Because that blow just now actually shattered his golden elixir.

As the blood in his body slowly drained away, it seemed as if his life was also slowly fading away.

The shattering of the golden elixir, doesn't it mean that his two hundred years of cultivation have been destroyed?

At this moment, he actually forgot the pain.

This feeling of losing the foundation of Taoism seems to be more difficult to accept than killing him.

Fortunately, he soon came back to his senses from numbness.

"No, I still have a chance!"

This is the only belief in his mind at this moment!

Countless life and death experiences have brought him the most, not those natural treasures, nor the improvement of cultivation, but a kind of persistence that never gives up.

Since he left Xiaoling Village, death has accompanied him all the way.

Killing Hu Tianming, fighting Wuji Sanren, beheading Qishan, being trapped in Sinan Mountain, and encountering the Liu brothers, and finally coming to Xihezhou by chance under Bai Li's pursuit.

From the East Region to the Central Region, and then walking through the sea of ​​thunder to come back here.

Along the way, the blood he shed alone can dye a river red.

He had broken his legs and arms, and even his Dantian meridians had been seriously injured more than once.

But was there ever a time when he thought of giving up?

Even if he was stranded in the Tiankui Realm, where there was no spiritual energy at all, he still fought his way out.

The water in front of the door can still flow west, so don't sing about the yellow chicken with white hair!

He didn't believe it. He had gone through so many difficulties, so how could he give up easily because of a little setback?

He suddenly took out a purple talisman and threw it hard to the side despite the severe pain.

The corner of his mouth, which was still bleeding, opened and closed to recite a spell, and then raised his palm with difficulty and made a seal on his chest.

He shouted loudly.


The talisman exploded with a bang, and a dazzling purple light bloomed not far away.

As the purple light flowed, a dark vortex appeared in the place where the blood was originally filled.

Mo Xun was delighted, and he didn't expect it to be effective.

After entering the blood-colored mist, he felt that the surrounding space was extremely unstable, so he took a try and sacrificed an improved boundary-breaking talisman.

The reason for this discovery is also thanks to his research on the Heavenly Runes in recent years.

Not only has he made some progress in the way of talismans, but he has also gained a deeper understanding of spatial fluctuations.

In addition, this blood mist is very similar to the blood-colored mist of the past, so he naturally associates the two with the connection in space.

Without any hesitation, he stepped into the vortex.

The next moment after his figure disappeared, the Mo Jiao had already arrived.

After a brief pause, he did not follow him in.

But just as the Mo Jiao was in doubt, the vortex in front of him suddenly grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it covered a range of several feet.

The Mo Jiao was startled and hurriedly retreated.

But at this moment, a very strong suction force suddenly came from the vortex.

In fear, the Mo Jiao exerted all his magic power to escape.

However, as the vortex continued to grow, the suction force became stronger and stronger.

Even the ninth-level monster at its peak was still being pulled into the darkness little by little.

It only lasted for a moment, and the expanding black vortex completely swallowed the black dragon.

Then, the blood clouds and blood mist within a thousand miles seemed to be frightened by a mysterious force and poured into the vortex like a whale.

This sudden change caused the sea to suddenly surge and the waves rolled.

It seemed that the whole world was about to be swallowed up.

It was not until a cup of tea that the clouds and rain gradually subsided, and the black vortex, like a wound healing, slowly closed and disappeared.

The entire sea area finally returned to calm after the sunrise.

But what was shocking was that the isolated island on the sea was completely submerged by the sea.

Another hour passed, and the sea monsters that discovered the strange phenomenon here came one by one.

In the darkness, Mo Xun seemed to have entered a space tunnel.

He didn't know whether it was because of the serious injury or the space tearing in the vortex, but he just felt dizzy.

He wanted to fall asleep several times, but he persisted with amazing perseverance.

He didn't know how long it took, and when he was half-dizzy and half-awake, he seemed to be thrown out by a huge force and fell heavily to the ground.

The sunlight stung his eyes and made them numb!

He tried to open his eyelids, and his vision gradually became clear from hazy.

After regaining his hearing, he heard a few crisp bird calls.

This seemed to be a deep mountain, and all he could see was green grass and shrubs.

Before he woke up completely, he felt like he was bitten by a mosquito on his neck.

As soon as he turned his head, he faced a snake head spitting out a scarlet tongue.

There was a hissing sound!

Looking down from the snake head, a black scaled snake as thick as a baby's arm was wrapping him from head to toe.

It seemed that if he moved a little, the fangs that were so close would bite off his neck.

And the venom oozing from the teeth made people's scalps numb!

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been scared to death by this scene.

But Mo Xun just stared at it, and the black snake seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in the world. It quickly slid off his body and disappeared in the grass in the blink of an eye.

Feeling the faint spiritual energy around him, he panted for a long time before slowly sitting up.

At this moment, there was no intact place on his body.

The tattered clothes were almost dyed red by blood.

There was a long bloodstain under his abdomen, and his skin and flesh were turned outward, which was very creepy.

He remembered that there were countless space storms and sharp blades in the dark space tunnel. If he had not relied on his strong body training, he would have been torn into pieces.

He looked up and looked around. Except for the sound of wind and birds, he was obviously out of danger.

He just wanted to stand up, but he grimaced because of the injury.

He hurriedly checked his body again. The golden elixir had indeed broken. If he concentrated his magic power a little, some spiritual power would be uncontrollably released.

Fortunately, in this case, the magic power was not lost, and the consciousness could still be used.

He swallowed two pills first, and then a ray of light flashed in his hand, and two figures appeared in front of him.

It was Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi.

In this situation, he felt that he could trust only the two people in front of him.

The two were shocked when they saw Mo Xun like this.

But before they could speak, Mo Xun said, "This is not a place to talk. Take me away and find a quiet place."

The two looked at each other, as if they had put aside all their grudges at this moment. One of them led the way in front, and the other helped him through the forest quickly.

In a secluded cave, Mo Xun sat cross-legged for a long time, then slowly opened his eyes, his eyes blurred for a while, and then he took out a sound transmission note and threw it out of the cave.

Not long after, a group of people gathered around him.

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