Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 860: Original Intention

What is "good"?

This is the biggest question in Mo Xun's mind at the moment.

Thinking about it, this is also a choice that must be made in the process of becoming an immortal.

If there is no distinction between good and evil in a person's heart, how far can he go on the great road?

Saving others counts as a good deed, but sacrificing oneself to save others counts even more!

But the key point is that even if he rescues this person now, the two of them will not survive.

In other words, even if he sacrifices himself, he cannot save others.

That is not kindness, but foolishness!

He just looked at the man hanging in mid-air quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, but he suddenly said: "I know you can hear me. Maybe you yourself are transformed by the good thoughts in my heart, but I don’t think I am that great..."

His eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I always act according to my heart. The more experiences I have, the less kind thoughts I have. In this world of the jungle, if I hadn't been more ruthless, I wouldn't be where I am today. I don't believe in those so-called Immortals are all good people. Take Tian Xuanzi who appeared earlier as an example. Even such a despicable person can cultivate into Nascent Soul. That means that the Great Dao is not divided into good and evil. You... are just me. It’s just a barrier that I set for myself deep down.”

He looked up into the distance, his thoughts seeming to wander to a place with no end in sight.

Then he suddenly pointed at the man in front of him and roared in an almost roaring manner.

"I have killed people, and many people, but so what? Don't they deserve to die? I have done my duty in Xunyang County and just want to have a quiet cultivation environment, but how did the eldest lady of the Su family treat her? Mine? What did I get in exchange for my kindness? Qishan wanted to kill me because of half of his skills. I went to report the news to the Liu family brothers, but they didn't even ask, and they wanted to put me to death. Hu Weizhou in the sea is sinister and vicious, and he wants to sacrifice me. Just after leaving the thunder sea, Young Master Dongyi kills him indiscriminately. If I had been kinder and gentler, how could I survive today? "

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

It was as if he wanted to vent out all the experiences he had experienced over the years.

"And what about the Akabane Sect? First, my grandson came to trouble me, and grandpa came to take revenge unwillingly. But what happened to me in the end? But I just killed the culprit. Did I implicate an innocent person? Those grandmasters ganged up to kill me. I, they even harmed Yun Niang, how could I ever destroy all their families?"

In more than two hundred years, he had never been so out of control.

Even between life and death, he always suppressed the emotions in his heart.

At this moment, he was like a child who had been wronged.

He never thought about making things difficult for others, but those people kept crawling on him like maggots attached to his bones.

He can only crush them all to death one by one!

But just because he killed a few more people out of self-protection, this damn inner demon made him choose between good and evil.

If it is true that good and evil are rewarded in this world, just like Emperor Xuan, why can he still be free and become an immortal?

"I don't do evil, but you can't force me to be stupid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked forward without hesitation.

Just when he was about to step on the man's body, the man suddenly opened his eyes and then slowly raised his head.

"Is this your choice?"

Mo Xun regained his previous calmness and indifference, and looked coldly at his feet.

"If I have to succumb to your so-called kindness in order to cross this bridge, then don't take this avenue!"

After saying that, he stepped forward without looking back.

Then a bang was heard, and the rattan tied to the man's wrist broke inch by inch.

Then the entire suspension bridge began to shake violently.

Instinctively, Mo Xun jumped forward and jumped directly to the opposite half of the bridge.

But no matter how fast he is, as long as the bridge breaks, he will fall into the water no matter what.

Just when he was ready to fall, the man's hands suddenly grabbed the chains on the bridge on both sides.

The suspension bridge that was about to be disconnected came back together precariously.

Mo Xun couldn't help being stunned. He turned to look at the man behind him.

The two looked at each other, looking at each other.

Mo Xun felt as if he was staring into his heart.

After a long time, the man spoke calmly.

"Let's go!"

These three words were said in no detail, but Mo Xun understood them.

He didn't ask the reason, and it seemed like he didn't need to ask. He just nodded lightly and walked forward.

If he hadn't said those words, he would have felt that no matter what choice he made, it would be difficult to pass this level.

If you want to overcome your inner demons, you must first follow your heart!

If he saves the other person because of the word "good", he is going against his original intention to please, and going against his own will simply to escape the tribulation.

Good things can enter the Tao, and evil can also enter the Tao.

The world will not only allow good to exist, nor will it indulge the growth of evil.

The two bridges of good and evil are originally a false proposition.

On the other hand, if he had walked over without hesitation from the beginning...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

If that were the case, it wouldn't be him!

These years have taught him many lessons and taught him a lot.

In the process, he changed many of his once self-righteous ideas, but he also stuck to some things from beginning to end.

For example, Qi Ruyan, he could have done with her after the first transaction, but he still brought her out of Tiankui Realm.

And Wen Yue back then.

The two of them could be said to be strangers, but he still rescued her when he left the collapsed cave.

If he could lend a hand in doing good deeds, he would not reject doing so.

So he stepped over that person without any psychological burden, which was not in line with his heart.

The suspension bridge swung slowly, and soon he disappeared in the clouds.

Then there was another change in front of him, and the world suddenly seemed to be covered with a layer of red gauze.

All he saw was red.

A woman walked slowly in the distance, with a graceful figure and a beautiful body.

Her black hair fell straight to her waist, her fair skin was better than winter snow, her delicate face was as beautiful as a crown of jade, and her eyes were like water in her frowns and smiles, like Chang'e in the moon!

She was wearing a red dress that was as bright as fire, like a beautiful woman waiting to be married.

A lotus emerging from the water, no more than that!

The most beautiful woman in the world is not even one tenth of her!

She is so perfect that there is not a single flaw.

Mo Xun swore that this woman was the most stunning one among all the women she had ever seen.

How could there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

Mo Xun couldn't help but stare at him in a daze.

But soon, he came to his senses.

The woman looked him up and down, with a faint smile on her lips.

The so-called tender eyes are like cherry blossoms in full bloom, probably refers to this!

"Can you guess who I am?"

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