Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 85 A helpless move

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. It turned out that this thing was needed for foundation building.

"I wonder what the chances of success in foundation building are without foundation building pills?"

Xiao Qian looked at him as if he was a fool and couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Mo, I can't answer this question either. After all, this foundation building pill has existed for many years. As for how the cultivators in the past built their foundations, there is no way to verify it."

Xiao Qian thought for a while and continued, "But I have heard that some people with excellent spiritual roots have also succeeded in building their foundations by chance without foundation building pills, but the chances are very small. Only one person can meet this."

When it comes to spiritual roots, Mo Xun's face is inevitably a little gloomy. Since he knew the attributes of his spiritual roots, he often has no interest in them. If it weren't for the belief in immortality in his heart, he wouldn't know how to persist.

"From what Brother Xiao said, is this foundation-building pill expensive?"

Xiao Qian was shocked and said, "It's not just expensive. In many cases, it's hard to get one pill. Even if you have spirit stones, you may not be able to buy it."

Mo Xun nodded secretly. He already knew that the world of cultivating immortals uses spirit stones for transactions. It's easy to understand what Xiao Qian said. After all, once you step into the foundation-building stage, your life span will be greatly improved, so it's reasonable that it's a little precious.

As for how to get spirit stones, he had already thought about it a long time ago, but from what the other party said, this thing is priceless and may not be solved with spirit stones.

When he thought of this, he couldn't wait to go to Blue Moon City. He had too many questions and needed to go there to find the answers.

"Brother Xiao, I have another question. Do you want to enter Guyue Sect just for this foundation-building pill?"

Xiao Qian looked at him with appreciation and said with a smile: "Brother Mo is really smart. Only this kind of big sect will give foundation-building pills to some outstanding disciples every once in a while."

Speaking of this, Xiao Qian paused for a moment and continued: "Moreover, the sect often issues many tasks. After completing them, you can also have the opportunity to obtain foundation-building pills, which is much more likely than simply accumulating spirit stones to buy them!"

"If it is according to what Brother Xiao said, it may be difficult to enter Guyue Sect?"

"Of course, every time Guyue Sect recruits disciples, there are at least tens of thousands of people who come, but only one in ten can successfully become a disciple!"

When Mo Xun heard this ratio, he couldn't help but be secretly shocked. The way of cultivation is indeed like going against the will of heaven.

Looking at Xiao Qian on the side, Mo Xun felt a little puzzled.

"If Brother Xiao becomes a disciple of Gu Yue Sect, how will he explain this to your master?"

Xiao Qian said with a nonchalant smile: "You don't know this. Small sects like us rely on large sects for survival. Sect leaders often encourage disciples to become disciples of large sects. As long as they become high-level cultivators in the future, they should not forget to help the sect!"

Mo Xun thought about it. For small sects, this is a good idea, but then again, isn't this a helpless move?

After understanding these things, Mo Xun asked calmly: "I wonder what opportunities there are in the place that Brother Xiao just mentioned, and where can I be of use?"

Seeing that he took the initiative to mention it, Xiao Qian hurriedly said: "To say that this opportunity is not as great as the foundation-building pill, if it succeeds, it is enough to ensure that you and I can successfully enter Gu Yue Sect!"

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