Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 844 Six Paths of Disaster

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon, green flames burst out from the ram's body again, and in an instant, it seemed as if it had fallen into the hellfire.

The heart-wrenching sound became louder, and the scalp of the people who heard it numbed.

This is the second test!

At this moment, Mo Xun has swallowed more than a dozen pills in succession.

He is not only the master of the formation, but also needs to cast a seal from time to time to help the ram resist this pain.

When the fire slowly extinguished, even the soul body of the ram seemed to be burned to a dry body, and it was a lot thinner than before.

In the end, even the cry of pain became weak.

Mo Xun hurriedly threw him a piece of soul-nourishing wood.

But before the ram could rest for a moment, a rain of red arrows suddenly poured down from the sky.

This is the pain of thousands of arrows piercing the heart, and it is also the third test.

As the sharp arrow fell, the ram seemed to be nailed to the stone platform, unable to move at all, and could only survive with screams.

As the soul power weakened, the already vague soul body became weaker and weaker.

The people around had never seen the scene in front of them, and just hearing the roar that made the soul tremble was terrifying.

However, Mo Xun watched the suffering of reincarnation throughout the whole process.

The fourth one was the thunder and lightning disaster!

Just like the cultivator's tribulation, a series of white rays that were enough to illuminate half of the sky fell on the ram's soul body with a rumble.

Mo Xun saw that the ram almost showed signs of dissipation in the lightning, and he was secretly anxious in his heart.

But in this situation, outsiders could not help at all.

All he could do was to help him replenish some soul power. When he reached this ghost gate, the ram needed to get through it himself.

Fortunately, in the end, the old guy still survived.

Imagine that when ordinary people are going through a tribulation, they can still resist physically, but Gong Yang can only bear it with his soul power.

This may be an obsession in his heart!

Since he met Gong Yang, he always behaved like an old and frivolous person.

Lustful, greedy, and afraid of death, the old guy tried his best to disguise himself as a person with seven emotions and six desires.

Because only in this way can he feel that he is no different from a normal person.

Such a mental journey is actually not much different from his hard work in seeking immortality.

After a short silence, the fifth test finally came.

In the blood red, a huge stone cone suddenly fell and went straight to Gong Yang's heart.

This is the pain of stone pressure, which is considered to be easier to endure among the six tortures.

With a "bang", the stone cone suddenly exploded when it touched Gong Yang's soul, and countless fragments flew around.

Then you can see that the soul body slowly cracked with fine lines, like a spider web!

The fine lines gradually grew larger, and in a moment, the ram seemed to be broken into pieces, and the whole body was pieced together into pieces, which looked extremely terrifying!

The ram could no longer make much sound at this moment.

He just opened his mouth and kept making hoarse noises, and his eyeballs seemed to be protruding from his eye sockets, which was extremely creepy!

Mo Xun hurriedly threw another piece of soul-nourishing wood to him.

As the soul power in the sacred wood flowed out, it began to repair his body surface.

At this point, he could already breathe out a long breath of turbid air.

As long as he crossed the fifth hurdle, the six tests would basically be considered passed.

While Mo Xun was happy for him, he did not dare to relax in his heart.

He pinched the Dao formula in his hand faster, and the more he reached this point, the more he could not relax.

In the ever-changing seal, the runes carved around him seemed to suddenly come alive, slowly floating from the ground to the air, and blooming with a golden halo.

The runes first spun around the ram, and then jumped into its body like jumping tadpoles.

This was the sixth test!

Rather than being a torture, it was a reward for having survived the previous disaster.

Because under the nourishment of these runes, the weakened soul was not only slowly repaired, but also emitted a faint golden light, which was more solid than before.

In addition to this, it was obvious that there was a spirituality in the soul.

"Is this going to work?"

Mo Xun muttered to himself, and at the same time, he was worried about it.

After absorbing all the runes, the ram suddenly opened his eyes, like a cocoon, like a different person!

The next moment, the soul turned into golden light and went straight to the lotus body incarnation next to it.

The incarnation was wrapped in a circle of golden light and gradually floated in the air. Although there was no sign of waking up, there was a hint of life.

Mo Xun wiped the sweat from his forehead and couldn't help but smile.

After these six tests, it should be the calamity of the inner demon!

At this point, it is halfway to success!

He nodded secretly and took out a black sandalwood.

It is the soul-sucking incense!

According to Gong Yang's instructions, if he has not woken up before dawn, he must be awakened by this incense.

This thing can be said to have advantages and disadvantages.

Once the soul-sucking incense is used, it can indeed wake people up from the calamity of the inner demon, but there is a greater than 50% chance that the mind will be severely damaged, thus erasing all consciousness and turning into a living dead with only a shell left.

So whether to use this thing and when to use it are particularly critical.

He inserted the incense into the ground and then sat down cross-legged.

The six-sided formation is still running, and the blood cloud above his head is still spreading around.

Although the six tortures have passed, strictly speaking, the entire resurrection technique has not been completely completed, and the magic circle cannot be removed.

Under the rolling of the blood cloud, waves of sound came one after another.

Mo Xun occasionally opened his eyes and saw that the sleeping ram seemed to be struggling, as if he was having a nightmare.

He really wanted to know what the other party was experiencing in the dream, because in the near future, he would also have to go through the heart demon tribulation.

But there are very few records about this tribulation in the entire cultivation world.

Because those who have gone through the heart tribulation are really like dreaming, and they have forgotten everything after waking up.

I only remember that it was a very dangerous and immersive real situation.

A ray of light began to appear on the horizon.

Mo Xun frowned, and looked up at the ram who was still struggling.

Is it really necessary to use that thing?

His solemn eyes fell on the God-scaring Incense, which was also a gamble.

Just when he was hesitant, he suddenly heard a thunderous laugh.

"Hahaha...I am so lucky. I just woke up from a nap and came across such a delicious meal. The inner elixir of the human race is much stronger than those inferior sea monsters!"

Then, a suffocating pressure instantly enveloped the entire island.

Everyone was shocked. This sound obviously came from outside the island!

Everyone immediately realized that someone had broken into the place where the spell was cast!

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