If there really was a sect behind them, how could these people choose such a wilderness place to survive the calamity?

"Oh? Then you might as well ask your master to come over. I have a lot of friends in my life, maybe we can even know each other!"

Gu Qingqing clenched her fist secretly, feeling a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

For a moment, she almost wanted to take action.

Seeing that the three women were on the verge of getting angry, Tian Xuanzi continued to say unscrupulously: "According to the old way, your best friend probably won't be able to pass this test. It's better to make plans for yourself as soon as possible. For example, follow the old way and let's work together. Study the method of dual cultivation so that you can achieve the supreme path as soon as possible."

Now that he was ready to tear his face apart, Tian Xuanzi had no plans to be kind.

What he is waiting for now is for the three of them to take action first.

So that the outside world could see that it was not Tian Xuanzi who deliberately disturbed others' breakthrough, but that these juniors were rude first.

He was just trying to protect the majesty of the Nascent Soul cultivator!

This time, let alone Gu Qingqing, even Fairy Luo raised her eyebrows in anger.

But out of rationality in her heart, she still chose to be patient.

"Senior, please respect yourself!"


Tian Xuanzi chuckled.

"Is it like this?"

As he spoke, an illusory hand that could only be felt at close range grabbed Luo Xi's chest.

Luo Xi was shocked and quickly retreated.

When Gu Qingqing saw this scene, she couldn't bear it anymore. She raised her hand and fired out several light blades, directly smashing the big hand transformed from spiritual power.

"Old Taoist, don't bully others too much!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Qingqing flicked the red water chestnut in her hand and walked straight to Tian Xuanzi's face.

Tian Xuanzi was waiting for this opportunity.

I saw him raising his hand to block it, and at the same time he coldly snorted and said loudly: "The old Taoist was passing by here, but you and the juniors wanted to kill you because of suspicion. It is really unreasonable. Anyway, I won't let you see the ability of Tian Xuanzi today, the old Taoist Hundreds of years of cultivation are in vain.”

These few words were spoken like a bell, instantly ringing in everyone's ears.

But most of the onlookers were not stupid enough to believe this deceptive rhetoric.

It's just that when word spreads in the future, it won't have too much influence on his Taoist name, Tian Xuanzi.

But when it comes to reputation, anyone who knows anything knows the bad reputation this Taoist scum has in Huanyunyuan!

Luo Xi also laughed angrily.

She didn't expect that a Nascent Soul cultivator could be so shameless.

But now that Gu Qingqing had taken action, she could no longer expect any mercy from the other party. She immediately took action with her long sword and turned into a stream of light and flew away.

In an instant, the three of them surrounded Tian Xuanzi.

The red caltrop, the long sword, and the soft whip all hit Tian Xuanzi head-on.

The rays of light flowed, and the huge mana impact completely submerged the area where the four people were in the blink of an eye.

One Nascent Soul and three Formation Pills attack at the same time, and the resulting formation can be described as earth-shattering.

There was thunder and lightning in the mountains, but outside the mountains everything was turned upside down!

The low-level monks nearby were blown away by the residual power of the magic power the moment they took action.

But this seemingly huge fight only lasted for a moment, and the three women flew out of the battlefield at the same time, vomiting blood.

This is the huge chasm between the great realms!

Even though Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi were only one step away from getting married, this short gap made it impossible for the two of them to fight for even one round.

As for Dong Qianxue, it was even worse.

Tian Xuanzi's laughter suddenly echoed in all directions.

"Everyone has also seen that it's not that I, the old Taoist, am looking for trouble, but these three fairies attacked me for no reason, and the old Taoist had no choice but to fight back."

What he said was as if he had been greatly wronged.

How brave must these female alchemy cultivators have been to dare to attack a Nascent Soul cultivator?

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Xuanzi was the first to fly towards Luo Xi who was nearby.

Luo Xi's heart trembled, she suppressed the spiritual energy rolling in her dantian, and was about to step back.

But the next moment, she was surprised to find that she was restrained by the other party's spiritual realm.

In panic, she quickly tried to cast a spell, but she couldn't even move a finger at the moment.

Seeing that Tian Xuanzi's big hand was about to catch him, a red caltrop suddenly flew out and wrapped directly around Tian Xuanzi's ankle.

It turned out that Gu Qingqing in the distance took action.

Gu Xianzi's situation is not much better at this moment.

Just one move seemed to have severely damaged many meridians in her body.

But despite this, she still took action at this critical moment.

Tian Xuanzi's body suddenly stagnated in mid-air, and then he snorted coldly when he gathered his magic power, and the red water chestnut broke in response.

This object is one of Gu Qingqing's natal magic weapons, and it is closely related to her heart.

The moment the red caltrop broke, Gu Qingqing's chest felt like it was struck by lightning, a large mouthful of blood spurted out, and her face instantly turned pale.

Luo Xi's eyes turned red when she saw this scene.

She never expected that Gu Qingqing, who always quarreled with her on weekdays, would actually come to the rescue at this time.

But under the Nascent Soul Spirit Realm, even though she was furious, there was nothing she could do.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Tian Xuanzi sneered, stretched out a big hand transformed from spiritual power directly on the spot, and grabbed Luo Xi head-on.

Dong Qianxue on the side flicked the soft whip in his hand, shooting out a scattered glow in the air.

The whip only touched Tian Xuanzi's protective divine light, and she flew out.

The spiritual hand in the air was not affected at all and was still approaching slowly.

Luo Xi looked at the palm print above her head that was getting closer and closer to her. She was angry, but she had no power to resist.

At this moment, with the last lightning falling, the thunder tribulation in the mountain was finally over.

Luo Xi looked at Mo Xun standing under the dark clouds in despair, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Then she slowly closed her eyes.

But then, she didn't wait for the expected pain, but heard a scream.

She hurriedly opened her eyes, only to see that the originally arrogant Tian Xuanzi had a broken arm at this moment, and blood was pouring from his arm. The whole person was shaky and had already retreated a hundred feet away.

The giant hand above her head had also disappeared.

The restraints on her body disappeared at the same time.

Looking at the air in the distance, a silver sword was suspended, emitting a chill.

It was the Jade Sky Sword!

Everyone's eyes were focused on Mo Xun on the top of the mountain.

The golden light on Mo Xun's body still did not dissipate.

A pair of icy eyes stared at Tian Xuanzi.

"What's going on? Has the senior succeeded in advancing?"

"Impossible, there is still the Nascent Soul Heart Tribulation after the Thunder Tribulation!"


Sorry, fellow Taoists, I'm busy with things soon, but I should resume normal updates next time, and I will add more when I have time!

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