Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 859 The Bridge of Good and Evil

After all, he is in a fantasy now, and even if he dies, it should not affect reality.

But as soon as this thought came up, he realized that something was wrong.

It seemed that for so long, he had been guided by the other party to think, or to follow the other party's ideas.

The person in front of him was his obsession, but then again, what was he obsessed with?


This was his original intention that had never wavered since he came out of Xiaoling Village.

In other words, the other self in front of him was his obsession with immortality.

So killing the other party would make him give up immortality, wouldn't it?

He probably understood the previous sentence a little.

I am you, but not you!

This obsession did come from his heart, so it was not wrong to say that it was him.

But this obsession seemed to have spiritual wisdom, guiding him to commit suicide step by step, which is why it was not him.

He was 80% sure that once he died, the other party would never disappear, but would replace him.

Just like the inner demon that Gong Yang finally attracted in the illusion.

Looking at the same obsession in front of him, Mo Xun suddenly smiled.

Since his obsession is immortality, why should he give it up?

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned around and left.

"Hey, where are you going..."

The call behind him just disappeared halfway through.

Mo Xun did not look back, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and strode into the darkness.

Since some things cannot be given up, why not hold them?

He did not believe that the immortals really had no seven emotions and six desires. If that was the case, what was the difference between them and a piece of stubborn stone that lived as long as the heaven and the earth?

Becoming an immortal is not just giving up blindly. Sometimes you have to know how to accept it calmly with a peaceful mind.

Accept everything in the world, accept greed, anger, and ignorance in your heart.

As long as consciousness exists, these things can never be abandoned.

Even immortals are no exception!

The next moment, the darkness suddenly disappeared, and a steep cliff appeared in front of him.

Below the cliff, there is a turbulent river with rolling waves, and the sound of rumbling water can be heard in the ears.

There is a long suspension bridge on each side, extending to the other side of the river where the end is invisible.

One is completely white, and the other is black as if dyed with ink.

In front of the white bridge, there is a stone tablet with the word "good" engraved on it, and in front of the black bridge, there is a word "evil" erected.

Bridge of good and evil?

This is the first reaction in Mo Xun's mind.

Could it be that this catastrophe is a choice between good and evil?

If so, wouldn't it be too easy?

All people should choose good and abandon evil!

But is it so simple?

Standing in front of the two bridges, he did not make a choice for a long time.

He has been a good person along the way, but he has not done any evil things.

Just like when he was in the Five Elements Sect, he killed someone's disciple for the Qianyuan Fruit.

Although it was not his intention, killing is killing, and there is no need to make too many excuses.

Also, when he was in the sea of ​​monsters, he dragged countless innocent monsters into the water in order to avoid being hunted down by Cha Shan.

And the catastrophe of Liangyi Sect was probably caused by the magic seal in his hand.

Even if many people were not directly buried in his hands, they were inseparable from him.

So strictly speaking, he is not a good person.

But do you want to say that he is evil?

He will definitely deny it.

In general, he believes that he has both good and evil, but his heart is more inclined to good.

But what do these two bridges in front of him mean?

He looked up at the other side, and under the fog, he couldn't see the end at all.

Choosing the good bridge means that he admits that he is a good person, or that he can only be a good person in the future?

What does it mean if he chooses the evil bridge?

He has always believed that there is no absolute good and evil in this world. Everyone has two bridges in their hearts. It's just that they will make different choices under different circumstances.

But he can be good and evil on weekdays, so how should he choose now?

He wanted to try to fly over from a high altitude, but was surprised to find that he could not use magic power here, and even his spiritual consciousness disappeared.

He stayed in front of the two bridges for half a day.

Only after making up his mind did he step onto the white Shan Bridge.

Since he didn't know how to choose, he could only follow his heart.

The suspension bridge swayed above the turbulent river, and he stepped carefully on each wooden board.

The river water below was yellow like mud and sand. He didn't know what the consequences would be if he fell down, but it would definitely not be good.

Not far away, the scene in front of him stunned him.

This was actually a broken bridge, and there was a person hanging at the broken place.

This person was indeed hanging, with his arms open, one hand tied to this side of the bridge, and the other hand, tied to the broken bridge on the other side.

The whole suspension bridge was not completely broken, precisely because of the traction of this person's two arms.

From a distance, it looked like a powerful mountain god had pulled the two broken bridges together.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel surprised, wondering what was going on?

When he approached the broken part, the man's eyelids moved slightly. After a quick check, he found that the other person was not dead.

He shouted twice, but got no answer.

The man's arms were tied to the broken bridge with some kind of vine.

There were deep blood marks on his wrists.

The clothes on his body were also tattered, and his skinny body was constantly swinging with the suspension bridge, and his breath was almost weak to the point of disappearing.

It seemed that he would die completely in a few moments.

It was actually very simple to cross from here, just step on the other person's body.

But since this was a good bridge, he certainly couldn't do that.

And he had no way to save this person.

If he untied the vine on his wrist, the whole bridge would definitely break completely. At that time, let alone saving people, even he himself would fall into the river below.

He fumbled around for a while, but couldn't find a rope or something.

He tried to take off his clothes and wanted to use his robe as a rope to replace this person, but found that it was not long enough.

He then wanted to go back to see if he could find a tough rope, but as soon as he turned around, he found an invisible barrier behind him.

In other words, this bridge can only be entered, but not retreated!

He was really dumbfounded this time, and stood there in a daze for a while, not knowing what to choose?

Since he is Shanqiao, he must rescue this person.

But the key question is, how to rescue?

Or, he has no ability to rescue people at all.

Now there are two ways in front of him.

Either ignore it and walk over this person, or rescue him according to the principle of doing good.

The former is naturally against Shanqiao's original intention.

As for the latter, it means that he will fall into the water with this person.

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