretly spread by someone with ulterior motives.

As a result, many people had some complaints about Luo Wangxuan, the new head of the family.

There is no way, it is difficult to convince the public without strength!

For hundreds of years, there has never been a situation where the head of the family is lower than the illegitimate branch hall.

Luo Wangxuan has now made a major mistake in the management of the entire Luo family, and it is inevitable that he will be questioned.

The best way to dispel doubts is to prove your ability in public.

Even so, the fact that the Luo family has such a rare treasure will face the risk of being leaked, but compared to this consequence, maintaining the authority of Shangyao Hall is obviously more important.

This is also what the Luo brothers and sisters fought against all odds and finally won.

The moment Min Gan saw this thing, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He had heard that the Luo family had such a magical object, but he had never seen it.

Although this thing is not a magic pill, it is more effective than many breakthrough pills.

If he could possess this treasure, he could try to step onto the tenth stage, which represents the Nascent Soul cultivation, and thus sense the Nascent Soul realm in advance, which would certainly be of great benefit to his upcoming Nascent Soul formation.

As for the restrictions on the use of this thing, he was also very clear.

Only those of the Luo family bloodline, or those who had intercourse with Luo family women, could step onto this stage.

However, this problem was easy to solve!

What would be so difficult about abducting a Luo family woman at that time?

Thinking of this, Min Gan's eyes were even more fiery, and his fists in his long sleeves were slightly clenched.

He kept whispering something in his mouth.

Mo Xun was also interested in this treasure.

However, he was not qualified to use it, so he was more curious.

In terms of Nascent Soul formation, he was actually quite prepared.

First of all, the Crimson Cloud Fairy Fruit, which could increase the success rate by half, was now waiting to mature in the green gourd.

At the same time, he also studied the experience of two Nascent Soul cultivators in forming Nascent Souls in detail.

Let’s not talk about Tan Taiyi. Gu Yutian was a great cultivator at that time, and his experience is priceless!

In addition, there is his horizontal training.

Although the strength of the physical body has no direct relationship with the formation of the infant, it will definitely be much easier when crossing the extinction heavenly tribulation.

And his six-foot golden light can also absorb the power of thunder.

This magical power is like a road paved by heaven for him to condense the infant in advance.

In addition, there is another good thing he is considering.

The last time Gong Yang woke up, he said he would give him a benefit.

Until the fusion of souls, the old guy revealed his bottom.

When Cang Kuo Zhenren was in the late stage of Jindan, he also made various preparations to condense the infant.

One of them is called the God-Shocking Incense!

To be honest, this thing is poisonous and will cause certain damage to the cultivator’s soul.

But everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages.

Cang Kuo Zhenren discovered another wonderful use of this incense in an ancient cave.

It is to assist the cultivators to overcome the great tribulation of the inner demon.

The reason why it is considered is that if this thing is used well, it can help wake up from the inner tribulation, but if it is used poorly, it may become suicide.

However, since he knows about this thing, he must prepare a copy.

As for whether to use it or not, it will be decided according to the specific situation at that time.

In these aspects alone, it is unknown how many times more sufficient than other people's preparations before forming an infant.

After all, there is only one chance to form an infant, and once the pill is broken, he will have no way out.

He refocused his attention on the thirteenth level of Tianxing in the distance.

He secretly thought it was a pity. If he could sense the Nascent Soul Realm in advance, even if it was just for three or two breaths, he would be able to gain more confidence when he broke through next time.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly came to his mind, and a cunning smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Next, the four foundation-building monks embedded the high-level spirit stones in their hands into the grooves around the stone slab one by one.

Mo Xun roughly counted them and found that there were 72 pieces.

In other words, the stone steps cost 720,000 ordinary spirit stones when activated once.

This consumption is not cheap!

After the last spirit stone was put in, a white light suddenly burst out from the surface of the stone slab, and then a magical scene appeared.

On the stone slab, a second stone slab slowly condensed and extended, forming a step shape with it.

Then came the third level, the fourth level...

Until the eighth level!

And around this step, there was a thick white mist.

There seemed to be another step at the highest point, looming in the white mist.

Just as Luo Xi had told him before, high-level spirit stones can only reveal ten steps at most.

If you want to get a complete glimpse of the thirteenth step, you need a top-grade spirit stone.

Each stone slab is about two feet high, and the entire ten steps are only about two feet high.

But because of the fog, it actually gives people a feeling of a cloud ladder in the heavenly palace.

It's really mysterious!

In addition to selecting the head of the family today, some Luo family members also need to perceive the realm.

So the first ones to step onto the steps are some cultivators in the late stage of foundation building.

Mo Xun looked up in the direction of Luo Xi, only to see that Luo Wangxuan, who was sitting beside him just now, had disappeared at this moment.

I think he should have taken the mountain spirit energy that Mo Xun collected for him and prepared in advance.

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