Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 84 Foundation Building Pill

"Brother Mo, is your solution feasible?"

Mo Xun looked at him helplessly. This man was good at causing trouble, but he was far from being able to solve problems. If he didn't need this man to lead the way to Blue Moon City, he wouldn't be in such a mess.

"I don't know. Let's go first and we'll know the result later."

Two hours later, the two stopped in front of a dilapidated temple.

There were barren mountains around the dilapidated temple. The surrounding walls had long been broken and collapsed. The temple gate had disappeared, revealing the weeds inside. There was only a dilapidated hall, which was crumbling under the erosion of wind and rain.

The clay sculptures enshrined inside had lost their heads, and even the incense table was cut down by someone to be used as firewood.

In this place, I'm afraid that if I just go in and take a look, I'm afraid that the roof will collapse and I'll be crushed to death.

Xiao Qian laughed and said, "Brother Mo, it seems that you are really my lucky star. With you around, I can always turn danger into safety!"

Mo Xun's mouth twitched. He felt that the other party was a disaster star. He didn't know how this person survived until now and was not beaten to death!

"Brother Xiao, since we have already gotten rid of those people, we'd better hurry up as soon as possible to avoid any more trouble."

Xiao Qian looked around, and at this time he still did not forget to open his folding fan gracefully.

"No hurry, if I had known that Brother Mo had this kind of positioning talisman, I would have taken you to a good place... But it's not too late now, I wonder if Brother Mo is interested?"

Mo Xun looked at him with a somewhat mysterious look, but did not respond. Instead, he asked, "Brother Xiao said that Gu Yue Sect will open its doors to accept disciples soon. We should hurry over there as soon as possible to avoid missing it."

"There is still a year left, so it's totally in time. The place I want to take Brother Mo to has great benefits!"

Mo Xun still did not respond. In his opinion, what benefits could be compared to the green gourd in his hand?

Although he did not ripen the Heart-Protecting Pill again in the past year, he needed to ripen the spiritual herbs related to talisman paper and ink because of his practice of talismans. Without the worry of materials, his talisman skills could improve so quickly.

"I have a question, Brother Xiao, can you explain it to me?"

Xiao Qian waved his fan: "Please speak!"

"Since you already have a sect, why do you want to join Guyue Sect?"

"Brother Mo, you don't know that my sect is actually not much different from casual cultivators. My master, Yu Yangzi, is the head of the sect, but his cultivation is only in the middle stage of foundation building. This is accumulated with the financial resources of the entire sect. If I still stay in the sect, I am afraid that I can't even afford a foundation building pill in this life!"

"Foundation building pill?"

Xiao Qian looked at him in confusion: "Why, Brother Mo doesn't even know this?"

Mo Xun shook his head. At this time, he was not afraid of being laughed at by the other party. Now that he has reached this level, what he cares most about is naturally foundation building.

Not to mention the magical powers after foundation building, the life span that is far higher than that of ordinary people can make him crazy.

Xiao Qian sighed lightly. There are countless casual cultivators like Mo Xun who know nothing and embark on the road of cultivation.

Even if he has a small sect, what difference does it make with them?

"Brother Mo already knows that once you reach the peak of Qi Refining, you have to start preparing for foundation building. Foundation building is extremely difficult. Later, someone invented a pill that can greatly increase the success rate of foundation building. This pill is the foundation building pill!"

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