Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 852: Survive from the brink of death

Therefore, Huangfuxin was not surprised at all when he planned to leave.

With a wave of his sleeve, a storage bag landed firmly in front of Huangfu Xin.

"There are training resources here to the foundation building stage, and there is also a transmission talisman. If you encounter any trouble in the future, I will save you once within the effective range of the transmission talisman. Remember not to mention your teacher's name after leaving. As for whether you can make a name for yourself, it all depends on your own destiny.”

Huangfu Xin didn't expect Mo Xun to be so generous. Instead of blaming him for his betrayal, his master even gave him something!

He was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly and solemnly clicked his head three times.

"Disciple, remember this. When you succeed in your studies in the future, you will never forget your master's great kindness."

After saying this, Huangfu Xin walked out of the cave without looking back.

Next is Sun Ku.

Although Mo Xun did not get along with this newly acquired disciple for a short period of time, perhaps because of his ancestor's relationship with him, he preferred this person more in his heart.

Sun Ku also knelt down without waiting for Mo Xun to speak.

"Disciple is willing to protect the master!"

Mo Xun smiled and nodded.

What the little guy said is very interesting. It’s not that we can’t live without him, but that he is a protector!

As a person who is about to have a baby, does he need the protection of a Qi Refining disciple?

But it can be seen that this is an upright guy.

Sun Ku is naturally sincere. Just because his ancestors can enshrine Mo Xun's portrait to this day shows that the master in front of him is definitely worth following.

"Okay, you two stand aside for now, I will make other arrangements later."

Then, Mo Xun looked at Cheng Mu again.

"Brother Cheng, what's your choice?"

Cheng Mu is the most troubled among everyone.

For him, Mo Xun was, first of all, a life-saver, and secondly, he was willing to follow a strong man like Mo Xun.

But in his heart, he still has a longing for his old clan.

So I really want to go out for a walk and see if I can find a way back to Nanfanzhou.

Seeing Cheng Mu's hesitation, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile.

"Brother Cheng, there is no need to worry about anything, and there is no need to have any psychological burden because of Mo's current situation. You and I are destined to meet each other, but there is no such thing as a banquet in the world. Everyone has his own way to go. This It’s also a practice, what do you think, Brother Cheng?”

After Cheng Mu pondered for a long time, he nodded solemnly.

"What Brother Mo said is... well, let me go outside first to see where this place is and find a way to get back to my hometown. If I really can't go back, I want to come to Brother Mo's place. , they should not turn me away. If you recover by then, I will expand the territory with you. If you are still in seclusion, then if Cheng is not talented, I will protect Brother Mo until he comes out of seclusion!"

After saying this, Cheng Mu laughed openly.

Mo Xun also smiled, cupped his hands, and threw out a storage bag.

"There are some pills and spiritual stones here, Brother Cheng, you can accept them!"

"Anyway, I owe Brother Mo a lot, so Cheng will not be pretentious. We'll say goodbye today. I hope we'll see you again in the future!"

Cheng Mu clasped his fists at the remaining people and left the cave with a meteoric stride.

After saying goodbye, only a few people from Luoxi were left.

But before Mo Xun could speak, Gu Qingqing said, "I'll explain to Qingshuang."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qingqing led her apprentice out of the cave.

Mo Xun looked at the male sheep aside.

He still trusts this old friend.

But the ram finally transformed into a human form. How could he stay in seclusion for a long time without personally experiencing this vast world?

He is not a selfish person, so although he is a little reluctant, he still hopes that the Rams can leave.

The two have been together for nearly two hundred years, and Gongyang has helped him enough!

It's time for the old guy to live a better life for himself.

"Hey, boy Mo, when you promised me, did you already expect such a day?"

Mo Xun opened his mouth, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

"How to say?"

Gongyang put one hand behind his back and stroked his beard with the other. Although his cultivation was very weak, he still showed the charm of an immortal.

"If that's not the case, why is the body you found for me still only in the Qi refining stage? You must have made up your mind a long time ago, knowing that you will be in such a catastrophe, and you are afraid that I will abandon you when my cultivation level is high. , do you say yes or no?”

Having said this, Gongyang sighed helplessly.

"In this current state, if you want me to go out alone, what's the difference between that and courting death? I don't care, you must be responsible for this body before the elixir is formed, so don't think of saying anything to ask me to leave."

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Have you thought about it? Once I retreat, I will seal off half of the mountain. If I change my mind and want to leave during this period, it will not be that easy."

The ram snorted coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense. Even if you drive me away, I won't leave. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. You are just afraid that I will consume your treasures. I will tell you, don't try to steal good things for yourself. !”

At this time, Gu Qingqing and Dong Qianxue came back from outside side by side.

However, Ye Qingshuang behind him disappeared.

Gu Xianzi had a bit of relief on her face and said with a sweet smile: "It's okay now. Apart from her and the people she brought, there should be no outsiders here. What's going on? You should tell me now." Right?"

The "she" that Gu Qingqing mentioned was naturally Luo Xi.

But at the moment, Mo Xun didn't want to listen to the two people bickering.

When he told the story of his broken golden elixir, the cave suddenly fell into silence.

In the end, it was Gong Yang who broke the silence first.

"Young man Mo, since you are ready, I support you!"

Hearing this indifferent cheer, Mo Xun rolled his eyes.

Thinking, do I need your support?

He now has no extra way to go. Only by sprinting to the Nascent Soul can he survive from death.

As for repairing the golden elixir with the "Demon Pill Summoning Spirit Technique", he has never thought about it.

Not to mention how dangerous this method is, he can't accept the damage to the foundation.

If he can't form a baby in the future because of repairing the golden elixir, it's better to let him take a risk!

"Most of you present here have been through thick and thin with Mo. I won't hide it from you. I am not completely unsure of this decision. On the contrary, I have been preparing for the formation of the fetus many years ago. I can say that I have at least a 50% chance of success."

Hearing this probability, Gu Qingqing and the others opened their eyes wide.

Perhaps only Qi Ruyan and Sun Ku, who have just started practicing, don't understand the weight of this statement.

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