"Fellow Daoist Xuanjing, why are you so angry?"

Xuan Jing's fair face turned red with anger. It must be said that this woman was very charming even when she was angry.

It's a pity that this good-looking person actually entered the Tao with ruthlessness.

Xuan Jing gasped for a long time with lingering anger, and then slowly calmed down.

"The scoundrels refused to obey the rules, which made Brother Mu laugh."

Mu Congnan laughed.

"In my opinion, it's probably because Taoist fellow Xuan Jing is too strict. The disciple is only about two hundred years old now. With his current achievements, even in the entire Huanyunyuan, he can be regarded as a leader among his peers. "

"Brother Mu has given you too much praise. My disciple may have had some qualifications in his early years. Jin Dan, who is less than a hundred years old, is indeed worthy of the word "intelligent". But you should know that our martial art has always been based on asking questions and cutting emotions. , the further you go, the more ruthless you need to be, but this scoundrel has never been able to understand the secret. Now, he has stayed in this state for sixty or seventy years. I have visited famous medicines for this purpose, but I can't help him. After crossing the bottleneck, if I hadn't heard that there was a Peiyuan Heart Fruit for sale here, I wouldn't have brought it here. Maybe this would be the end of my life. Even so, what's annoying is that this scoundrel is still here. Not being able to repent really makes me hate the iron!"

At this time, Master Feng Ling on the side interrupted and said with a smile: "What's the trouble with this? If it is based on the standards of fairies, then I should have died of shame and anger at the age of five hundred to achieve Nascent Soul. You and I are practicing Taoism." People only care about the results, what does it matter about the intermediate process?”

Afterwards, Feng Yuxiu also gave a few words of advice.

This person is the Patriarch Feng mentioned by Qu Zhiling before, and he is also the Supreme Elder of the Tiangui Sect who is close to Tian Xuanzi.

A harmonious atmosphere returned to the box, but the host and the bidding monk outside did not dare to make the slightest move.

Only after it was confirmed that the pressure of the Nascent Soul was completely gone did the bidding start again.

Being with high-level monks is often so scary.

The slightest anger from someone can affect this group of innocent fish in the pond.

There was only bitterness on Xuan Jing's face. As for the real reason for her anger, she naturally couldn't tell her.

Over time, sects often have factions.

This is true when men are together, let alone a sect formed entirely by women?

The original decline of Saint Lady's Palace was partly due to the late great monk who fell in love with his disciples.

On the other hand, why doesn’t it have its own reasons?

After the master said something to the woman next to her, her face turned red with embarrassment.

Although I had some complaints about the master's teachings, I could only endure it.

This woman called "Yun Shang" was the second young lady of the Su family who had a ten-year date with Mo Xun.

It was said to be an agreement, but in fact it was just a few emotional words from Mo Xun back then.

He was only a teenager at that time, so how could he know what love between a man and a woman meant?

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than the beginning of an unknown love between a boy and a girl.

The original agreement was relatively vague, and it only stated that if he didn't return in ten years, he would ask the other party not to wait for him anymore.

As for what he was waiting for, maybe even Mo Xun himself didn't know!

In the end, he did go back, but the land was gone and empty of people.

He investigated this for a period of time, but later by chance he went to Xihezhou, and the matter fell into disuse.

In Mo Xun's plan, he must make another trip back to southern Xinjiang.

Maybe the haziness of youth has faded away, but after all, I have to give myself an explanation.

He really wanted to know what happened back then, maybe he just wanted the truth.

As luck would have it, the second young lady of the Su family ended up here.

If the two meet again, who knows what the scene will be like?

When Fairy Xuanjing saw Su Yunshang still sitting there without saying a word, she became angrier as she thought about it.

Just when he was about to rebuke him again, a young man came over.

"Uncle Xuanjing, this junior thinks that Junior Sister Yun Shang must have known that she was wrong. You don't need to be so angry. This junior and junior sister have similar cultivation levels. They have also been trapped in the current state for decades, so they understand their feelings best. , but my dad told me that the more urgent it is, the more difficult it is to break through. Most of the time, it is better to just let nature take its course."

Xuan Jing raised her eyebrows. Although she knew what the other party said was reasonable, being lectured by a junior in front of so many people made her feel a little embarrassed.

It's just that the person in front of him has a somewhat special identity.

This man's name is Feng Boping, and he is Feng Yuxiu's eldest son.

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner. It's not easy to get angry in front of someone's father.

And when he raised his eyes, he happened to see a pair of rather interesting eyes.

"Could it be that this kid in front of me has fallen in love with her as a disciple?"

Xuan Jing's heart couldn't help but move. If it were normal, she would definitely let this ignorant junior have a taste of the consequences of trying to trick her disciple, the Holy Maiden.

But in an instant, she seemed to have thought of an excellent way.

This method is somewhat despicable.

The reason why her disciple couldn't cut off his feelings was because he missed his former relatives.

On the other hand, as far as she knew it was because of a man she met when she was young.

Although Yunshang kept it secret, every time he returned to southern Xinjiang, he would secretly inquire about a loose cultivator who lived more than two hundred years ago.

As a master, how could she not know this?

So if you want to make her cut off her love, you must make her hate men.

As the saying goes, there is no construction without destruction, isn't it a way?

This time, I came to buy the Peiyuan Heart Fruit, in fact, for these two people.

In other words, this is probably God's will.

Then for Xuan Jing, there are two problems to consider.

First, how to implement this plan completely and ensure that she stays out of it is the most critical.

From the look in Feng Boping's eyes when he looked at Su Yunshang, this kid probably has lustful thoughts about his disciple.

So she only needs to find an opportunity to let Yunshang lose her virginity to the other party, which will inevitably arouse the disciple's murderous intentions, or even hate men.

Hate first, then cut!

This is the most personal experience as a woman who has been hurt by love.

Thinking back then, she also experienced a past that she couldn't bear to look back on, which led to her current achievements.

Although the skills of their Saint Maiden Palace emphasize cutting off love, there is no need to keep virginity.

That is to say, even if she suffered such a thing, it would not affect her future cultivation at all.

Although this method sounds a bit absurd and mean, it is the most effective and quickest for Xuan Jing.

As for the Pei Yuan Heart Pill, she didn't hold much hope at all.

She had used pills that were many times better than this one on Yun Shang, but after decades, isn't it still the same?

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