Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 828 Unexpected Results

Luo Chengzong was obviously much stronger than the Lord of Yushan Hall. He almost finished the eighth step before retreating because he was not strong enough.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xi's eyebrows were already furrowed.

Although she was still sitting on the stage in a dignified manner, her expression was less calm and self-assured.

Perhaps even she did not expect that this person's cultivation had reached this level.

Even she was probably not as good as him!

In fact, she was mainly worried about Luo Wangxuan.

If her brother wanted to win, and win without suspense, he had to step on the ninth step representing the late stage of Jindan.

But is it possible?

Can the mountain spirit really make a person cross two realms in a short time?

She was really not sure in her heart.

But now that he has come to this step, how can he retreat?

What if his brother loses?

It's not that she has never thought about this question, but she often avoids it intentionally.

Min Gan on the high platform was also thinking about something. I don't know what he was thinking about.

Luo Wangxuan took a deep breath and nodded to both sides.

When he passed by Mo Xun's position, he turned his head slightly and took a look, then stepped onto the steps.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated at the same time. After all, this step was related to the future helmsman of the Luo family.

Since the ancestors of the Luo family chose to settle here, there has never been a bastard who sat on the position of the head of the family.

After today, I am afraid that history will be rewritten.

When Luo Wangxuan stepped onto the seventh step, the surroundings were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

One step, two steps, three steps...

What surprised everyone was that the young fortress master did not use any magic weapon on this step representing the early stage of the Dan formation, and there was no sign of much effort in his steps and demeanor.

As Luo Wangxuan stepped onto the eighth step, there was a sudden boom in the crowd.

The head of Yushan Hall and Luo Chengzong stared at each other, and their faces showed some surprise.

However, this situation was actually within the expectations of many people.

After all, Luo Wangxuan had been trapped in the early stage of Jindan for nearly a hundred years. Although his realm had not changed, it was possible that the mana accumulated over the years would allow him to leap a level.

But what happened next shocked everyone.

"Look, the head of the family has walked to the previous position of the head of Yushan Hall!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted this, and everyone immediately pointed and made noise.

Luo Wangxuan turned a deaf ear to it and continued to move forward slowly. When he was about halfway to the eighth level, he finally sacrificed his own protective magic weapon.

At the same time, a brush as thick as a baby's arm appeared in his hand.

Mo Xun's heart moved. Isn't this the judge's pen left by Master Cang Kuo back then?

It seems that after Luo Xi got the refining method of this thing, he gave it to his brother to use.

Luo Wangxuan held the pen in one hand and quickly drew golden runes in the air.

Those runes seemed to have life, constantly flying around, and then exploded and dissipated.

The residual power of the magic power hit the barrier around the steps, making bursts of explosions.

"Is this the natal magic weapon of the patriarch? It is indeed extraordinary!"

"I remember that the patriarch seems to be only in the early stage of Jindan, how could he still have spare power at the eighth stage?"

"I said it, the lord of the castle must have hidden his cultivation!"


The voices of discussion can be said to be one after another, but most people are still shocked by Luo Wangxuan's cross-level move.

Until they were about to reach Luo Chengzong's position, the elders on the high platform finally couldn't sit still.

Each face was unbelievable as if seeing a ghost!

Even Min Gan's expression became solemn.

He even had some doubts about the thirteenth level of Tianxing.

How could the cultivation of the early stage of Jindan reach the strength of the middle stage?

It seems that this god level is a bit exaggerated!

But in a moment, he became confused again.

Those people on the steps just now clearly showed the situation consistent with their realm, why is it different when it comes to Luo Wangxuan?

Could it be that this person really hides his cultivation?

At this moment, because the outside world's consciousness is restricted on the steps, it is impossible to carefully check the real realm.

If you want to say that the most nervous person at the moment is Luo Xi.

The slender and long nails in the sleeves are almost clenched into the flesh.

In his heart, he silently muttered "one more step"!

The next moment, Luo Chengzong suddenly stood up.

"How is it possible?"

It is indeed incredible, because Luo Wangxuan, who only has the initial stage of Jindan, actually stepped on the ninth step!

Late stage of Jindan!

The whole Luo family is boiling!

No one could have thought that the development of things would be such a result.

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been lifted for half a month finally fell to the ground.

This kick has made Luo Wangxuan sit firmly in the position of the head of the family.

But he still didn't give up, and seemed to be struggling to continue climbing forward.

However, Luo Wangxuan looked to be at the end of his strength.

His movements became extremely slow.

His body was shaking constantly, and he had to control the magic weapon to resist the various pressures coming from all around his body.

"The head of the family has gone up!"

"The head of the family has stepped onto the ninth step that only the late Jindan stage can step on!"

"Look, the head of the family is still moving forward."


Amazing and shocking burst out at this moment.

If leaping one level is still within the scope of understanding, then leaping two levels completely subverts everyone's cognition.

In addition to those who have personally experienced the horror of the thirteenth level of Tianxing, many people have the same idea as Min Gan.

This treasure does not seem to be as magical as the outside world has said.

Almost all the Jindan elders on the high platform opened their eyes wide.

Especially Luo Chengzong, the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, stunned and motionless.

At this point, the turmoil of re-election of the head of the family has been settled.

What everyone cares about now is where is Luo Wangxuan's limit?

What realm of cultivation seems to have become a joke at this moment.

An early cultivator has not stopped at the step that can only be stepped on by the later stage.

Perhaps the only calm person in the whole scene is Mo Xun.

Just when Luo Wangxuan was about to reach the middle of the ninth step, he was suddenly hit by a huge force, like a kite with a broken string, and was thrown high from the steps, and a mouthful of thick blood spurted out in the air.

Seeing this, Luo Xi hurriedly stepped out of the crowd and rushed to his brother who was about to fall to the ground.

At the same time, Mo Xun also came to the stage at lightning speed.


These two words, Luo Xi almost cried out.

Looking at Luo Wangxuan lying in Luo Xi's arms, who was already half-conscious and half-awake, Mo Xun quickly took out a pill and put it into his mouth.

At the same time, he collected a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth without leaving a trace.

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