Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 829 What do you want to do?

"Take him down to rest first!"

While Mo Xun was speaking, he helped Luo Wangxuan up.

After a while, the mountain spirit in his body began to dissipate gradually, and his cultivation seemed to be unstable.

It might not be long before his realm would fall below the Jindan stage.

Once other people saw the obvious changes in Luo Wangxuan's cultivation, they would definitely suspect that there was something fishy going on.

Luo Wangxuan's last effort was not to show off.

He was deliberately injured so that he could go into seclusion and wait for his cultivation to recover before appearing again.

Although he knew that this was a plan agreed upon by the three of them beforehand, Luo Xi still couldn't bear to see his brother's weak appearance.

Since his father passed away, the brother and sister have not been very happy in Luojiabao.

Not only did the other two halls keep making small moves, but even the two uncles in Shangyao Hall had complaints about them.

In addition, the last time Min Ganqi came to her house and attacked her openly, it made the young lady feel unprecedented humiliation.

If Mo Xun hadn't been there, who knows what the result would have been?

Over the past year or so, the two of them have experienced a lot of human warmth and coldness.

They have also gained a new understanding of blood ties.

Luo Xi nodded gently, suppressing the weakness in his heart.

"Thank you, Brother Mo!"

At this moment, the three people in the field have become the focus of attention.

Especially Luo Wangxuan, who has reached the ninth level, has made many people still not recover from their shock.

It is indeed that what they saw was too much beyond their cognition.

I have seen people who cross levels, but I have never seen anyone who directly crosses two levels.

Just when everyone was still immersed in the incredible, the next scene once again surprised everyone.

Luo Xi and his sister have not yet left the arena, but Mo Xun has slowly stepped towards the Tianxing God level.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"He seems to be a Jindan cultivator, but that's not right. When did such a Jindan elder appear in the fort? Why have I never heard of him?"

"What is he going to do?"

"Look, another Jindan elder is going to break through the thirteenth level of Tianxing!"


The strangeness that Mo Xun showed at the moment immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The faces of the elders on the high platform all froze, and they also didn't react for a while.

Although these people didn't know the specific details of Mo Xun, they also knew that he was not from the Luo family.

So what was the purpose of this person's behavior?

Min Gan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes turned quickly, as if he thought of something.


Min Wentong on the side was a little impatient after all. Just when he was about to ask, he was stopped by Min Gan.

"Just wait and see!"

After the father and son communicated with each other, they calmly watched from the sidelines.

An elder was the first to wake up, jumped down from the high platform, and stood in front of Mo Xun in an instant.

"What are you going to do?"

This person is the other twin of Mo Li Tang, named Luo Chengzu!

Judging from the name, he should be the elder brother of the person who challenged just now.

As if worried that his brother would not be the opponent of this person, Luo Chengzong also jumped down.

The two brothers stood together, and they were exactly the same, even the clothes they wore were very similar.

The only difference was the color of the crown.

Since the last meeting in the meeting hall, these people have determined Mo Xun's true cultivation. Although their faces are cold at this moment, they dare not be too fierce.

The sudden situation in the field made Luo Xi and his sister, who had not yet left, stop at the same time.

When the two saw this, they all looked surprised.

What happened at the moment was obviously not in the three people's previous plan.

Mo Xun bowed his hands and said with a smile: "I am a humble person, but I want to try this divine object of the noble."

"Do you want to challenge the thirteenth level of the Heavenly Star?"

Luo Chengzu originally thought that the other party wanted to take the treasure, so he jumped down hastily, but who knew that he had such a thought.

"Yes, I am a friend of Fairy Luo, and I have also obtained the approval of the head of the Luo family, and I have a chance to challenge the divine level."

Someone in the audience who heard this immediately looked at the Luo brothers and sisters who had not left yet.

The twins also looked over with confusion.

Luo Wangxuan and his sister looked at each other, and after a brief frown, Luo Xi nodded slightly to his brother.

Although Luo Wangxuan didn't understand, he saw his sister's approval, so he also nodded weakly in the distance.

Seeing this, Luo Chengzu frowned and asked: "Do you know the restrictions on the use of this object?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly.

"Since you know, you should know that it cannot be used unless you are of the Luo family bloodline. At that time, let alone challenge, you will not be able to even step up to the first level." Mo Xun smiled and said, "In that case, why not let me give it a try?" Seeing that Luo Chengzu was about to say something else, his younger brother pulled him back. "Your Excellency, think about it carefully. This thing only recognizes the bloodline of the Luo family. If you challenge it forcibly, you may die or be injured. Don't say that my two brothers didn't remind you." Mo Xun nodded lightly. "Of course!" As the two brothers stepped aside, Mo Xun went to the stone steps again. When he stepped onto the first step, he suddenly felt a strong pressure that was not weaker than that of a Yuanying cultivator. It hit his chest heavily, causing his body to shake.

It was as if a sharp blade had cut through his sea of ​​consciousness, causing his face to twist slightly due to the pain.

Fortunately, this painful feeling only lasted for a breath.

Whether it was the pressure or the severe pain in his sea of ​​consciousness, they all dissipated instantly like a breeze.

He was delighted, thinking that it really worked!

The reason he collected Luo Wangxuan's blood just now was to deceive this 13th level of Tianxing.

This method was also something he thought of temporarily.

Since the chaotic turbid air can conceal the breath and prevent the leakage of spiritual energy, he thought of using this turbid air to wrap Luo's blood and distribute it around the body, so as to get away with it.

Unexpectedly, it actually worked!

After slightly concentrating his mind, he exerted a little force on his feet and stepped onto the first step.

Seeing this scene, everyone widened their eyes.

Especially the twins next to him.

The two were the closest and watched the most carefully.

Just now, he clearly saw that when Mo Xun stepped onto the steps, he was almost swept down by the pressure gust of wind.

But the other party just swayed, and the next moment, he had already stepped onto the steps.

Others may not know the power of the Thirteenth Level of the Heavenly Star, but the elders of the Jindan stage of the clan know it best.

From the first generation of ancestors to the present, it is not that there have been outsiders who want to step onto this level, but no one has ever succeeded.

As Luo Chengzong reminded, those who are not of the Luo family bloodline and try to challenge have all had a bad end.

But what about the person in front of me?


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