Luo Wangxuan sighed deeply, his expression slightly desolate.

"Brother Mo should know that even if our Luo family temporarily controls Beijing Mountain, as long as the ancestor of the Min family does not show up for a day, the entire Luo family will be like standing on a frozen lake. Sooner or later, it will fall. At that time, it will not be as simple as a few people dying, but the fate of annihilating the entire family. Luo now leads the entire Luo family, so he has to think about this in advance, and then leave a spark of fire for the Luo family. "

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, what he said made sense.

But the problem is, there is no need to follow him!

Just listen to Luo Wangxuan continue to say: "After today, Luo will continue to send the elite members of the clan to the outside world for training. Within a hundred years, if they are not called, they will not be allowed to return to the castle. This is the best way I can think of." , It’s really a helpless move!”

Mo Xun looked at his lonely look, and the corner of his mouth moved, not knowing how to persuade him.

The ancestor of the Min family is indeed a thunder that can explode at any time.

Perhaps as early as after Min Qian's death, the Min family had sent people to look for traces of their ancestors. It might not be long before Beijing Mountain had to reshuffle its cards.

The two looked at each other in wordless silence for a long time, and then Mo Xun asked: "Does Fairy Luo know your decision?"

"I have told my sister-in-law that our Luo family can survive this catastrophe safely only because of Brother Mo's help. Logically speaking, I should not make other requests, but under the current situation, Luo really can't think of anything else. If we can’t come up with a better solution, we can only continue to lick our shame and hope that Brother Mo will not refuse. If Wangxuan is lucky enough to survive in the future, he will definitely repay Brother Mo for today’s kindness!”

Having said this, Luo Wangxuan stood up suddenly and bowed his head solemnly.

Mo Xun quickly supported him and persuaded with a smile: "Brother Luo, there is no need to be like this. As long as Fairy Luo has no objections, Mo will do his best, but..."

Mo Xun naturally knew Luo Wangxuan's original intention.

It was only because he saw that he had the ability to compete with the Nascent Soul cultivators that he became entrusted with it.

"But do you know where I'm going next?"

Seeing his agreement, Luo Wangxuan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"What does this have to do with it? Although Luo doesn't have a close relationship with Brother Mo, he still believes that he has some ability to recognize people. I think with Brother Mo's personality, no matter where he goes, Xi'er will not be wronged."

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking that you don't know where I'm going. If you knew, you probably wouldn't say that!

Then, he had to briefly introduce his life experience.

The more Luo Wangxuan listened, the more he frowned.

If Luo Xi followed him, it would be impossible to say goodbye forever!

For him, there is no problem in protecting one more person, but the stakes involved must be made clear first.

As for how to choose, it depends on the other party!

After a long time, Luo Wangxuan recovered from the shock and sighed quietly.

"I didn't expect Brother Mo to have such a bizarre past. No wonder I heard Xi'er say that in the early years, you were only in the early stages of foundation building. In less than two hundred years, you were able to cross several realms and achieve your current achievements. I think you only have this kind of experience. He has been able to obtain various opportunities one after another. Unlike Luo, who lives in this corner and is complacent. Originally he was self-proclaimed and disdainful of the world's casual cultivators. If it hadn't been for this, I'm afraid he would have been addicted to the bottom of the well without knowing it. It's really embarrassing to say that! "

"Brother Luo, now that he has achieved all the hardships, why should he belittle himself? As a casual cultivator, you have your own hardships of wandering, and sects and aristocratic families are not all flowers and plants in the greenhouse. In the final analysis, it still depends on personal practice, so I will talk about it below. I have had some opportunities over the years, but I don’t know how many lives and deaths it took to get them back. If I had a choice, I would rather be as comfortable and carefree as Brother Luo."

Luo Wangxuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Brother Mo, please don't make fun of me. Everyone knows that it is difficult for casual cultivators to achieve success, but once they become successful, they will all be the overlords. Compared with you, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are like hothouse flowers and plants."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had known each other for a long time.

"If it's true as Brother Mo said, let's say goodbye forever. As long as we can keep the incense of my Luo family, where is the place for cultivation? You and I, as cultivators, pursue the great road, and ultimately we have to ascend and leave. Is there any reason to linger on our hometown? "

Seeing that Mo Xun was about to speak, Luo Wangxuan seemed to know what he wanted to say, and interrupted with a smile: "I understand what Brother Mo means, but I am different from Xi'er. As the current head of the family, Luo cannot only consider his own I have to be responsible for the future of these hundreds of tribesmen, so I can’t leave alone.”

At this point, he let out a long sigh.

"After all, I have a responsibility that is difficult to offload on my shoulders."

Seeing his firm tone, Mo Xun stopped trying to persuade him.

This trip to the Luo family also allowed him to see many different things!

Avenue and responsibility!

When he cannot balance the two, how should he choose?

If he had not promised Gu Yutian to rebuild the sect, he would never have thought of taking another path.

And once this sect is established, he will obviously embark on the same path as Luo Wangxuan.

Maybe one day, you will face the same choice!

It didn't take long for Luo Xi and his servants to prepare a sumptuous banquet.

"Xi'er, I have discussed with Brother Mo. You can clean up today and leave with Ning'er and Bin'er tomorrow."


Luo Wangxuan waved his hand.

"No need to say more about this matter. I have already prepared all the things you need to bring. In the future..."

Luo Wangxuan then bowed to his sister again.

"Brother, what are you doing..."

"I'll take care of Ning'er and Bin'er's cultivation in the future!"

Looking at the sincerity in his brother's eyes, Luo Xi sniffed and turned his head to wipe his eyes.

"Don't worry, brother, I know what to do!"

Seeing the true feelings of the two siblings, Mo Xun turned to the side silently.

Early the next morning, he left Luojiabao with Luo Xi, who looked sad.

There were two young people following him.

A boy and a girl, they were Luo Wangxuan's children, Luo Bin and Luo Ning mentioned yesterday.

They were also the incense of the Luo family in his mouth.

Looking at Luo Xi's reluctant look, Mo Xun didn't know what to say. He had experienced this kind of separation from his relatives before.

For Luo Xi, at least he knew that his brother had a long life and might meet again one day.

But what about him?

The relatives in his hometown had already turned into ashes and dirt, and there was no possibility of seeing them again.

All of this was his choice, so who could he blame?

Mo Xun did not go to Luoan City. After sending the Dao Transmission Note, he went directly out of Biling Valley.

On the flying magic weapon, Gu Qingqing raised her eyebrows and asked in a deep voice: "Who is she?"

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