Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 853: Fantasy Cloud Plain

Looking at the stunned faces of the crowd, Mo Xun did not intend to explain more.

Originally, there was no need for him to say such words.

According to his previous personality, he would think about failure before thinking about success, and he rarely said such confident words before doing things.

But now it is a little different, he needs to give these people some confidence.

He is no longer fighting alone as before, and unconsciously, he seems to have some thinking of a leader.

As I said, he brought these people up, so he must bear some responsibilities.

A knowing smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I am very grateful for your trust, especially in the current situation, you can treat me sincerely. Mo is not the kind of person who does not know how to be grateful. If you succeed in the breakthrough in the future, I will give each of you a great future."

His eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one, and his expression showed a rare momentum that could not be questioned.

"For those who have not yet formed the elixir, I guarantee that you will forge the golden elixir. For those who have not yet formed the infant, I will give you a chance to form the infant!"

Although these words were said in a plain and indifferent manner, they sounded powerful in everyone's ears!

There may be many powerful people in this world.

But there are definitely not many people who are more qualified to say this than him!

He suddenly stretched out a finger.

"The first future I want to give you is called Wuhuan Dan!"


Baiyue Mountain stretches for about a thousand miles. On one side is the vast Gobi Desert, and on the other side is the intersection of several secular countries.

Although the spiritual energy here is not very strong, there are dense forests and shrubs covering the sky.

At the foot of the mountain along the way, there are sparsely living mountain hunters.

There are jackals, tigers and leopards all over the mountains. Occasionally, woodcutters or herbal farmers shuttle through, and they rarely go into the deep mountains.

Just over a year ago, a poisonous miasma suddenly appeared in the mountain, filling most of the mountain.

Many people have said that a beast has become a spirit and built a cave for cultivation in the mountain.

During this period, several Taoists who claimed to be demon-slaying went up the mountain to catch demons, but every time they went in, they would lose their minds and wander around the mountain for a night. After coming down the mountain, they not only could not remember what they saw, but also could not even tell how they came down.

Not only that, but they would also get seriously ill.

After several bizarre incidents, few people set foot in it again.

This place is a retreat place that Mo Xun and others found after traveling tens of thousands of miles.

After more than a year of familiarity, everyone finally knew where this place was.

As Mo Xun guessed, they really returned to Dongshengzhou, but they were not teleported to Nanjiang.

This place is called "Huanyunyuan".

From here, go southeast, cross the Huanyun Desert, which is thousands of miles away, and you will reach Nanjiang.

When Mo Xun first heard the news, he was almost excited and confused.

Because of the sand sea barrier, Huanyunyuan has always been considered a wild land by the immortal cultivation world on the other side.

Even Mo Xun had never heard of it at the time.

Because this place is located in a remote corner, there are very few immortal cultivation sects.

According to the information Gong Yang found out, there are only two most prestigious sects.

One is the Heavenly Ghost Sect, and the other is the Holy Maiden Palace.

These two sects are very special. The Heavenly Ghost Sect only accepts male disciples, and the Holy Maiden Palace only recruits female cultivators.

The two sects have almost won over more than 90% of the immortal cultivators in Huanyunyuan.

Because of the gender difference in accepting disciples, the two sects do not have much conflict of interest, which is also the reason why they have been able to maintain stability for thousands of years.

However, in the past ten years, this tradition seems to be breaking.

It is said that there have been more than several conflicts among disciples at the intersection of the two sects. If it were not for the pressure from the middle and upper levels of the sect, it would have caused large-scale fighting.

The originally peaceful Huanyunyuan has signs of a war.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the Baiyue Mountains is scarce, and the two major sects have no interest in it, so this place has gradually become an ownerless place.

This is also the reason why Mo Xun chose this place!

Although spiritual energy plays a vital role in advancing and breaking through, wherever there is a spiritual vein in the world, it is basically occupied by forces. He can't drag his injured body to rob, right?

Moreover, when the Nascent Soul breaks through, it will also be his weakest time.

If he is disturbed by outsiders, he will inevitably fail!

As the saying goes, choose the lesser of two evils. Compared with spiritual energy, he needs a quiet environment more.

After giving the Wuhuan Pill to Gu Qingqing and others, he directly started the Nascent Soul retreat.

Not counting the incarnation of the devil, he now has three Jindan guardians around him. I think there should be no problem with safety in the early stage.

As long as the Nascent Soul does not come out, he can safely survive the thunder tribulation.

Bai Ze was also pulled out of the green gourd by him, and the extremely important Shenshenxiang was handed to the little guy.

I hope this thing will not be used!

There are five steps to forming a baby, the first of which is to break the pill.

This first step is not the most dangerous, but if there is a mistake, it can also cost his life.

Although his golden pill has cracked, it is caused by external forces, so if he is not careful, his mana may leak out rapidly.

The correct way to break the pill is to break the void and leave the pill room first, rush up to the center, and then find the nature and refine the soul.

This process is also called "enlightenment"!

After refining the pure Yang Yuanshen, fly to the Mingmen sea of ​​consciousness, then find the Ligong Yinshen, gather the power of the five elements in the Niwan Palace, so that it fills the room with rosy clouds and shines all over!

When the breath is completed, the second step can be carried out.

Let the Yin and Yang gods return to the Yuanshen in the abdomen, and combine to form a "life fetus".

The life fetus is stacked on the lotus platform, and is silently nurtured on it until the purple air comes and turns into a fetus. At this point, the Yuanying is initially formed.

The newly born life infant does not have independent consciousness.

The next step is to ascend to the Tianmen, where it is slowly nurtured and healthy.

In this process, not only the heart meridian is involved, but also the magic power must be cultivated, gradually carrying the consciousness of the life master, so that the two are integrated.

"Baby" is "red child", which is a kind of general practice method to return to the original nature, and it is also a sublimation of the inner elixir.

In other words, to make the inner Yuan return to the infant means to enter the realm of "no damage".

So this second step is also called the manifestation of the Yuanying.

It is the most troublesome and time-consuming of the five steps!

Shaping the Nascent Soul is like creating your second "incarnation" in your body.

This incarnation can be seen as a smaller version of yourself.

After the Nascent Soul is completed, you can officially enter the semi-immortal body and leave the mortal body. Even if the physical body is destroyed, the soul can be immortal.

If the first two steps are broken down, it generally takes the following processes.

Breaking the pill, leaving the room, entering the palace, refining, pure yang, gathering yin, combining the five elements, sitting on the stage, fetal formation, ascending to heaven, warming and nourishing, connecting the heart, practicing the law, fusion, and finally the infant formation!

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