And the person who came here must have a high level of cultivation!

Mo Xun did not hesitate at all, flicked his finger, and lit the soul-capturing incense in front of him, and then disappeared in a flash.

When he appeared again, he was already standing outside the island.

I saw a green light approaching this side quickly from the blood-red horizon.

"Mo Jiao!"

The moment he saw this thing clearly, his heart trembled.

He was almost 80% sure that this was definitely the legendary deep-sea Mo Jiao.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon appeared in front of him.

Even he, who was usually knowledgeable, couldn't help but tremble a little at this moment.

I saw a huge dark green dragon hovering in the blood cloud, covering the sky and the earth, estimated to be about a hundred feet long, with huge scales on its body, each larger than an adult, and unusually dark green in the blood.

Every time the huge tail wing swings, it will stir up the wind and clouds.

The inky dragon claws swirled with the body, like a pliers that could shake the world. If it grabbed them, they would be crushed to pieces.

On the head that was not much different from a real dragon, two long tentacles spread for several feet.

Rows of sharp teeth glowed with cold light, giving people an extremely shocking sense of oppression.

The sea water below seemed to be surging more violently because of the appearance of this strange beast, raising waves that were tens of feet high.

Compared with the oppression brought by this momentum, the pressure emanating from the ink dragon was the real horror.

He had dealt with monsters more than once or twice.

In the boundless sea of ​​monsters, there were countless monsters that died in his hands.

Even a small monster king had been killed!

He was once chased to the Tiankui Realm by the big monster king Chashan.

So when it comes to the classification of various monsters and the judgment of the strength of their auras, there are definitely not many people who are better than him.

What shocked him was the aura of the black dragon.

The other party gave him the feeling that it seemed to surpass all the great demon kings he had encountered before!

But how could this be possible?

The great demon king was already a level nine demon beast. If it was higher, wouldn’t it be level ten?

According to the information he had obtained, there was no level ten demon beast in this world, just as there was no god transformation.

Once the level nine crossed the level ten, it meant that it was about to ascend!

Or was the behemoth in front of him the peak of level nine?

Thinking of this, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Whether it was level nine or level ten, it was not an existence he could contend with now.

When he was in the Tiankui world, he relied on the lack of spiritual energy to fight against the hairless Cha Shan.

But how should he deal with this situation?

His realm was not as good as others, and he was on the sea that the black dragon was familiar with.

In addition, at the moment, it was at the critical period of Gongyang's tribulation. If there was a slight mistake, the old guy would not wake up.

It can be said that he has no luck in terms of time, place, and people.

He can only delay!

After a brief consideration, he immediately realized this.

"I happened to pass by here. Because a friend was seriously injured, I had to stay on the island. I didn't know that I disturbed the senior's practice. Please forgive me. If there is any offense, as long as I can give it, I will satisfy the senior. I wonder if you can make some concessions?"

As he spoke, he tried his best to hide his guard and appeared extremely respectful.

In front of this old monster, he felt that no matter how powerful he was, he didn't have much power to fight back.

Rather than taking risks without knowing the bottom, it is better to lower his posture, maybe he will meet a guy who is easy to talk to.

And seeing that the sky is about to dawn, whether the ram can wake up must be in this moment.

As long as they delay a little, when the old thing successfully resurrects, they will have more choices to fight or flee.

In order to prevent this situation from happening before, they were not completely unprepared.

Around the entire island, in addition to the resurrection formation this time, there are also some extremely sharp trapping formations.

Just as he was thinking, the other side finally responded.

The sound coming from the mouth of the huge black dragon was like a huge bell that shook the sky. I am afraid that it can be heard clearly even a hundred miles away.

This is the realm oppression!

Regardless of the size, momentum, and pressure, it all gives people a feeling of superiority.

Standing with such a master, even just listening to his words can be breathtaking.

But the next sentence made Mo Xun tremble and have a strong doubt.

"Huh? It turned out to be you!"

Mo Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't hear clearly.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that after more than a hundred years of separation, I could meet you again. It seems that this is really God's will!"

Mo Xun was even more surprised. Listening to the other party's tone, it was obvious that he knew him.

But in his impression, he had no memory of this monster at all.

But is this possible?

A great demon king at the peak of level nine, even if he realized it later, he would never forget it.

Unless the other party had hidden his cultivation and saw him somewhere, and he didn't pay attention at that time.

However, from the tone, it didn't seem like there was any hatred.

After pondering for a while, he asked tentatively: "Senior, do you know me?"

The whole body of the black dragon hovered in the blood cloud, appearing and disappearing from time to time, giving people a sense of mystery and majesty.

Every shake seemed to cause the surrounding space to distort.

The waves of mana that emanated from it inadvertently seemed to possess supreme divine power.

This giant beast would stir up the wind and clouds if it did not move.

Mo Xun's thin body stood in front of it, three points weaker than an ant.

After laughing, Mo Jiao suddenly snorted coldly, and the shaking world changed color.

"It's more than knowing each other. Thanks to you, little beast, I was able to escape the shackles of ten thousand years. Otherwise, I would still be a stone sculpture sealed there."

Ten thousand years, seal, stone sculpture?

Mo Xun was more and more confused the more he listened.

Logically speaking, since this old thing can have such freedom today thanks to his rescue in the past.

Then the other party should be grateful!

But why does this tone seem to be a grudge?

He thought quickly in his mind, recalling everything he had experienced since he came to Xihezhou.

But no matter how hard he tried to recall, he still couldn't remember having seen a stone sculpture that looked like a dragon.

Mo Jiao looked at the "chuan" character that was almost twisted between Mo Xun's eyebrows and snorted coldly again.

"Why, you haven't remembered it yet? Do you want me to remind you?"

Mo Xun felt the chill emanating from the other person's body, and the sense of crisis that had just faded away slowly crept into his heart again.

At this moment, several rays of light flew from behind, and they were Luo Xi and the others who had already discovered something was wrong.

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