Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 835 What do you mean?

Even if he revealed his whereabouts, the only enemy in the open was Patriarch Dongyi.

The current situation of the Luo family could not completely eliminate the trouble.

In the final analysis, it was still a question of strength.

As long as the Luo family did not have a Nascent Soul born, they would be on thin ice in this world of immortal cultivation where the strong prey on the weak.

Even if they unified Beijing Mountain, what would happen?

In such a large group of mountains, without a Nascent Soul sitting in the middle, they would sooner or later be a piece of meat in the hands of the strong.

Of course, these are what the Luo family needs to think about after all, and he can only do this step.

Then, he expressed his concerns.

This time he settled Min Gan for the Luo family, which also brought some troubles invisibly.

Not to mention Wei Tucong, Patriarch Dongyi must be on guard.

Then there is the Patriarch of the Min family, and the brother and sister also need to consider how to deal with it.

Returning to Biling Valley, Mo Xun did not follow to Luojiabao, but stopped in Luoan City.

I haven't seen them for more than half a month, and I don't know how Gu Qingqing and the others are doing.

In the cave where they rented temporarily, as soon as Mo Xun appeared, Fairy Gu frowned and asked, "Did you kill anyone?"

"I guess so. I helped the Luo family solve a little trouble!"

He didn't tell the group about the Luo family.

However, the Luo Family Castle made such a big scene today, and it couldn't escape everyone's eyes and ears.

"Helping the Luo family, I think you are helping that young lady?"

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly. It seems that the few people have not been idle during this period, and they have already inquired about the entire Luo family.

"We still need to stay here for a while, let's just rest!"

He said this, which was a bit of a side-talk.

But next, he really needs to be busy with his own things.

The first thing to do is naturally to study the Heavenly Runes.

As for cultivation, it can be put aside for the time being.

In addition, there are several apprentices, and it is just right to give guidance at this time.

It should be noted that this group of people are the original team for him to establish a sect in the future, so the higher their cultivation level, the better.

Time was in retreat, and three months passed in a flash.

Even though the outside world had already turned upside down, he never left the secret room for cultivation.

Until this day, a sound transmission talisman awakened him from his enlightenment.

After saying hello to everyone, he went straight to Luojiabao.

It was still the flower hall in Luoxi courtyard. After several months, he saw the brother and sister again.

But Luo Wangxuan's realm at this time really surprised him.

Not only did he recover his Jindan cultivation level, but he also jumped directly to the late stage.

"Brother Luo, what are you doing..."

Luo Wangxuan smiled happily.

"Luo has turned a disaster into a blessing this time, and I have to thank Brother Mo."

After some inquiries, Mo Xun finally understood.

Luo Wangxuan was stuck in the early stage of Danjie for more than a hundred years. He thought that there was no hope for a breakthrough in his life. Who knew that after experiencing the impact of the mountain spirit, he actually broke through the shackles invisibly, and coupled with the experience of the thirteenth level of the Sun Star, he finally accumulated a lot and made a breakthrough, surpassing the middle stage and advancing to the late stage.

As the other party said, this is really a blessing in disguise!

No one expected such an unexpected surprise.

Cultivation is sometimes like this. The bottleneck that cannot be broken in the secret room for dozens or hundreds of years is not as good as a small opportunity in the outside world.

Of course, this is also mainly due to Luo Wangxuan's heavy accumulation.

Without the precipitation of more than a hundred years, it would be difficult to have such an unexpected situation.

It is rare to advance across levels, but it does not mean that there is no one.

Mo Xun clasped his fists.

"Then congratulations, Brother Luo!"

He said this from the heart. With Luo Wangxuan's current realm, there is no problem in shocking the Luo family.

The only thing to worry about next is the external threat.

During the past few months, Luo Xi was not idle.

Through various soft and hard means, the original power of the Min family has been eroded.

It can be said that most of Beijing Mountain is almost in the hands of the Luo family.

Just a glance, Luo Xi's expression at this moment, but it is a bit indescribable, and he doesn't know what happened.

"Brother Mo's help to my Luo family, Luo will never forget it. I won't say much about thanking you. After all, the relationship between you and me is there. Let's have a few drinks later. Luo still has something to trouble Brother Mo."

While Luo Wangxuan was speaking, he blinked meaningfully, which made Mo Xun look puzzled.

Luo Xi didn't contact him in the past few months. It seems that there should be no major problems. After a simple thought, Mo Xun didn't think much about it.

"Xi'er, go and get ready!"

After Luo Wangxuan's breakthrough, his momentum was very different from before.

When they met in the past, although they were talking and laughing freely, there was always something on their faces.

Now it is different. He is calm and confident, and has the demeanor of a superior family head.

Sure enough, the strength of a person will affect the change of his mood.

Luo Xi wanted to say something but stopped, and finally left with a sigh.

Seeing that Luo Wangxuan deliberately sent his sister away, Mo Xun had to concentrate and wait for the other party's intention.

"Brother Mo, please!"

Mo Xun picked up the teacup and nodded with a smile.

"Brother Luo, just say it bluntly. To tell you the truth, last time I was on the thirteenth level of Tianxing, I also got a lot of benefits. If it is a place where I can contribute, I will not refuse."

Anyway, if you help others kill their enemies, what can't you do?

As long as it doesn't go too far, he is willing to take action again.

Seeing him mentioning the Thirteenth Level of Tianxing, Luo Wangxuan's eyes once again revealed a hint of strangeness, but he did not ask in detail.

Regarding this matter, Lord Luo Fort has actually asked his sister more than once.

After all, apart from possessing Luo's bloodline, only the second possibility can allow outsiders to ascend to the divine level.

Although Luo Xi denied it every time, in the opinion of Lord Luo, this was probably his sister's shy excuse.

Not to mention that he didn't believe it, others couldn't think of the third possibility either.

With this cognitive premise, Luo Wangxuan already felt a sense of intimacy deep in his heart when he looked at Mo Xun again.

After he pondered for a long time, he asked: "Brother Mo, are you going to leave here next?"

Mo Xun sighed softly, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Yeah, I've been away from my hometown for a long time, it's time to go back!"

He originally thought that the other party would ask him where he was going, or say something to persuade him to stay, but who knew that it was far beyond his expectation.

"Brother Mo is leaving this time...can he take his sister-in-law with him?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows secretly, as if he didn't understand the intention of his words for a moment.

"Brother Luo, what do you mean?"


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