Compared to Gu Qingqing, Luo Xi was somewhat calmer. Although he was also annoyed by the sudden intruder, he still bowed slightly.

"This senior, because a friend is in seclusion here to break through, this mountain needs to be closed for a while. If you want to pass through, please take a detour. I know that this request is a bit excessive, but you are an experienced person and should understand that this is the critical period for cultivators to break through, so I can only dare to ask for your forgiveness."

This was said neither servile nor arrogant, but also gentle and firm.

Mo Xun gave them the task of protecting the law. Even if a great cultivator came, they could not retreat.

Tian Xuanzi chuckled.

"Don't worry, the old Taoist just came to observe, but he has no malice at all!"

The three of them naturally did not believe this.

Who can be assured of having such a powerful person of unknown origin next to him when he is advancing?

After the thunder tribulation, it is the great tribulation of the inner demon.

Even if they don't have to do anything, just slightly disturbing the person who is going through the tribulation will cause incalculable consequences.

But what they said is hard to refute.

After all, so far, the other party has only been rude and has not made any excessive actions.

Can they still drive him away?

Besides, they can't beat him!

Thunder rumbled behind them, and lightning raged, illuminating the sky and the earth.

But in the air, there was a brief silence.

After Luo Xi and the other two looked at each other, they all didn't know how to deal with it.

In theory, destroying someone's advancement and breakthrough is tantamount to a life-and-death feud.

There was no deep hatred between them and this old Taoist, even if they met, it was the first time they met.

Even if the other party did all kinds of evil on weekdays, there was no reason for him to suddenly attack at this time.

But what if this person had bad intentions, what should they do?

Soon, some low-level cultivators in the crowd recognized this Taoist.

"Look, isn't that Taoist Tianxuanzi?"

"He is Tianxuanzi?"

"How can this be false? It is said that this senior only took more than 400 years to advance to the Nascent Soul stage. He is the best among our casual cultivators. I didn't expect to meet a real person here. It seems that the senior in the mountain will have some twists and turns if he wants to break through."

Although the voices of this discussion were not loud, they were clearly heard by the people who were confronting each other.

No one is a fool. Tianxuanzi is here now. Who can guarantee that he has no bad intentions?

Although there are no grudges without reason in this world, it is not ruled out that there are a few crazy people who like to make enemies with others just because of their skills.

But the question is, how to deal with this situation?

They have no excuses, nor do they have the strength to drive people away, and they can't just sit back and watch!

The three women were in a dilemma at the same time. Even if they were unwilling in their hearts, they couldn't act rashly.

"What should we do, you two?"

At this moment, even Luo Xi, who has always been calm, was completely at a loss and couldn't help but ask both sides through voice transmission.

Gu Qingqing snorted secretly.

"What else can we do? At worst, we can have a fight. With the combined efforts of the three of us, we may have a chance to win. Even if we can only hold this man back temporarily, someone will come to settle accounts with him after Brother Mo's inner demon catastrophe."

Hearing these bold words, Luo Xi had no confidence at all.

She knew better than anyone how powerful the Nascent Soul cultivators were.

When the ancestor was still alive, even though her father was already in the late Jindan stage, he still couldn't withstand the power of a palm.

Tian Xuanzi on the opposite side rolled his eyes and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, he really wanted to destroy Mo Xun's advancement.

There were not many Nascent Soul cultivators in Huanyunyuan. If another one was added for no reason, it would obviously not be a good thing.

This reason may not seem so high-sounding, but it fits the darkest side of people's hearts.

Another reason is that each of the three people in front of him is as graceful as a startling bird. If he can take them back to be used as a furnace, even if they are not used for cultivation, it is also good for carnal pleasure!

He may not be able to do anything now that he is in the process of thunder tribulation.

But as long as Mo Xun's Nascent Soul is not formed, he will have plenty of opportunities.

The only thing he needs to worry about is the low-level cultivators who are watching around.

Although he doesn't care much about his reputation, he still doesn't want to be known as a bad person.

Then he can only choose two ways.

Either kill everyone here and leave no one alive!

Then no matter what he does next, he will not be able to get out.

Or... find an excuse to do it, even if the excuse is lame, as long as it is reasonable.

After a brief hesitation, he was ready to choose the second method first.

As for the excuse, isn't it right in front of him?

Thinking of this, the smile on his mouth became even bigger!

"The three fairies are so beautiful, could they be the lovers of the person who is going through the tribulation?"

The three of them frowned at the same time and ignored this extremely frivolous provocation.

"The senior is a hermit, I think he won't embarrass us juniors, how about this, thousands of miles away is where my senior brother and I are from, I will accompany the senior there, I can also do some hospitality, I wonder if this is okay?"

This is the only way Luo Xi could think of after thinking for a long time.

At this moment, he can only lead this person away first, as for himself, he can only take one step at a time.

Gu Qingqing reacted at the same time and said quickly: "That's right, I will go with you."

After that, she turned her head and looked at Dong Qianxue.

"Junior Sister Dong, I'll leave this to you for the time being!"

In Gu Qingqing's view, she and Luo Xi have both reached the peak of Jindan. Even if they are defeated by then, they may still escape by joining forces.

Seeing that this thunder tribulation is about to end, the heart demon tribulation will only take one day at most.

As long as we can hold on, it will be fine!

Dong Qianxue naturally understood what the two meant, so she just opened her mouth and didn't say much.

But this shallow thought, how could it fool Tian Xuanzi.

"Hehe...I am not interested in your sect, but I have a little admiration for the fairies!"

Gu Qingqing raised her eyebrows, suddenly changed into a charming smile, and threw a coquettish eye at the other party.

"If that's the case, it'll be easier. I'll go with you. My master is also here. You may not know that my lifelong affairs have always been decided by my master. If my master agrees, I will do it without hesitation. Is that okay?"

This was just to tell the other party that there was another expert behind them.

After all, these few Jindan masters who suddenly appeared were a force to be reckoned with.

If you say that they were just casual cultivators who gathered together for no reason, I'm afraid not many people would believe it.

Tian Xuanzi frowned slightly, but soon, he showed a sneer again.

Because this lie was too easy to expose.

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