"Everyone, because I was seriously injured in the previous fight, I have to go into seclusion for a long time. It may be decades or hundreds of years. These are not certain, so if you want to go or stay, I would like to ask you to go as soon as possible. Make a decision."

Luo Xi quickly frowned and asked, "What injury did you get?"

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, you won't die just yet!"

Seeing that she wanted to speak, Mo Xun waved his hand.

"I can't tell you the truth now. It's not that I don't trust you, but there are some things that I'm not completely sure of yet."

He glanced around the crowd and then continued: "I don't know exactly where this place is now, but according to my guess, we should have left Xihezhou, or at least left the Eastern Region. If we want If you leave now, Mo will give you some Cheng Yi, but I hope that the news about me here will not be revealed..."

Having said this, he paused briefly and looked at the expressions of the people in front of him.

Thanks to the Tianyu Tower, although this time it was dangerous, no one died.

Since these people are following him, he is naturally responsible for everyone's safety.

Luo Xi, Gu Qingqing, Cheng Mu, Dong Qianxue, Huangfu Xin, Qi Ruyan, Sun Ku, Cui Lian'er, Ye Qingshuang, the Luo family nephews, and Gong Yang who had just transformed into human form.

He also did not expect that such a force would be gathered in just a few years.

If he really returned to southern Xinjiang now, he would be able to build up a sect team without recruiting any troops.

But he has no time!

It seems that there is no time to even investigate where this place is.

He needs to retreat immediately!

I originally wanted to make good preparations after returning to southern Xinjiang, and then find the right time to try to attack Nascent Soul.

But the current situation forced him to advance this plan.

Fortunately, even though he had traveled to many places over the years, his preparation for having a baby was not inadequate.

There is also the Jiangyunxian fruit, which should be almost ripe!

In fact, based on his current lifespan, if there is no absolute certainty, there is no need to be so anxious.

But fate seemed to be arranged, and he was not allowed to make his own choices.

It was good now that the old dragon saved him the first step of conceiving a baby.

I don’t know if breaking the pill through external force in this way will have any impact on the entire breakthrough process.

But there is no point in saying anything more.

"If anyone is willing to stay, they hope to be able to protect me during my retreat. I know that such a request is a bit excessive. After all, even I don't know how long this healing will last..."

After saying this, Mo Xun fell silent.

During the pregnancy period, he does need some people to protect him.

Moreover, these words were mostly said to Luo Xi and other alchemy monks.

Of course, if no one wants to stay, he won't force it.

It would be difficult for him to stay in one place for dozens or hundreds of years for someone.

Although no one spoke, Mo Xun could still see some different thoughts in those eyes.

It’s not that some people don’t speak, but they are embarrassed to speak.

In order to ensure adequate safety, he must temporarily kick these people out.

"Fairy Dong, what do you think?"

Dong Qianxue might not have expected that Mo Xun would be the first to ask her.

After pondering for a moment, she answered: "If it weren't for senior brother, I would have died in Xuanqing City, so this life belongs to senior brother, and it is natural for him to protect him!"

While saying these words, Mo Xun always looked into her eyes.

The eyes are clear and there is no trace of forgery.

"Thank you so much, fairy!"

Dong Qianxue smiled and bowed, then turned to the disciple aside, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Lian'er, please go out and have some adventures!"

Cui Lian'er immediately shook her head and said, "No, I would like to stay with the master."

Dong Qianxue patted the dust on Cui Lian'er's shoulders and tidied her clothes, like a loving mother.

"You are still young and need more experience. There has never been a suitable time in the Liangyi Sect, so I have not arranged for you to go down the mountain. However, you must know that everyone has to go through worldly hardships in the process of cultivation, otherwise you will end up with troubles in the future. When taking elixir, it will inevitably be difficult to achieve perfection due to a lack of state of mind. Do you understand the reason behind this?"


Dong Qianxue interrupted the disciple.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. Moreover, I am also cultivating here. When senior brother recovers in the future, I will go find you!"

Cui Lian'er knew that the master meant well, but when she thought of separation, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Dong Qianxue smiled at Mo Xun and said, "Senior brother, please forgive me. Lian'er and I will go out and explain."

Mo Xun nodded.

"Fairy, do whatever you want!"

Watching the master and apprentice gradually leave, Mo Xun turned his attention to his three apprentices.

"what about you?"

Qi Ruyan was the first to kneel down.

"The disciple has only been with the master for a short time, and since he has just arrived in the world of immortality, he has no ability to protect himself at all, so I ask the master to be kind and allow the disciple to stay with me."

Along the way, although Qi Ruyan has good qualifications and has made rapid progress in cultivation, it can be seen that after seeing the blood of the world of immortality, she has become more timid about the outside world.

Once she leaves her master, she doesn't know where to go?

Among the people Mo Xun knew, Qi Ruyan could be said to be the least Taoist.

For this woman, how long she lives is not important.

As long as she can stay young forever!

It seems a ridiculous idea, but it is true.

This kind of indifferent attitude towards the great way is either destined to not go far, or it is likely to be the one who goes the farthest.

Without desire, one is strong. Without the obsession with immortality, sometimes one can be as calm as water when practicing.

Then, Huangfu Xin also knelt down.

"Master, disciple...disciple wants to go out and see it!"

Huangfu Xin said this a little unconfidently. Perhaps in his own eyes, this is like a betrayal.

The master is in trouble, but the disciple is not in front of him to show his filial piety.

No matter where it is placed, it is unacceptable.

But Mo Xun just smiled and nodded.

Huangfu Xin's personality is another two extremes.

First, like Mo Xun, he has an obsessive obsession with immortality.

Secondly, this is an ambitious person who hopes to dominate while pursuing stronger strength.

It is difficult to evaluate such a person with praise or criticism. It can only be said that everyone has different pursuits.

If this kind of person succeeds, he will be the overlord of a region, but if he fails, he will die miserably.

In order to achieve the goal, he can do whatever it takes!

What face and dignity, respect for teachers and respect for the way, do not have much weight in his heart, only belief in strength.

The reason why Mo Xun accepted this person in the first place was, on the one hand, because of the deal between the two.

On the other hand, he was confident that he could suppress the other party.

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