Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 871 Anshuimufang City

Anshui Mufang City is the closest gathering place for immortal cultivators to Golden Maple Valley.

Today's market is particularly lively. At this time, an extremely grand auction is being held in an Immortal Breathing Building.

The reason why it is said to be huge does not mean that the scale is unprecedented, but that among the participants, there are actually four Nascent Souls and six Pill Formers!

It stands to reason that if such a lineup is placed at any auction, the boss will be ecstatic!

Even if you don't buy a thing, today will be the highlight moment of Anshui Mufang City.

But since a group of ten people entered the auction house, the entire venue fell into absolute silence.

The host in the middle stage of foundation building has always been known for his lively atmosphere, but at this moment he didn't even dare to take a breath.

After most of the auction, what I said was not as good as usual.

It can be said that words are cherished like gold!

The monks who participated in the auction were also on tenterhooks. Even when bidding, they had to carefully look in the direction of the box.

I was afraid that I might accidentally bump into the noble person above me.

As a result, in the auction room with more than a thousand people, there were only a few people holding placards.

As for the owner here, he is even more frightened and uneasy.

I have already given instructions to the person who presided over it. Whenever someone calls out the price in the box, no matter how much money is offered, other people must not be given the opportunity to continue to increase the price. The price must be dropped immediately!

It doesn't matter whether you lose or make money, the important thing is not to be surprised.

In fact, any one of these ancestors could destroy his residence in an instant.

In the box, four Nascent Soul monks were sitting on both sides.

A few pill formations were sparsely sitting on the left and right.

The four people are Mu Congnan and Feng Yuxiu, the supreme elders of Tiangui Sect, Fairy Xuanjing of Saint Lady Palace, and Master Fengying of Sanxiu.

This group of people came here just because they heard that three Peiyuan Heart Fruits would appear in today's auction.

This spiritual fruit is the main medicine for refining the Yuanxin Pill!

And the Peiyuan Heart Pill is an excellent elixir that can break through the bottleneck in the middle stage of pill formation and step into the later stage.

Among the six alchemy monks, two are now in the middle stage, and judging from their cultivation, it seems that they are about to reach a breakthrough.

I think this elixir was probably prepared for the two of them.

Fairy Xuanjing deserves to be called the Taoist Master of the Holy Maiden Palace.

Putting aside her own Nascent Soul realm, her stunning beauty alone would probably make countless men fall in love.

Although he is stern, it is precisely because of the coldness that makes people think more.

When men like women, they always favor extremes.

Either she is so charming and weak that people feel pity at the first sight.

Or it's so cold that it's bone-chilling, giving you a chill when you look at it from a distance.

And this kind of woman is more likely to inspire men's desire to conquer!

Lolita and Yujie, two completely opposite styles, can be liked by a man at the same time.

Fairy Xuanjing belongs to the latter.

Next to her, there was a woman sitting next to her who also had no smile.

In terms of appearance, it seems that she is not inferior to Fairy Xuanjing, but her eyebrows are a little more lively and she looks younger.

The woman was currently staring intently at an item on the auction floor, seemingly slightly distracted.

It was a bottle of elixir used during the Qi refining period, called Baoxin Dan.

When she heard this name, the woman's body trembled slightly.

As if thinking of something far away, his eyes were so dull and motionless!

"Yunshang, what's wrong with you?"

Just when the woman was stunned, a message from Fairy Xuanjing came to her ears.


After hearing this insincere answer and the unnatural look on the other person's face, Xuan Jing had probably guessed something.

"Do you miss them again?"

The woman lowered her head sadly, and after a long time, she said softly: "I'm fine, master!"

Xuan Jing sighed softly in his heart.

"Alas! It's been more than two hundred years. No matter how long your relatives live, how can they live to this day? Besides, you will go to southern Xinjiang every twenty or thirty years in these years. , have you ever found their whereabouts? Didn't you tell me that you were chosen as a saint together with Bai Zixi, both in terms of appearance and spiritual talent? In order to be suppressed by it all the time, you have spent a whole life in the middle stage of the pill formation. After refining the Peiyuan Heart Pill this time, you must seize the opportunity and don't let me down again!"

The woman probably heard these words often, so she didn't think much about it. Instead, she persuaded her: "Master, there is no need to have such prejudice against Senior Sister Bai. After all, she is Master's direct disciple, and she is also very good to me in private." , If my senior sister had not often enlightened my disciples over the years, it might be difficult for me to persist to this day. As for the reason why my disciples went to southern Xinjiang, it was more because they wanted to find their enemies from back then. "

Xuan Jing snorted coldly.

"Do you think the two masters and disciples really have good intentions? It's also strange that I have kept you by my side all these years without going out for much experience. You must know that the most dangerous people in the world are those sanctimonious and hypocritical people. Zi Xi keeps bringing up her former relatives in front of you, just to make it difficult for you to forget, so that you can't let go of your love, so that the position of the palace master can be firmly held in their hands. "

"That's not the case, master, senior sister is really nice to me, and..."

After a short pause, the woman said with courage: "And I think Senior Sister Bai should be more suitable for the position of Palace Master. My personality is too weak and my cultivation is not high. In the future, I just need to assist Senior Sister!"

When Xuan Jing heard this, his face had already darkened.

He also forgot where this place was. His Nascent Soul cultivation was out of control. At the same time, he raised his hand and slapped it, directly shattering the armrest of the chair.

This sudden pressure from the Nascent Soul immediately covered the entire auction venue, causing the low-level cultivators who were already sitting upright to change their faces.

Some of those with weaker cultivation spurted blood on the spot under the impact of this powerful magic power.

The venue suddenly fell into a dead silence!

You could hear a pin drop!

It seemed that even the air had become solidified.

"Asshole, your master has trained you for many years, and you are so willing to degenerate?"

This sentence was blurted out by Xuan Jing directly.

All the eyes in the box were focused on the master and his disciple.

The two of them had communicated with each other, so naturally they had been noticed by everyone.

It was just a private conversation between the master and his disciple, so it was not easy for others to interfere.

But now it was no longer possible, because the beautiful and cold Fairy Xuan Jing was obviously on the verge of exploding.

Maybe she would personally teach the disciples the next moment.

If it was in their own territory, no matter what they did, it would be understandable, but in front of thousands of cultivators from the outside world, they would inevitably be laughed at.

Happy New Year, fellow Taoists!

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